He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1062 Trial of the Dragon God, the finishing touch

Chapter 1062 Trial of the Dragon God, the finishing touch

In the early morning of the next day, the group came back to the village of Meteor Village, in front of the stone room in the center.

At this moment, there are still many villagers who are watching the lively.

This is a big event, and the elders of one term will only preside over one event. After all, it's about once every 50 years.


However, a blue bird with marshmallow wings hovered in the air for a while, attracting Ash's attention.

In the end, it slowly landed on the shoulders of the eldest woman, and handed the latter a bumpy meteorite.

"Hey! That green bird!"

It was only then that Xiao Zhi remembered that his first purpose in entering the Meteor was to arrest this green cotton bird.

Looking at the latter's appearance, it seems that he is quite intimate with the eldest woman.

However, the eldest woman looked at the meteorite about the size of an elf egg in her hand, and her expression changed.

"Meteorite fragments?"

Listening to the latter's words, Xiao Zhi was a little stunned.

A meteorite that is almost bigger than a human head is said to be fragments. So how big is the body of the meteorite?
"This meteorite is no longer important."

In the end, the eldest old woman rubbed Qingmianniao's head and handed the meteorite back to Xiaozhi.

Seeing that the latter hesitated to speak, she opened her mouth and explained:

"I said it before, a colorful meteorite once fell in the meteor."

It can change the terrain and forcibly create a huge meteor waterfall mountain range on this continent, and the size of the meteorite will naturally not be small.

With the impact of the fall, the unstable edge debris splashed out and scattered in every corner of Meteor Falls.

But the most crucial body, the colorful meteorite that has a mysterious connection with the Rift Seat, is complete, and it is still enshrined in a hidden place at this moment.

Although these scattered small meteorites still hide a lot of energy, they are no longer important.

After hearing this, Xiao Zhi shook his head and still put the meteorite in his backpack.

This is also an explanation for the doctor.
Don't come in by yourself for three days in a row, and the result is that you get the benefits, and you get nothing when you go out.

But today
"That guy Xiaolan, should he be participating in the gorgeous contest now? I don't know if he won the prize."

Ash murmured quietly.

Soon, the auspicious time has come.

Under the expectant gaze of the villagers, the eldest old woman brought six testers and re-entered this sacrificial stone room.

On her head was a green cotton bird, which looked somewhat similar to Old Hatch with a long-winged gull on her head.

Entering this spacious mural stone room again, the three of Xiaozhi were a little confused, but the other three local testers seemed to have known the process for a long time, and did not show any strange expressions.

The eldest old woman, holding the green cotton bird, walked all the way to the depths and stepped up the steps.

Even when he finally walked to the mural, he still did not stop.

"Hey, I'm about to hit you."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but reminded aloud.

It's just that before the words are spoken, the eldest woman has "bumped" into the wall.

Then the wall was like a phantom, and it didn't play any blocking role. The former walked in like this and disappeared.

The three of Xiaozhi Yushu looked surprised.

This damned sense of sight. How is it so similar to the meteor waterfall at the door? !
"It's the same principle, out-of-towners."

I saw Penghuo also slowly walked into the wall of the mural, as if it had completely melted into it.

The same goes for the other two locals.

"Is it this weird barrier again?"

Seeing that several people passed smoothly, Tianwang Huayue naturally stepped forward tentatively and touched the mural
The palm still penetrated straight through, as if there was only a layer of air in front of him, but it also felt like a swamp.

Hua Yue simply inserted her trousers pocket and walked in carelessly.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi Yushu looked at each other and walked in quickly.

At this moment, they are carrying dragon scale fragments, and they have each subdued a dragon attribute partner. All three of them have an aura that belongs to Meteor, so they are naturally unimpeded.

Step into the deep stone chamber, here.
Well, it's still a stone room.

It is also a very spacious size, and the deepest part is still the ascending stone stairs.

But this time, there was no longer any mural on the inner wall, but only an ancient golden dragon statue on the empty wall.

It is not like a popular dragon beast like the red-faced dragon and fast dragon. It has a slender body like a snake.

The dragon body wraps around in circles, the outermost layer is also the largest circle, and then continuously shrinks and wraps toward the middle, and protrudes outwards.

Overall, it looks like a large golden disc.

Finally, in the center, a delicate faucet stands out.

"This is our Lord Dragon God, Cracked Seat!"

The eldest woman said in a deep voice, bowed deeply with the three locals, and prayed silently in her heart.

And the three of Xiaozhi didn't have any belief in the split empty seat, they just watched blankly from behind.

"Speaking of which, isn't it green?"

Yushu couldn't help but whispered, why did he turn into a dragon with golden paint.

"And, how do I feel like."

Xiaozhi just wanted to say that the shape is a bit like that, but Kayue, the king of the sky, covered Xiaozhi's mouth for the first time.

The word really popped out, and the locals in front of them definitely wanted to be with them forever.

Although he feels so
As the prayers of the Meteor Citizens ended, the eldest woman explained the so-called Dragon God Trial to several people.

"The Dragon God Trial is actually very simple, that is, the test is the depth of the connection between the tester and the Dragon God."

The eldest woman raised her hand and pointed to the very center of the Statue of Splitting Space—Longkou.

Everyone looked closely, but saw that the dragon's mouth was slightly opened and closed, and there were protruding large golden teeth in the mouth.

In the dragon's mouth, there is a green scroll that is inlaid with teeth.

"As long as you take out this scroll, you will be considered to have passed the trial of the Dragon God."

Hearing Xiaozhi was a little disappointed, he thought a few people were going to fight.

Yushu and Tianwang Kayue are both ruthless characters, and the three locals are not weak, they are all good opponents.

Is it the result of pulling the reel?

"So this scroll, is there anything special?"

Yuuki asked cautiously.

"Pull out the scroll, it means that you have a relationship with Lord Dragon God, and you can repeat the steps of that meteorite back then, and use the colorful meteorite to summon Lord Dragon God again."

The eldest woman's tone was full of piety and enthusiasm.

"And this scroll can make the tester bond with the dragon god, and let the cracking seat perform the strongest blow - the finishing touch!"

"The power that can burst out, no matter what kind of disaster meteorite, can be completely shattered!"

When the words fell, Xiao Zhi's expressions changed.

It's the first time a few people have heard of the finishing touch.


I don't know if it's a coincidence, but Xiao Zhi's Iron Armored Chrysalis once performed an original move, also called the finishing touch.

(End of this chapter)

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