Chapter 1087 Evolution
"Hurry up and catch up with that proud swallow!"

"Don't let it grab the ring!!"

Seeing that Yanzi's body is as light as a swallow, the arrogant Yan Fei is at the front, and the other two trainers are hurriedly chasing behind.

A long-winged gull and a rain-winged moth flapped its wings in succession, but the speed was a bit behind the Aogu Yan.

As for that fourth trainer.

This is a male nurturer, dressed in simple overalls, with a green turban tied around his head and hair, looking very friendly.

If Xiaogang hadn't changed his dreams, he would probably be dressed in this style in the future.

And his Pokémon is a chubby red-black bug with a colorful body and a tail with a little glowing ball at the tail.

Electric Firefly, this Pokémon is very common around Greentown.

"Electric Firefly, use discharge!!"

However, this cultivator is quite violent, and it seems that he did not intend to compete for the ring regularly from the beginning.

It's not against the rules to electrocute all Pokémon.
This kind of flying-type competition is definitely an excellent stage for Pokémon that can use electric-type moves.


This chubby electric firefly stared fiercely, and the crackling electric light began to wrap around the two tentacles of its forehead.

Boom! !

Finally, it turned into a dense bifurcated current, lasing out towards the whole sky, covering a very wide area.

Zizi! !
Due to the lack of alertness, the lower long-winged gull and rain-winged moth were hit on the spot, and dazzling lightning flashes exploded on the two of them!
The strong traction of the current makes Erbird unable to move in the air.

The effect is outstanding!

Not to mention the water + flying long-winged gull, four times restraint, the soul almost flew out with the current.


And Aoguyan's eyes swept across the corner of her eyes, her figure moved and flashed, and she actually avoided all these dangerous current branches.


As soon as the bird's beak pecked, it firmly held the target ring in its mouth.

The long-winged gull and the rain-winged moth were electrocuted into black coal and fell powerlessly from the air.

For a time, only Aoguyan and the dangerous Electric Firefly were left on the battlefield.

"What a powerful power.!"

Xiao Zhi is an expert in the old electricity attribute, and he still can't help but admire.

There is still about a hundred meters away from the key elevated hook angle, but the electric firefly has already flown to the necessary place on this road.

"Using Discharge!!"

The second time I used aoe's discharge trick, the dense electric currents danced wildly, and the screen was bombarded, which made Aoguyan have to be careful about any electric current around.
"Right now, use [-] volts!!"

Seizing the opportunity, the cultivator suddenly shouted.

The electric firefly understands that this time the scattered currents converge into a bundle, the speed is much higher than that of all the previous discharge branches, and the angle is very tricky.


It just passed through the corner of Aoguyan's mouth, and shot the ring off his mouth.


Aoguyan's expression became anxious, and he quickly lowered his dive and chased after the ring.

It's just that when it re-engaged the ring, a black shadow did not know when it was suspended above its head.

The Electric Firefly was clearly an insect, but it had chubby hands and short legs that were shaped like Pikachu.

"Hey, squeak!!"

Aoguyan hurriedly struggled, but the electric firefly was 1/2 bigger than Aoguyan, completely crushing the former, unable to break free.

Not far away, the breeder on the hot air balloon has already issued the next command.

"Maintain this action and use the thunder trick!!"

His electric firefly's combination is extremely simple and rude, [-] volts, discharge, thunder!

Maintaining the old man's movements, the electric current burst out on the antennae of the electric firefly again until it spread to the whole body.

This is a zero-distance move, which completely avoids the weakness of the low hit rate of the thunder move.

Boom! !

The terrifying thunder hit Ao Guyan's body completely, and a dazzling lightning bomb appeared in the sky.

This made the audience below all raise their heads. I didn't expect that today's first game would be so explosive.

Just looking at the electric light, the figure was distorted by the electric, and the back bowed an exaggerated little swallow, and everyone couldn't help shivering.

Electric hemp is true.

Boom! !

The thundering moves continued, and the power was strong.

A Pokémon like the Electric Firefly, at night, its tail will emit bright lights, which is a consumption behavior.

But in the daytime, the light of the sun will be converted into electrical energy in the body. At this moment, the electricity of electric fireflies is constantly flowing, which is really scary.


Aoguyan's eyes were whitened by electricity, and her consciousness was gradually distorted.

The effect of the electric attribute is a great trick, and any arrogant swallow is now unable to fight, and it fell to the ground and lay corpse on the spot.
But the momentum band flying on his forehead made Aoguyan still hold his last breath.

"Aoguyan, use parrot to learn tongue!!"

However, Ash's cry finally made his pupils clear for a while.


In the electric light, Aoguyan tightened his body. Although he did not have any power-generating organs in his body, the same terrifying golden current still spread outwards!

The surface of the body spread out, and even the electric current of the electric firefly was faintly blocked and isolated from the outside.


The breeder was dumbfounded.

How could a Pokémon like Aoguyan be able to withstand a thunderstorm?
And it looks like they are also using thunder? !
You must know that parrot learning is not bug learning. Even if you forcibly imitate the thunder move, the power is probably only the strength of the electric shock wave, which is a tasteless electric shock.

But soon, Aoguyan's thundering moves began to gradually become weaker and narrower.
"Yes yes yes!! That's it, continue to use thunder!!"

The cultivator took a deep breath and looked ecstatic.


Electric Firefly nodded, desperately increasing its power output.

Maintaining the thundering move for such a long time has made it start to pant.

In the end, the current was completely suppressed, and it was only maintained on the surface of Aoguyan's body.

"what is that?!"

"This arrogant swallow?!"

Many of the spectators below have seen something.

In the dazzling electric light, at this moment, it can be seen that Aoguyan's body is covered with a layer of golden-yellow lightning film, as if covered with a golden armor.

This allows Aoguyan to completely resist the strong current that isolates the outside world.


And with its sharp neigh, Aoguyan's body burst into a dazzling white light.

(End of this chapter)

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