He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1046 Special Meteorite

Chapter 1046 Special Meteorite
"Wuhou, Wuhou~!"

This sudden appearance of the Crustacean kept calling for something, and it was not afraid of humans. It was quite anxious, and it didn't look like an ordinary wild Pokémon.


Pikachu immediately jumped off Ash's shoulder and tried to communicate in the lame dragon language.


After signaling for a while, the crustacean suddenly ran in one direction of the field.

Pikachu seemed to understand what the latter meant, and waved at Ash and the two, and immediately followed.


Although they were not aware of it, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang paused the Pokemon battle and followed the pace of a dragon and a mouse.

After a while, they had already crossed the wild grass on Route 114 and entered a mountain.

The rocky ground along the way is full of potholes, and from time to time there are large circular pits with radians of different sizes, which seem to have suffered some major attacks.

"DiDi. Update the map - Meteor Falls. Many years ago, extraterrestrial meteorites fell here. In addition to forming a huge cave waterfall in the center, countless craters were also formed on the rocky mountains on the surface, which is the Fangyuan area. One of the famous scenery.”

The illustrated book surfed quietly, broadcasting the data as it was.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi and his party have officially entered the area of ​​Meteor Falls.


He and Xiaogang looked at each other, although he didn't know what was going on in front of him, but since they had already arrived, there was no reason to go back halfway.

Xiao Zhi can only temporarily forget that woman and continue to go deeper.

And led by the bouncing crustacean, they soon entered a cave door.

It's just different from the cave that Ash has entered before.
The inner cave of Meteor Falls is very open, there are no intricate roads, and even the ceiling rock wall is about tens of meters high.

The surrounding rock faces also appear to be covered with natural glowing plants, brightening the view of the cave with a faint yellow glow.Whoa whoa whoa! !
At the entrance of the cave, a huge waterfall was first introduced to the eye, falling from a height of tens of meters, forming a crystal clear cave lake.

Although the surroundings were full of puddles, Meteor Waterfall looked very refreshing and comfortable, which made Xiao Zhi and the two take a deep breath subconsciously.

At this moment, there are already several figures in the rock square in front of the huge waterfall.

On the left are two men and women in red uniforms. The man is a big fat man with a trendy little hairstyle. His fat face hides his eyes.

Beside the fat man was a woman who was much smaller than her stature, wearing a red tight skirt and a pair of red high-heeled boots on her clean legs.

Short purple hair, rather lazy face, hidden in a hood with two small horns, hands in trouser pockets, and spewing gum from his mouth from time to time.

It is the senior cadres of the lava team, the flames and the flamingos.

"Hey Doctor, then hand over your meteorite, otherwise don't blame our lava team for being rude~!"

The flames that failed to install the bomb on Chimney Hill just now scolded quite arrogantly.

In front of the two generals of the lava team, there is this man in a white coat, dressed as a doctor, wearing glasses and looking thin.

He also held a stone the size of an elf egg in his hand and held it tightly.

"I have a cooperative relationship with your Lava Team, do you still have Wang Fa!?"

The doctor said tremblingly.

In front of him was a ferocious wolf dog, grinning his teeth, constantly roaring and glaring, so that he didn't dare to make any movements at all.

And further behind, a gorgeous nine-tailed is also lying on the high rock platform, with orange pupils staring at him tightly, making him a little creepy.

"Hehe~ Here, our Lava Team is Wang Fa~!"

The flame just laughed wildly, and the sound echoed in the empty cave.

"Tsk, flame, this guy is my target, don't pretend in front of me."

The flamingo next to him blew a bubble of chewing gum, and couldn't help but reminded lazily.

"I understand, from today onwards, Huoyan, you are my great benefactor!"

When the big fat man turned his head, his expression became flattering again.

The plan of the Chimney Hill bomb failed, and the leader Chi Yansong ordered him to detonate the Chimney Hill within five days, otherwise he would go to the Chimney Hill to commit suicide.

This is different from the time of the explosion that the Lava team informed the media.
After all, Groudon is far away in the Hezhong area at the moment, so if you ask for a dream, it is normal to have a jet lag.

But if it lasts more than a week, it will only make them Lava Team and Groudon completely reduced to clowns.

It's just that the crater on the top of the chimney has been heavily guarded by the marine team, and it is impossible to get up.

No, the flame can only target another thing.

A special meteorite from Meteor Falls!
The lava team has been working with the archaeologist, funding the latter to excavate meteorites with special powers at Meteor Falls.

At this moment, the meteorite was successfully excavated and found, and the lava team naturally tore its face at the first time, intending to take it for itself.

This is the same reason that the Ocean Team subsidizes archaeologists to study the remains of deep-sea caves for free.

This was originally a project that Fire Goose had been following up. The desperate flames planned to use the lava team's energy excitation device, coupled with this peculiar meteorite, to completely detonate Chimney Mountain.

You don't even need a crater at the top of the mountain, you can find any location on Chimney Mountain.

At this moment, the flames naturally want to flatter the wild goose as a life-saving straw.

"No, this meteorite has a special function and must not be taken by your lava team!"

Although this doctor was afraid, he still held firm belief and held the meteorite in his arms.

He is an expert in meteorites. According to his investigation, this meteorite may be related to the mythological history of Zeng Jin and has great value. It must not be handed over at this moment.

"Dr. Solans, since you don't give it, then I'll come by myself~"

Flame just sneered disdainfully and snapped his fingers.


The wolf dog in front of him jumped up immediately, and the sharp claws raised on his forelimbs ripped straight at Dr. Solans!

This scene also caused the doctor to close his eyes suddenly, and suddenly he felt darkness in front of him.

The Crustacean guy has just gone out, and it is estimated that he has not yet arrived in Qiuye Town. Find the police to help?

In the next instant, a green figure appeared in front of Dr. Solans.

Bang Bang! !
The left arm was raised, and the green energy sickle on the back of the arm collided with the sharp claws of the great wolf dog, making a burst of noise.


However, the forest lizard let out a low voice, and the blade of the other arm was ready to go, and immediately slashed towards him.

Whoosh! !
The green sword light flashed, and when the wolf dog was about to be slung out, a clearly visible scar was left on its neck.

After doing this, the forest lizard picked up a branch and stared at the lava team in front of him rather coldly and arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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