He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1060 Two-Headed Tyrannosaurus

Chapter 1060 Two-Headed Tyrannosaurus

A red light flashed, and the elf ball that hit the surface of the Dragon God Pillar bounced, and then actually sucked it completely into it.

"It really is a Pokémon!"

Ash's eyes are bright, but the Poke Ball can only conquer Pokémon.

Immediately looking at the shaking posture of the Poke Ball on the ground, Ash held his breath and his face became hurried.


When the Poké Ball stopped shaking, Ash was overjoyed.

Got it!

Take a few steps forward and hold the Poke Ball tightly in your hand, which is still unbelievable until now.

Although the appearance of this dragon head statue is far from that of a pillar, it is probably the legendary dragon god pillar.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi pressed the button on the Elf Ball and released the Dragon God Pillar again.

It's just that the latter still maintains a lifeless appearance, just a dragon head statue lying on the ground.

Is it out of power and needs to be recharged to get energy?
"Latias, use Dragon Wave on it!"

So Xiao Zhi commanded again.

If it is given to the Dragon God Pillar, it should naturally be filled with dragons.


Latias nodded sternly, a series of pillars and the patron saint of water are not a system, and she didn't know what happened.

Boom! !
But the mouth opened, and the colorful energy dragon rushed out again and attacked the target.

Just like the previous rock sculpture, like a river flowing into the sea, the turbulent dragon attribute energy poured into the latter's body again.

This also made the dragon head statue slowly crack a mouth in the mouth, more like opening its mouth.

The energy of the dragon's wave continued to be output, so that the size of the mouth of the dragon head statue gradually reached about five centimeters, and then no matter how to increase the output of the dragon's wave, it did not continue to crack.


Seeing that there was no follow-up effect for several minutes, Latias stopped his skills and took a breath.

Xiao Zhi walked to the Dragon God Pillar with a few strides, and observed carefully.

There was no follow-up energy pouring in, and the rip in his mouth slowly closed again, and finally closed tightly and completely.


Even so, Xiao Zhi still saw the existence inside through the gap.

There seemed to be a bright red spherical object inside.

Rather than saying that this is a dragon head statue, it is better to say that this is actually an eggshell in the shape of a dragon head, and the body is stored in it?

dong dong!

Ash tried to tap the shell, making a crisp sound.

It seems that in order to fully open this "Dragon Head Egg", enough dragon attribute energy is needed.

And focus on "quality", not "quantity".

So after a few minutes of output, Latias's opening range stagnated.

This makes it difficult for Xiaozhi to make a mistake. It is hard to find an existence that is stronger than the Latias dragon attribute energy.

Although he seems to be able to forcibly use brute force to open the crack, he doesn't know what damage it will cause to the Dragon God Pillar, so Xiao Zhi can only dispel the idea.

"Maybe find Lord Dragon God here, and ask him to help him take a sip?"

he murmured.

In the end, Xiao Zhi could only recover the Dragon God Pillar back into the Poké Ball, intending to take one step at a time.
A person can only capture one Pokémon, and then Ash did not go anywhere, but wandered around as a tourist.

Just looking at the handsome dragon-type Pokémon, full of eagerness, but unable to capture it makes Xiao Zhi extremely frustrated.

He can completely create a powerful dragon team here!

The time came all the way to evening.

When Ash returns to the village of Meteor Village, the people here have prepared food for them.

It was getting late, and although the villagers in the whole village were using high-end mobile phones, the streets were still filled with faint candles and bonfires, in the most primitive lighting.

And Tianwang Kayue and Yushu have also returned.

The two looked quite satisfied, and it seemed that they had captured a good Pokémon.

Surrounded by the local people in front of the bonfire, the eldest woman suggested that the three of them release their partners to take a look.

Of course, she didn't check a few people's Pokémon, and she didn't worry that a few people would greedily subdue a lot of dragon-type Pokémon.

The non-local testers they selected before have been inspected in advance, and there is no problem with their character. The people selected by these people should not be much different.

"In that case, let me show you my new partner!"

Tianwang Huayue took the lead, with her trouser pockets in her pockets, and walked to the center of the crowd with steps that she did not recognize.

The only remaining strand of red hair on the bald head was somewhat similar to the bonfire beating beside him.

Immediately, Huayue threw her palm lightly.

The red light flashed, and a two-headed dragon appeared in front of everyone.

The blue beast-shaped body supports all fours on the ground, with two slender heads extending from the front end.

On the neck and head, it is covered with thick black fur, even covering most of the faces of the two heads, only revealing the dragon's teeth.

On the back, the black fur was slightly solidified and turned into a pair of small black wings.

This is different from the dragon-type Pokémon that Ash has seen in the past, so he quickly took out the picture book.

"DiDi. The two-headed tyrannosaurus, evil attribute and dragon attribute, is the second stage of the quasi-god in the Hezhong area. The two heads have a bad relationship, and they often quarrel and bite."

The illustration book reminded me in a hurry.

This introduction made Yushu next to him look sideways a little. His illustrated book was only a local illustrated book in Fangyuan area, and he could not identify the double-headed tyrannosaurus.

"Is this the quasi-god of the Hezhong region?"

Xiao Zhi's eyes were bright, and he looked up and down the two-headed Tyrannosaurus Rex, only to feel that it was somewhat similar to Dudu in his hometown.

The small wings that contrasted sharply with its body shape, I wonder if it can support it and fly.

However, the black fur covered on the two heads is somewhat similar to the Penghuo that they encountered before, and they can't see the eyes.At this moment, Penghuo, a local, was also around, secretly looking at the three foreigners.

"Hey! How is it, my uncle's vision!"

Tianwang Huayue said carelessly.


This two-headed tyrannosaurus is also roaring in cooperation, looking quite fierce.

The quasi-god with evil attributes and dragon attributes is undoubtedly the most suitable existence for him.

Heavenly King Huayue had heard the name of the three evil dragons a long time ago, and she wanted to go to the Hezhong area for a long time to capture one, but she has been delayed for a long time, and she has not yet set out.

And the number of Quasi-God Pokémon is scarce, even if you go there, you may not be able to find it.
Unexpectedly, today, it was conquered at Meteor Falls instead.

Although he even encountered more powerful three-headed dragons during the period, Huayue still chose the second-stage two-headed tyrannosaurus, which undoubtedly fits him better.

(End of this chapter)

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