He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1042 The dignity of dogs!

Chapter 1042 The dignity of dogs!
But soon, Emperor Yan jumped for life and jumped off the crater.

Even a wind speed dog dares to go down, there is no reason for him to still watch on it.

Not only that, but Emperor Yan did not stick to the rock wall like the wind speed dog, and fell carefully little by little, but fell directly to the bottom.


The heavy limbs landed, and Emperor Yan looked around and exerted a little force.

The gray-brown condensed magma rock is about one meter thick. If it is not actively destroyed, there is no danger of magma erupting.

"Hoohoo. It's so hot."

Falling to the bottom of the volcano, even the air here is hot at this moment, the heat wave is afraid of hitting his face, making Xiaozhi's face red.

"But I can barely hold on."

The Pikachu on his shoulders has long since disappeared, and mice are not heat-resistant.

Immediately, one person and one dog raised their heads like this, staring straight at the wind speed dog that was still on the high rock wall, slowly falling.

Well, although they are down, they still need the latter to help find the clay of light.

"Damn, these two guys."

But the appearance of Xiao Zhi and Emperor Yan, in the eyes of this amateur trainer, is undoubtedly a blatant provocation, showing off that he can sink directly to the bottom.

It was only now that they had just fallen halfway, and the trainer could no longer bear the temperature of the heat wave, and his head was dizzy, so he jumped straight down and died.


The wind speed dog roared, reminding that the position of the clay of light was probably on the rock wall in the middle, and it did not need to go down completely.

The figure bounced again and again, approaching the direction of the clay of light.
Xiaozhi is still looking up at the wind speed dog's movements, intending to cut off his beard at any time.


At this time, Emperor Yan suddenly let out a low voice, as if he had discovered something.

Following Yandi's gaze, Xiao Zhi suddenly found something on the lava rock two meters away.

Taking a closer look, I saw a huge square box, which seemed to be some kind of device. The surface also had red clock numbers.

But it's not the current time, it's more like some kind of countdown that hasn't started yet.

The sides are also taped to the rocks.


Xiao Zhi was stunned, this thing should be the legendary time bomb, why did it appear here?

Or something from Team Lava or Team Ocean?
It can't be the three Miss Junsha above, right?

"Anyone going to detonate this volcano?"

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi has an answer.

It seems that because of the high temperature air around, Xiao Zhi's brain is also spinning very fast today.

No matter who it is, they can't let this bomb explode like this.

Chimney Mountain is not a Honglian volcano on an overseas island, but is located in the center of the mainland. Once a large-scale volcanic eruption occurs, it is estimated that half of the cities in the Fangyuan area will be affected.

Not to mention that there is Buyan Town near the foot of the mountain, which has directly become a masterpiece of the historian.

So Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed, and he commanded:
"Entei, use holy flame on the bomb!"

Emperor Yan understood, and began to accumulate the sublime power in his body, and then released it in the form of golden-white flames.

puff! !
The scale of the golden-white flame is not huge, but its power is extremely powerful, as if the surrounding hot air was completely ignited.

Ordinary flames hitting bombs are undoubtedly the sky thunders hitting ground fires and bursting on the spot.

But the divine flame of destruction is different.


When the golden-white flame touched the bomb, it immediately wrapped and covered it, completely consuming the latter.

Before the explosion even started, it has become a complete powder waste.

"Emperor Yan, quickly see if there are any bombs around!"

So Xiao Zhi commanded again, focusing entirely on the bomb. Compared with the detonation of Chimney Hill, which is an extrajudicial madman, the dogfighting competition at this moment has become a child's play.


Emperor Yan nodded solemnly, he is a righteous Pokémon, and this kind of thing is naturally obligatory.

I saw that he slowly closed his eyes, and the fur all over his body fluttered slightly, as if he was emitting his own energy ripples towards the entire crater.

Supernatural power! !
Relying on the mental scan of supernatural powers, Emperor Yan searched for objects similar to bombs around him.

On the other hand, the characteristic, spiritual power, could allow the Yan Emperor to develop his supernatural powers to the greatest extent.

When used, the effect is somewhat similar to the power of the waveguide.


After a long while, Emperor Yan reopened his eyes and seemed to have found his target, and immediately ran towards the location of the next bomb with Xiao Zhi.

"!!?" "!?"

When Emperor Yan below released the sacred flame, even though they were separated by dozens of meters, the person above was still shocked, almost falling from the support point of the rock wall.

What power is this? !

The wind speed dog felt that even if he had the ability to ignite fire, if he had approached Yandi just now, he would probably be burned to ashes directly.

"Hey, hurry up and finish the task and run away."

The mindset of amateur trainers is starting to change.

Neither this Yan Emperor nor this trainer seems to be a normal person.

Originally, he also planned to let the wind speed dog compete with one of them, but now
slip away.

The clay of light was sticking to the rock wall in front, and you could even see with the naked eye that a yellow-green snot-like spherical clay was attached to the fiery red rock.

Just when the wind speed dog is about to approach
Pfft! !

A beam of golden-white flames suddenly swept past it, hitting the rock wall in front of the wind speed dog.

The incomparably scorching heat wave, and the supreme power that annihilates everything in it, made the wind speed dog suddenly widen its eyes, as if it were a great enemy.

This greyhound wouldn't kill himself when no one was around, would he? !
Is it to retaliate for his successive provocations to him before? !

The wind speed dog, who was originally powerful, completely lost his demeanor at this moment. He completely gave up the clay of light in front of him, and turned around and ran in the direction of the crater with his tail between his fingers.

"Run, run, run!"

Even the amateur trainer on his body did not stop him, and he also looked panicked.

Xiaozhi & Yandi: "?"

As for the support point of the rock wall that remained in place, the expressions of the two were stunned.

What are these guys doing. They're just killing bombs.

There were a total of four bombs under the investigation of the supernatural power, and this one happened to be the last one.

After solving the inexplicable bomb incident, Ash was relieved, and the gray-green clay sticking to the rock wall in front attracted his attention.

"I'm so lucky, isn't this clay of light!"

With a happy expression, Ash immediately stretched out his arm and grabbed the clay of light in his hand.

About the size of a fist, it felt like plasticine.

Why did he lend the Shining Talisman to Xiaolan himself, and he was still so lucky?

Seeing that the task was completed, one person and one dog did not continue to stay in the volcano, and immediately jumped up and ran towards the top of the chimney.

"By the way, Emperor Yan, since you know supernatural powers, why don't you directly use supernatural powers to find the clay of light?"

Along the way, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but ask.

"Is it because of your dignity as a dog that you don't want to use abilities other than a dog's nose?"

Emperor Yan: "."

Now he really wants to just throw Xiao Zhi just like that!

(End of this chapter)

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