He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1088 Thor's Armor

Chapter 1088 Thor's Armor

"Is it finally going to evolve?!"

On the hot air balloon, Ash's eyes were hot.

The level of Aoguyan is enough, and it probably evolved during this time period.

This time in the ring competition, Xiaozhi also has the plan to find an opportunity to let Aoguyan complete the evolution.

I didn't expect this first game to be so exciting!
In that strange white light, Aoguyan's figure continued to expand and expand.

The neighing sound that came out again in the white light also became more solemn and solemn, with a strong raptor momentum.

As the light dissipated, Aoguyan also showed a new appearance.

Its body swelled several times. Before, it was just a bird standing on Xiaozhi's shoulder, but now it is as big as Xiaozhi's whole person.

The entire back wings have become wider, and the feathers have also changed to dark blue.

The raised white chest, neck and face turned vermilion red, and the feathers on the back of the head pressed back like a tuft of hair combed back.

The sturdy bird's claws turned vermilion, and the tail was a slender scissor tail unique to swallow Pokémon, a full one meter long, red and black.

"DiDi, Dawangyan, a majestic Pokémon, likes to comb his shiny feathers, scans his target with sharp eyes, swoops down to catch prey, and usually eats three to five thorntails for a meal."

Pokédex automatically broadcasts reports.

However, at this moment, Xiao Zhi has no time to pay attention to the latter, and his eyes are completely attracted by his own proud Yan.

No, it should be called Da Wangyan now.

You must know that Wang Yan, who has completed evolution at this moment, is even covered with a layer of lightning film, and a faintly visible current is flowing on the surface of the body.
This made Wang Yan's already majestic body even more powerful!
"Little lightning bird?"

Xiao Lan, who was watching the play below, couldn't help but blurted out.

This picture of Da Wangyan, which is gilded and looks like it has been splashed with golden paint, is extremely bells and whistles.

This appearance made the cultivator next to him shudder.

Because Wang Yan's eyes have shifted to the electric firefly.

Cold knowledge, Electric Firefly is not actually a flying Pokémon, nor is it an Electric-type Pokémon
It has only one bug property.

Born under the food chain of Dawangyan.


Before the electric firefly could be arrogant, but now it made a low voice of fear.

Especially the latter's huge body, vermilion majestic face, plus a layer of golden armor.
"End it, use Yanhui!!"

Xiao Zhi commanded loudly.

Wang Yan understood, and his body suddenly swirled in the air, and then rushed straight towards the electric firefly.

The latter also tried to resist with [-] volts, but they were easily bounced off by the sharp beak of Wang Yan.

Whoosh! !
Finally, it hit the belly of the electric firefly head-on, and the strong impact knocked the latter out.

The effect is outstanding!

And when the latter retreated, there was even a current arc spread on his body.
In the end, the Electric Firefly collapsed, unable to fight on the spot.

Wang Yan, who has no opponents, naturally threw the ring in his mouth with great ease and advanced easily.

The circling King Yan, whose body surface dissipated the menacing golden armor, and returned to the original skin at the beginning.

"This is.?"

Xiao Zhi, who paid attention to this blow the whole time, saw something.

It seems that with the addition of the lightning armor, Da Wangyan's Yan return move also has the effect of the electric attribute?

Similar to Pikachu's flying body weight, it is a dual-attribute move.

At this time, the picture book on his waist also issued two consecutive beeps.

"DiDi. Da Wangyan has forgotten the parrot's tongue-in-cheek moves."

"DiDi. The characteristics of Wangyan have changed from the invisible Qi waist to the perseverance characteristic."

Xiaozhi: "?"

Forgetting moves, let's not say what the hell is this characteristic change?

It seems that it has changed from a special characteristic to a common characteristic of Aogu Yan and Dawangyan?
Is this a disguised weakening?
But next, the illustrated book issued a third broadcast.

"DiDi. Da Wangyan has mastered a new move: he can use electric current to create lightning armor on his body surface, improve his own defense and special defense, and at the same time release all physical moves within a period of time, with power-on attribute damage effects. When When the current is depleted, all boost assist effects disappear."


Xiao Zhi was stunned, why did he feel like he was playing a game and listening to the introduction?
And how do you know that?
However, he quickly accepted this setting. After all, this picture book was originally a black technology. It seems that because of the time and space of the old brother Chi, it has become a kind of picture book.

In other words, is it equivalent to sacrificing Da Wangyan's parrot and special characteristics in exchange for a new buff-type move?

The fancy moves are right on Ash's appetite!
He also noticed that on the picture in the picture book, it seemed that he was waiting for him to give a name to this new move.

Without thinking, Xiao Zhi blurted out.

"Then call it Thor's Armor!"

It seems that even if he is wearing a golden armor, he can be a little more domineering even if he is called Thor, and the ordering is rude.

Originally, Xiao Zhi wanted to add the prefix of dazzling and arrogant, but he held back after thinking about it.

A move name that is too long is a burden in the ever-changing battle.

The Pokédex recognized Ash's voice and sounded a prompt.

"DiDi, Wang Yan has mastered a new move: Thor's Armor."

"DiDi, congratulations to the trainer for creating a new move. If other trainers develop this same move in the future, they will also use this name."

Generally, the first trainer to create a new move has the right to name the move.
Like the rotating fist move first used by the flaming roaring tiger, it was named a fancy name - DD golden hook arm.

If I use this move in the future, although I don't need to pay me the copyright fee, I still need to pronounce such a tongue-in-cheek name.

In the future, once other people also use the Thor armor, they will see the name and the description suffix of this skill.

"This skill was named by Xiao Zhi of Zhenxin Town and his beloved bird, Wang Yan."

Xiaozhi: "?"

Wait a minute, there shouldn't be a "bar" in his name, right?
"Change, no!"

Xiao Zhi quickly corrected.

It was a very happy thing, but this picture book always finds an opportunity to pour a pot of cold water on my head.

"DiDi. Cannot be changed. It has been uploaded to the Pokémon public database."

The sound of the picture book is extremely cold, just like the sound of a machine.

What he recognizes is all words after "call", not counting punctuation.

It is the trainer who is not strict, it is not responsible for it.

Xiaozhi: "."

In the end, he could only withdraw Da Wangyan helplessly, and the hot air balloon slowly descended.

Although I only experienced the first game, why do you think this Pokémon Ring Contest is so unusually long?
(End of this chapter)

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