He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1036 Dog Fighting Competition

Chapter 1036 Dog Fighting Competition
Not long after, the three walked to the end of the stepped stone path and stepped onto a spacious rock platform.

Of course, this didn't mean they went over Chimney Hill completely but went straight to the top.

The top of the volcano is not like Honglian Volcano, it is a huge hollow hole, and there is not much place to stand.

The top of Chimney Mountain is a flat rocky clearing surrounded by hard reddish-brown rocks. It is the size of seven or eight training grounds, and it is completely a spacious square.

The mouth of the volcano is on the other side of the platform, a slightly protruding hole.

Sticking his head down from that position, he could see the magma inside the volcano.

However, Chimney Mountain is not an active volcano and has not been in operation for many years. At this moment, the surface of the magma inside is covered with a layer of dark brown magma rock, and there is actually no tumbling and boiling lava liquid.

Not only that, at this moment, a lot of people have gathered on the top square of Chimney Hill.

"Wang Wang!!"

"Wang hoo!!"

compared to the noisy human voice.
A dog barked and barked louder.

Xiao Zhi took a closer look, but saw that there were dozens of figures around, all dressed differently.

But next to everyone, there is a dog-shaped Pokémon.

Dairubi, Katie, Thunder Beast. Of course, the two most popular Pokémon are the coyote and the wolf dog.

"Are these people walking the dogs?"

Before Xiao Zhi finished speaking, he saw a big banner hanging at the highest point of the square.

"Chimney Peak Cup, the [-]th Dog Fighting Competition!"

The three of Xiaozhi: "???"

Can dog walks have competition now?
However, looking at the figures around him and the dogs beside him, they were all full of fiery eyes and full of fighting spirit. It seemed that this game was highly regarded in the eyes of this group of people.

"Hey hey hey!! Get the hell out of there, didn't you see the last champion was there!!?"

"Hey, good dog out of the way!"

At this time, on the other side of the stone stairs, a group of people dressed in aqua blue clothes suddenly came up, all of them looking like pirates.

In the crowd of several Marine Corps soldiers, the leader was a thin man with a blue turban tied around his bald head.

With his palms in his pockets, he took steps that he did not recognize. He was short and lean, but it gave him a dark and dangerous feeling.

Beside him, there was also a great wolf dog with bright fur, gray-brown figure, covered with jet-black fur, tearing his teeth, looking quite violent.

The appearance of the ocean team obviously calmed down the noisy scene.

"It's a senior cadre of the ocean team, drop!"

"The champion of last year's dogfighting contest!"

"Is that the big wolf dog you rely on? It really looks like a dog!"

Everyone was talking about it.

Compared with the cadres of the lava team, who are named after "fire x", the cadres of the ocean team use a single character as their code name.

"Hey hey hey!! I've opened my eyes wide for me!!"

"Take care of your stray dog, don't be scared of diarrhoea haha!!"

Just as Xiao Zhi and the three of them were onlookers with their faces bewildered, a group of people also walked up the stone platform stairs on the other side. It was also a noisy and arrogant movement.

This time, he was wearing a fiery red uniform with a hood, with small red and black corners on both sides of the hat.

It was the Lava team.

And surrounded by this group of lava team soldiers, the center is a big fat man with a big belly, the whole body is like a big ball.

The delicate short hair that is upturned, and the small eyes of Mimi, are also arrogantly walking.

Next to him is a great wolf dog with bright fur.

"Sure enough, did the Lava team come this year?"

"That's the senior cadre of the Lava Team, Flame, right?"

"That great wolf dog seems to be last year's runner-up dog"

Haiyang Duo and the Lava Team completely ignored the people around them, and went all the way to the very center of the Peak Plaza in a confrontation.

"Yo, isn't this the defeated general of last year? Dare to pretend in front of this uncle?"

Di was the first to sneer and sneer.

"Humph, if it wasn't for you to be rude last year, you, a little dog, could win a hammer!"

The flame also rebuked rudely.

"Wang O.!"

"Wang O.!"

The big wolf dog beside the two also showed a threatening expression with grinning teeth.

The figures of Drip and Flame, one is a thin firewood, the other is a chubby fat man, with a strong sense of picture.

What the three of Xiaozhi didn't know was that the Lava Team and the Ocean Team had always been at odds.

So the dogfighting competition became a firepower collision point between the two organizations.

Every year to this day, the Lava Team and the Ocean Team will definitely send people to participate in the dogfighting competition, and use their own dogs to frustrate each other's spirit.

No need for other dogs, just the most unpretentious, evil-type Great Wolf Dog!

"Hey, hey, hey! There are still 10 minutes left for the registration deadline. Those who want to participate in the dog fighting competition, please hurry up!!"

There is also a table next to the crowd, lined up in the back, sitting three identically-looking Junsha Misses.

Sponsor of the dog fighting contest
Well, it's the official police.

The dogfighting competition was originally a friendly competition between police dogs, but it gradually evolved into a dog-loving game for passers-by, and now it has become a fighting stage for the Lava Team and the Ocean Team.

However, this kind of competition can also effectively alleviate the positive friction between the two organizations. In addition, there are indeed many passers-by participating, so every year, Miss Junsha climbs Chimney Hill. As the referee of the competition, she maintains normalcy operate.

However, with Miss Junsha's bark, no one came up to her. They were all dog-walking fans, and all registrations were completed early.

"The weather is so hot, the three Miss Junsha must be fanned alone!!"

Xiaogang's eyes lit up, he stretched out his tongue and kept breathing, and ran directly to the side of the three Miss Junsha, asking for warmth.

"Dogfighting contest? I want to participate!!"

Xiaolan also cheered and ran over to sign up.

Immediately, she flipped her palm over, and a pink puppy appeared with a ferocious expression on her face. It was Bru that she subdued in the Chengdu area.

Seeing that his two little friends had dogs, Xiao Zhi hesitated on the spot.

Well, the dog fighting competition is really interesting.

It's just the Pokémon on him at the moment, if one is a dog-type Pokémon
Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi had an idea and slowly took out a Poke Ball.

Immediately holding it in his hand, he asked in the air:

"How about it, Emperor Yan, are you willing to participate in this dogfighting competition?"

The legendary Pokémon has a very high IQ, and even through the Poké Ball, you can feel the meaning of the trainer's words.

Buzz! !

As soon as these words came out, the elf ball began to tremble wildly, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

slap! !
In the end, the shell of the entire Poké Ball was as hot as magma, and bounced directly from Xiao Zhi's palm.

At this moment, Emperor Yan in the Poké Ball was so angry that he almost broke his defense.

Damn, I'm a flame lion! !
Xiaozhi: "?"

Is there any difference between a lion and a dog?

(End of this chapter)

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