He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1043 The Intimacy of Emperor Yan-10

Chapter 1043 The Intimacy of Emperor Yan-10
Of course, it wasn't that Emperor Yan didn't want to use his supernatural powers to find the clay of light.

The supernatural power can only look for the situation where he knows exactly the shape and size of the object, but the clue of the clay of light is only a small lump of mud, and even the supernatural power cannot find the exact location in the crater of Nuoda.

After all, supernatural power is not the power of waveguide.

Whoosh! !
Soon, Emperor Yan jumped out of the crater. At this moment, a lot of spectators had gathered around, obviously they had moved here from the flat square before.


What surprised Miss Junsha was that she clearly hid the clay of light on a stone platform outside the entrance of the cave. How did she find it from the entrance?

And the wind speed dog that was still arrogant, how come out, it seems like he has seen a ghost?
"Come back, wind speed dog."

The amateur trainer resolutely withdrew the wind speed dog and planned to retire directly.

Well, in the future, the dogfighting competition or something will be forgotten, there are really ghosts!
"Hey~ little brother, don't go~" However, at this time, Di of the Ocean Team had hooked up on his shoulder and said with a smile: "Our Ocean Team likes to get along with amateurs the most~"


With the appearance of Shangdi's sinister bald head, the trainer's expression changed immediately.

Compared with Xiao Zhi, who finally won the championship, the wind speed dog who eliminated him is more hated by Di.

Next, find a place that Miss Junsha can't see, and you have to beat this kid.

Anyway, no one remembers No.2.

As for Team Lava. Although it was also taken away from the dogfighting championship, it was not a big problem.

"Hey, that idiot in the ocean team is still bullying the amateurs, what an idiot."

Flame just sneered.

Then find a time to detonate the bomb and send the most powerful fireworks to the world.

Of course, the Lava team wouldn't admit that they detonated it with explosives.

"It means that I was guided by the gods and knew that the volcano would detonate, hehe!"

The flame thief smiled.

Anyway, a volcanic eruption that devours everything will destroy all evidence.

They can even notify in advance that the nearby Fuyan Town, Qiuye Town, and Zijin City, which escaped the catastrophe, will all have to kowtow to the Lava Team to thank them.

"Then it should be my turn to be the leader of the lava team, right?"

The big fat man's eyes were cunning, and he even stared at Chi Yansong's position
Not knowing these Xiao Jiujiu, Xiao Zhi and Emperor Yan just stood on the high rock platform that everyone was watching, and received everyone's applause.

They, who were looking for the Clay of Light, naturally won the dogfighting competition without any suspense.

"Then the champion's prize, except for the props you found - the clay of light"

The clay of light has become Ash's props, no matter what Pokémon in his team will open various walls at the moment, it seems that only Latias is the only one?

The three Junsha ladies slowly walked in front of one person and one dog.

One was pushing a cart with several boxes, and the other was holding a large golden pendant in his hand.

This is a pendant made of pure gold, with a small and exquisite golden bone at the end.

A young lady Junsha lifted the bone pendant and motioned Emperor Yan to lower her head so that she could wear it herself.

At this moment, the expressions of the three Miss Junsha were quite nervous, as if Emperor Yan and Xiao Zhi were the recipients of the award.

Anyone who stands in front of the legendary Pokémon will react like this.

Emperor Yan: "."

Looking at the earth-flavored golden bone pendant delivered, Emperor Yan hesitated for a while, and finally lowered his head under Miss Junsha's eager gaze.

The local tyrant Jin·Bone stick was just worn on the neck of Emperor Yan, which seemed a bit out of tune with the majestic style of painting.

"What's the matter, Emperor Yan, I think it suits you very well!"

Xiao Zhi just patted Emperor Yan's back and praised.

Emperor Yan: "."

As for the third prize.
"The winner of the dogfighting contest will also receive a year of premium dog food!"

Miss Junsha placed countless cardboard boxes in front of Emperor Yan, which were filled with high-quality dog ​​food of various flavors.

Emperor Yan: "."

Sure enough, agreeing to participate in the competition today was a mistake from start to finish!
And Xiaozhi is also generous, when he is about to give the high-quality dog ​​food in front of him to the surrounding contestants for free, he once again attracted full applause.

Go, go, go!

Go, go, go!

The canine Pokémon who were in dire straits just now are all sitting around and enjoying high-grade rations.

Seeing Emperor Yan standing motionless beside him, Xiao Zhi asked suspiciously:

"What's the matter, Emperor Yan, why don't you eat something, you deserve it!"

Emperor Yan: "."

Yandi's intimacy -10.

In the end, he just jumped onto a high platform, his majestic eyes looked into the distance, he ignored the people below, leaving them a lonely and proud back.


Xiao Zhi scratched his head, and then he stopped caring about Emperor Yan, but dragged the three Miss Junsha to the side.

"Well, someone buried a bomb in Chimney Hill."

It is still necessary to talk to the official police about the bomb.

After all, he could only stop it this time.

If it was someone else, Miss Junsha might not believe it, but it was the trainer who carried the Emperor Yan who said this.
The three looked at each other, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

As locals, they knew the details better than Xiao Zhi, and almost instantly thought that it was the work of the Lava team.

"Damn, I almost made a big mistake!"

"We must be on guard here in the future!"

Miss Junsha said in a deep voice.

After all, there is no evidence, and they can't question the lava team.

But next, you can reveal this matter to the ocean team next door. Compared with the lava team who want to make the volcano erupt, the ocean team is completely the opposite.

Once the purpose of the lava team is known, it is estimated that the marine team will protect the volcano for 24 hours.

(Cold knowledge, the dog fighting competition refers to the plot of the Lava Team and the Ocean Team soldiers fighting the hyenas in the gem game. The volcano was detonated, and it was indeed next to their dog fighting, but it used a meteorite device.)

a few days later.

Leaving Chimney Hill, the three of Xiaozhi came to Route 113 north of Chimney Hill.

This is actually the northernmost area in the Fangyuan area. Although the distance from the volcano is not too far, you can clearly feel the rapid drop in temperature.

"Hey, it's so cold~!"

Xiaolan couldn't help but twitched.

The weather in the Fangyuan area is outrageous. It was a big summer a few days ago, and now it has reached the temperature of autumn and winter. It is even biting like a heavy snowfall.

"Is it cold?"

Xiao Zhi raised his hand and clenched his fist, and said with enthusiasm:
"Why do I feel like I'm getting hotter and hotter!"

Route 113 is a wilderness road, and the entire area is covered with a layer of gray-white, like a shell of snow and ice.

But when you grab the "snowflake" with your fingers, you will find that it is not ice and snow, but volcanic ash.

Although the Chimney Mountain of Zengjin will not erupt, it still releases a lot of volcanic ash. Finally, following the airflow, it covers the entire No. 113 road, forming a unique landscape.

However, people with poor breathing and cardiopulmonary function are not recommended to travel here.

(End of this chapter)

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