He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1010 Reggie Elech!

Chapter 1010 Reggie Elech!
The left and right shaking of the rock sculpture in front of him quickly turned into a violent vibration.

Boom! !
In the end, the entire giant rock exploded violently, and countless rubble scattered.

"Three-in-one magnet monster, use protection!!"

Tie Xuan's two magnetic monsters held up the green light barrier, protecting everyone behind them.

When the smoke and gravel fell, the scene in front of them made everyone stunned.

I saw that the original five- or six-meter-high rock statue had been completely shattered, but in the nowhere gravel pile, there was a strange existence.

About 1.2 meters in height, the yellowish blue crystal body is like a yellow stone pillar-shaped crystal.

There is no facial expression, but the part of the head is engraved with orange dot matrix marks, and on the sides and bottom of the crystal column are inlaid metal rings stacked with one punch, which seems to be some kind of special installation.


At this moment, this Pokémon stood upright in front of everyone, with only the trunk of a crystal stone pillar, no lower limbs or arms, and no vital reaction.

"Is this a Pokémon.?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head and quickly took out the picture book.It turns out that there is such a being in this huge rock statue?
"DiDi. I can't find this Pokémon."

The picture book, which has always been well-informed, has also become a Muggle this time.

And it's actually more like a columnar crystal than a normal Pokémon.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Tie Xuan showed an extremely shocked expression, and said with some uncertainty in his mouth:

"Reggie Reggie Elage?"

The three of Xiaozhi: "?"

Really Pokemon?

Tie Xuan took a deep breath, and then he gradually calmed down. He kept recalling the countless ancient documents that Zeng Jin had consulted when he was still working in the Da Zijin company in order to find this dream city.

Among them, there is a detailed record of the latter.

In the Fangyuan area, the legend of the Three Gods Pillars has been circulating since ancient times. It is said that because of its extremely powerful power, it was sealed by ancient humans.

But according to Tie Xuan's investigation, it is not actually the Three Gods Pillars.

It's the Five Gods Pillars!
However, since the records of the Five Gods Pillars are far less than the records of the Three Gods Pillars, Tie Xuan didn't care too much, and just regarded it as some wrong history.

It's just that there is also an Electric God Pillar. Since it has the same attributes as his own, Tie Xuan deliberately wrote down this long list of names.

"Reggie Elage?"

Xiao Zhi repeated the name and looked up and down the crystal stone pillar in front of him.

It doesn't seem to have any life at all

Looking at the latter's appearance, Tie Xuan frowned again.

According to the expression in ancient books, Reggie Elech is different from other calm pillars.

And it has flexible limbs and can jump around on the ground.
"This is?"

Tie Xuan turned his gaze to the metal ring on the side of Reggie Elech.

With his years of experience as an electrician, this should be some kind of resistive device, if not mistaken.

The resistance devices on both sides and the bottom are also roughly at the connection parts of the limbs.
"So Reggie Elage's limbs are restricted by this device?"

Thinking of this, Tie Xuan was also decisive and raised his hand directly.

"Three-in-one magnet monster, use the electric discharge trick on it!"

Now that it is restricted, increase the power input to break through and it will be over.

And this Reggie Elech, who is only in a state to be activated, the obvious source of activation is electrical energy.

Zizizi! !

The three-in-one Magneto exerted force, and lightning burst out, all of which fell on Reggie Elech.

The blue lightning of the negative pole did not disperse, but like water into a sponge, it was immediately completely absorbed by Reggie Elech's crystal body.


This also caused the Reggie Elech to emit a mysterious telegraph sound, and the dot matrix marks on his face began to flash in a staggered manner.

Resistive devices on both sides of the crystal column, and yellow currents begin to flow outwards

But in less than a while, as if being extinguished by water, the electric current that had just burst out disappeared, and Reggie Elecchi's head fell silent again.

"Is there not enough electricity?"

Tie Xuan frowned secretly. Since it can work, it proves that this road is feasible.

"Is there not enough electricity? Leave it to me!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi strode forward.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he could understand the lack of electricity.


Pikachu jumped down in front of Reggie Elech even more, and the current in his body was ready to go, and the consumption of the previous and Thunder Beast had almost recovered.

"If that's the case, use all your strength to strike the thunder!!"

Xiao Zhi commanded and shouted.

Boom! !

When the words fell, a thick golden lightning burst out suddenly, and bombarded the crystal stone pillar in unison.


This time, Reggie Ellich still made a rapid telegraph sound, the dot matrix marks flashed randomly, and the metal rings on both sides generated a subtle current outward, which continued to spread and extend.

"That's it, keep going!!"

Seeing that the electric shock worked, Ash shouted loudly from behind, and Pikachu bit harder and drove the horsepower to the maximum.

Boom! !

Nuo Da's lightning beam finally burst into full force on Reggie Elec's body, so that everyone around them could only hide their faces and cover the recoil from the strong wind.

And wait until a few people turn their heads again
The crystal stone pillar that was originally in the shape of a dead object has completely new vitality at this moment.

The turquoise lightning that burst out from the metal rings on both sides continued to sparkle, like two current arms without palms.

The metal ring below also burst out with energy lightning, turning into two short and small current lower limbs, making it a lot taller.

The abnormal Q-bombs of the lower limbs of the electric current are like springs that exert force when they touch the ground.


Reggie Elage's whole body was like a flea, bouncing briskly back and forth.

"Beep beep~!"

The dot pattern on his face flashed, as if he was saying something.

"Really fully resurrected?!"

Tie Xuan's eyes widened completely, but he didn't expect the legendary Electric God Pillar to actually appear in front of his eyes.

It's just such an existence, why is it in this underground city?
And why was it embedded in a rocky boulder?

Dah! !
Dah! !
It's just that before Tie Xuan thought about anything, there were several crisp sounds all around the crowd.

Like the sound of an electrical switch being flipped.

In the next instant, every corner building in the entire new Zijin underground city lit up with bright and dazzling light!

The dignified and oppressive dead energy in the air disappeared in an instant, causing everyone to breathe out a breath of air.

The city of New Viola, with Reggie Elage's awakening, has officially started to operate!

(End of this chapter)

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