He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1061 Shame of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1061 Shame of the Dragon Clan

"Is it my turn next?"

Seeing that Kayuki, the king of heaven, had finished showing, and took the two-headed tyrannosaurus to the back to enjoy a big meal, Yushu just raised the corner of his mouth and walked to the center of the crowd with confidence.

"Hmph, then let you guys meet my new partner!!"

Similarly, Yuuki also threw a Poké Ball.

The red light flashed, and a dark blue dragon beast appeared in everyone's sight.

The body structure is somewhat similar to the fire-breathing dragon. It is also an upright body, with wings on the back and a long tail at the end.
It's just that this dragon beast has ferocious thorns all over its body, a dark blue body, and a brownish-yellow abdomen.

And the position of the head became a layer of red scales on the crimson edge, making it completely separated from the neck.


The dragon beast raised its arms and roared, making a loud and powerful roar.

With this movement, even the surrounding area was completely quiet, except for the sound of the bonfire burning and beating.


Yuuki was very satisfied to see that the locals in the Meteor Village were amazed by their Pokémon.

Although he doesn't know what this Pokémon is. The picture book can't identify it at all.

But Dragon-type Pokémon has a good way of distinguishing between strong and weak.

The more handsome and domineering you look, the stronger you are!

After searching for a long time and couldn't find the Pokémon of the baby dragon family, Yushu simply chose this domineering dragon beast.

However, in the silence, an electronic sound without any emotion suddenly sounded.

"DiDi. Red-faced dragon, a big silly Pokémon, dragon-type, has a hard body and scales, usually likes to stay in the ground cave, because of his own quality is not good, and his appearance is not pleasing, he is in dragon-type all the year round. The bottom of the Pokémon contempt chain is also called the shame of the dragon."

Although the chain of contempt is not welcome, the chain of contempt is always there.

Xiao Zhi was embarrassed to turn off the picture book.

It's just that if it was a noisy environment before, the sound of the picture book is not big at all. But now it is different. This broadcast sound is very accurate and transmitted to Yuuki's ears.

Yuuki: "."

His expression froze instantly.

Especially the last four words "Shame of the Dragon Race" are very harsh.

Glancing around, looking at the surrounding Meteor Citizens, all of them have the same expression.


They all tensed their faces, their eyes widened, and they didn't say a word.

Because it's easy to laugh when it's not tense.

But as those who believe in the dragon gods, they can't laugh at any dragon-type Pokémon.
At least not on the surface!

Don't look at the red-faced dragon's head and head, and its appearance is domineering. But it is the worst in the panel ability of all dragon-type Pokémon.


Of course, only consider all Dragon-type Pokémon that have evolved to the top.

Yushu frowned, and originally thought that the other party was bluffing and handsome.

As a result, you said that his appearance was unacceptable, which caused him to look at the red-faced dragon now, and it also became weird.

And this red-faced dragon just let out a silly cry, and turned his head like a wooden owl.

Yuuki: "."

In the end, Yushu took back the red-faced dragon.

Anyway, regret is not regrettable, Yuuki can only walk off the stage quite stiffly.

The eldest old woman next to him also looked at him with a serious expression, instead of the gratified expression like when he saw Kayuki and the two-headed tyrannosaurus before.

As for the last one, of course it was Ash's turn.

"Hehe, everyone, I'm just a little weird."

But the locals don't take it seriously, after all, there are people who come all the way in to subdue a red-faced dragon.

Yuuki: "."

In fact, the red-faced dragon doesn't really pull his hips so much. It's just that the stereotype has been set, and the prejudice is like a mountain.

And Ash, who was standing in the middle of the crowd, pressed the Poke Ball button.

The red light flashed, as if a large stone was released, and it fell to the ground with a bang.

Everyone's eyes looked curious, and even Yushu and Tianwang Kazuki also cast a curious look.

It was just a lifeless statue shaped like the head of a fire-breathing dragon, leaving everyone confused.

"What the hell?"

"The head of a fire-breathing dragon?"

Even the people of Meteor who live with dragon-type Pokémon all the year round, can't see any clues at all.

"No, this is the head of a mega fire-breathing dragon."

But a few people recognized something.

The bifurcated tentacles on this faucet are very similar to fire-breathing dragons, and there are protruding and slender mouths.

As well as the x-shape of the mega fire-breathing dragon, a blue flame is exposed from the corner of the mouth. At this moment, it is like the dragon's whiskers raised up by this dragon-head statue.

"This is.?"

In the crowd, the eldest woman looked at it thoughtfully, and finally couldn't help but spit out a sentence.

"Dragon God Pillar, Regidorago?!"

This is also a legend she heard a long time ago.
It is said that ancient humans were afraid that a monster that could release a powerful dragon attribute energy would destroy their skeleton, so they sealed it in a hidden meteor.

But the eldest woman doesn't know anything about other details.

I don't even know that the rock sculpture that has been standing there is the seal point.

However, this legend is two systems with Dragon God Split Space, and there is no conflict.

"I can feel that it still has vitality and has the possibility of being awakened"

In the end, the eldest woman just said so solemnly.

Since she was discovered and subdued by Xiao Zhi, she could only say that the former was related to him, but she had no intention of forcibly keeping him.

"Is that your name, Regidorlago?"

Xiaozhi repeated the name and touched the frosted eggshell of the faucet. It seemed that the pillars were all a series of mouth-watering names.

However, the Dragon God Pillar, which has no fighting ability at all at this moment, naturally cannot assist Xiao Zhi to complete the next Dragon God trial.


And Latias, who looked like a maid, jumped to Ash's side, eager to try.

"Then I'll leave it to you next!"

Withdrawing the Dragon God Pillar, Xiao Zhi also asked the latter.

Seeing that the three testers have all finished their demonstrations, and they have almost eaten.

Everyone has seen the three local testers, but they don't need to show anything.
The eldest old woman coughed and continued:

"Then for the trial that Lord Dragon God left us, the final candidates will be the six of you!"

At this moment, there are six people lined up in front of the bonfire.

Except for the three of them, and Penghuo, who had encountered before.

There was also a sturdy fat man, and a man with a moustache and a fierce expression.

The three locals are all wearing a headband on their heads, which is shaped like an unknown totem, dressed in simplified ancient kimonos, and their expressions are serious.

"Then the Dragon God Trial will officially start tomorrow morning!"

(End of this chapter)

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