He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1045 Meteor Falls!

Chapter 1045 Meteor Falls!

The next day, autumn leaves town.

The Akiba Gorgeous Contest is still progressing in an orderly manner, and no one chooses to take refuge.

Of course, there were still many followers of the Lava Team and Groudon, who hurriedly dodged after despising everyone and experts.

It doesn't matter, the volcano will show them in 2 days anyway.

There are still many Groudon fanatics in the Fangyuan area.

Now every day I sleep, I pray that Groudon, who is patrolling the waters of the Hezhong area, can also give them a dream?

The three of Xiaozhi didn't care about this. After all, they knew the inside story. Even if the volcano was turned upside down, it wouldn't be able to erupt.

Not to mention that after this incident, whether it is the official alliance or the top priority of the ocean team, they are all sticking to Chimney Mountain.

"The registration is successful~!"

Outside the big tent of the gorgeous competition, Xiao Lan said with a smile to the two little friends.

However, she will go to the stadium inside for a day of special training to practice the first round of combined boxing routines, but she has no time to eat, drink and have fun with the two.

And Xiaozhi Xiaogang came to the suburbs west of Qiuye Town with nothing to do to enjoy the scenery.

There is not only the Meteor Falls next to the farmland and cultivated land here, but from a distance, you can see a hilly mountain with a rather peculiar shape.

It is said that there is a huge waterfall inside the cave, but in fact, outside the cave, you can already see large and small high and low waterfalls, and the scenery is beautiful.

Approaching Meteor Falls, the dragon scale fragment in Xiaozhi's pocket vibrated faster, as if urging Xiaozhi to enter the hole.

However, Xiaozhi still plans to wait for the end of Xiaolan's competition, and then everyone will go to Meteor Falls for adventure together.


Seeing that the shard was still shaking, Xiao Zhi grabbed it with a big hand and pressed it firmly, forcing the shaking to stop.

The two of them looked around leisurely.

On the water next to it, a few loaches jumped out from time to time. This is the degenerate version of the catfish king, the Pokémon of the fierce man named Jindai last time.

The combination of the special attributes of water and ground made Xiao Zhi feel subdued.

It's just that when they got close to the water, these loach hurriedly hid in the water, unwilling to come out again.

The king catfish with the characteristics of moisture in the gods is a special individual, and the general loach is more of a "dangerous prediction" feature, which makes them dodge at the first time in the face of any danger, and it is extremely difficult to catch.

"Why don't we find a boat and punt it?"

Seeing the mirror-like water of the lake next to him, Xiao Zhi became interested and couldn't help but suggest.


Xiaogang nodded, and didn't think there was anything wrong with the two big men floating a small boat at the same time.

The two played all the way on No. 114 until the evening.

Of course, halfway through, the movements of the two became intense and anxious.

"Forest lizard, use the blade!!"

"Kedora, use metal claws to block it!!"

The forest lizard is fast, and the two long leaves on the back of its hands are turned into sharp energy sickles. When the green light flashes again and again, it slashes dangerously towards the target.

And Xiaogang's flashing Kedora raised his forelimbs, extending sharp and hard silver claws, also tearing away towards the blade.

Keng!Keng!Keng! !

Several fierce blades of the forest lizard fell in unison, but they were all blocked by Kodora, but they kept making a penetrating metal explosion during the collision.

The two are doing special training for Pokémon battle.

At this moment, Xiaogang's flashing cocoa Dora has completed its evolution.

The whole body suddenly swelled several times, and the whole body was covered with ferocious spiked metal armor, especially in terms of defense.

The flash characteristics of the original stage were not obvious, only the pupils turned into a special red.

But in the second stage of evolution, in addition to Ke Dora's eyes turning a special orange-red, the whole body is not black and gray like the normal Ke Dora, but dark green, which is quite strange.

"Forest lizard, continue to use the blade!!"

And the continuous blade was blocked, and this time the forest lizard rushed out again.


But under the attack of the opponent's metal claws, he instantly disappeared in place.

In the next instant, a ghostly figure appeared on Ke Dora's side, and a sharp blade cut through the air, and it would slash heavily on Ke Dora's back.

Covered in thick metal armor, Dora's speed is also extremely moving.

"Then don't dodge, just use the iron wall to defend!"

Xiaogang immediately commanded.

But Dora understood, and immediately sank into her dantian, dissipating the metal claws.

Instead, the whole body is covered with a layer of rich metallic silver light that complements its own metallic armor.

Bang Bang! !
The forest lizard slashed the blade with one blow, and there was a violent movement immediately, and even one arm of the forest lizard was trembling.

Grass-type moves have a normal effect on it, not to mention a Kodola whose physical defense is completely full.

"Right now, use Heavy Rush!"

Xiaogang's brows narrowed into a slit, and he instructed loudly.

Taking advantage of the moment when the forest lizard's arm was trembling, Dora used the previous iron wall defense, and her whole body was suddenly covered with a layer of metal energy silver light, and she rushed forward with heavy steps.

Cordora's weight caused it to vibrate as she ran.

This made the loaches, who are very sensitive to tremors and earthquakes, look out of the lake water.

Boom! !
The tyrannical offensive was about to knock the forest lizard out.

The power of this move, Heavy Clash, will change with the difference in weight between itself and the target. Although it is not yet Boscordora, the power is already considerable.


After being hit hard, the forest lizard rolled one after another in mid-air, adjusting its body and falling.

Although the pain in his chest made him want to rub it with his hands, the forest lizard still held back the urge, and just broke off a branch and held it at the corner of his mouth.

"As expected of Xiaogang, he is really strong!!"

Seeing that the opponent was completely able to deal with his own attack, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but admire.

"Hey Xiaozhi, no matter what kind of craftsmanship it is, I will never fall behind!"

Xiaogang just raised the corner of his mouth and said without showing weakness.


Just when the two were about to score twice, the small grass next to them suddenly made a swaying sound.


This temporarily stopped the battle between the two, and curiously poked their heads.

The next moment, a Pokémon whose whole body was covered with a gray-white spherical carapace, only below the carapace, with its short lower limbs exposed, appeared in front of everyone.

The pentagonal gap in the center of the carapace revealed a rather vicious head.

"Carapace dragon?"

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, he had seen this Pokémon at the Heavenly King Genji.

Wait a minute, is this a wild crustacean? !
Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up, he still remembered the last release of the Heavenly King Genji, the giant dragon with blood-colored wings seems to be the evolution of the Pokémon in front of him, and it is also a powerful quasi-god in the Fangyuan area!
By the way, I seem to have heard that Meteor Falls is home to precious and rare Dragon-type Pokémon! ?
(End of this chapter)

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