He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1035 Dragon Scales and Meteor Waterfall

Chapter 1035 Dragon Scales and Meteor Waterfall
Zeng Jin's fire-attribute heavenly king, Mula, spent the first half of his life guarding the Puyan gymnasium diligently, and in the second half of his life he served as the alliance heavenly king for the Fangyuan Alliance. It can be said that he has been working for the official all his life.

Pokémon fighting or something, Mura, who is now retired, doesn't want to touch it at all.

If it weren't for the worry that his granddaughter couldn't support it, Mula would have followed the old grandparents in the town on a self-driving tour for the elderly.

"Asha, then this gym will be handed over to you."

Mula patted her granddaughter on the shoulder, and when she spit out this sentence, she felt even more relieved, and her whole body just felt relaxed and relaxed.

Well, although the strength is still a little worse. But Asha is still young, and her strength will always increase little by little.

In the future, although I don't say that I can become the king of the alliance like myself, at least a strong gym trainer is not a problem.

"As for your challenge, it's impossible for me to accept it"

Mulla turned to look at Ash.

At this moment, the Pokémon on him have all retired, and he only carries a hot beast for emergencies.

These words made Xiao Zhi frown.

However, Mura quickly turned his attention to the coal turtle next to him.

One has the same sunshine characteristics as Groudon, and the future is promising.

Saying that, Mura took out a piece of fire-red ore from his arms, and placed it in the hollow of the shell of this coal turtle.

"Then this fiery rock will be given to you as a gift."

This is a special rock found by Mura from Chimney Mountain. Pokémon carrying this item, whether it is the characteristic sunshine, or the active sunny day move, the number of rounds that the weather lasts will increase a lot.

Hearing that, Xiaozhi quickly forgot the trouble of being unable to fight, and patted the coal turtle's shell with a happy expression.

"Wow, then you can come out and have a sunny day in the future, and then go back!"

Only then did he know why the Coal Turtle was also called Little Groudon in the previous illustrated book, which originally referred to the characteristics of sunshine.

"Hmph, as long as we continue to become stronger, Groudon will be called the Little Coal Turtle in the future!"

Xiao Zhi shouted arrogantly.


It's just that the Coal Turtle turned his head and almost cried out.

Like this, does this mean that it is completely regarded as a tool person in the sunny day?

"Ha ha."

However, Mula next to him quickly calmed Ash's excitement.

After all, this is the Fangyuan area. To say that Groudon is a little coal turtle is the greatest humiliation to the God of the Earth.

Maybe when Xiao Zhi walks to Chimney Mountain, because of the resentment of the Earth Volcano, the volcano will erupt directly and die on the spot.
The next day, after a good rest in Buyan Town, the three of Ash hit the road again.

At this moment, the three of them returned to the location where they had entered the town before. Since there were dead ends on three sides of Fuyan Town, they could only go back the same way.

Asha followed the guests along the way.

Although her face is still visible to the naked eye, she expresses strong dissatisfaction with Xiao Zhi's behavior.


Ash just turned his head away and pretended not to see it.

It wasn't until a few people came to the flame path that Asha continued to say:
"You have obtained four badges now. Then the next gym should go to the Chenghua gym in Chenghua City."

This gym is the only gym in the entire Fangyuan area, and the only gym that has a challenger's personal requirements limit, that is, the challenger must obtain at least four badges to be eligible to challenge.

Although there is no obvious east-west division in the Fangyuan area, there is actually a sea in the middle, and the remaining three gymnasiums are all in the eastern area of ​​the sea.

"Then you will return to Zijin City on the same road, and then go west to Luyin Town, where the Kalu Tunnel has been opened, and you can take a shortcut back to Chenghua City."

Asha repaid her grievances with virtue, and kindly pointed the way for the three of them.

Hearing that, Xiaozhi naturally has his eyes fixed, and he is about to cross the flame path in front of him again.


At this time, Xiao Zhi's backpack suddenly began to vibrate inexplicably.

Xiaozhi: "?"

There shouldn't be any elf eggs in his bag, right?

Xiao Zhi quickly opened the backpack and poured out all the contents inside.

Everyone was curious, and even Asha surrounded her without knowing it.

Among the several devices and props, the source of the vibration was actually a conical orange-yellow scale.

It is more like a complete circular scale, but it was broken and divided into conical fragments with tips.

"I remember that this is the dragon scale sent by the Genji Heavenly King?"

Xiaozhi put the things back in the bag, and then grabbed the fragmented dragon scale in his hand, and there was a slight tremor in the palm of his hand.

"Heavenly King Yuanzhi?"

Asha next to him was stunned. How could this guy know other heavenly kings?

His grandfather and Yuanzhi were considered heavenly kings at the same time. Asha had met the latter once before. He was a tough captain, much more domineering than his grandfather looked.

"It seems that Mr. Genji also said that this is a token of Meteor Falls.?"

Xiaogang also remembered something, recalled.

It seems that this is close to Meteor Falls, so does this dragon scale token respond?

Is it so bizarre?
Asha doesn't know about the token, but she still knows Meteor Falls.

"Meteor Falls, then you have to go north, bypass Chimney Mountain and then go west to a huge cave."

This makes it impossible to take the inner flame trail, but walks directly from the surface of Chimney Hill.

But speaking, this road can actually reach Chenghua City, which is equivalent to a small circle and a large circle.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go to Meteor Falls!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed, and he held the dragon scale tightly in his hand, and immediately changed his path.

He remembered that King Genji mentioned that in the depths of Meteor Falls, there are many powerful dragon-type Pokémon, just so he could catch one!
So the three said goodbye to Asha, and instead of entering the entrance of the flame path, they walked towards the stone platform stairs extending northward beside the entrance.

It seems that this road is to climb directly over half of Chimney Hill.

Chimney Hillside.

The speed of the three of Xiaozhi's climbing is not very fast, but there are artificially built staircases along the way, so there is no need to climb up with bare hands.

"Hey, I knew I would take the cable car directly!!"

Xiao Lan couldn't help but said.

From time to time, the aerial cable car passing over the three of them made them envious.

This cable car track seems to only connect the foot of the mountain and the top of the mountain. There is no stop in the middle and the starting point is at the other end of the flame trail. The few of them can only watch it at the moment.

"But the temperature here is really weird."

Xiaogang touched his chin and said with emotion.

The temperature on the surface of Chimney Mountain was much lower than the surrounding area, and it was only "normally hot".

Well, it seems that because Groudon has been away for too long, the temperature around this volcano is completely disordered and irregular.

(End of this chapter)

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