He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1096 Receiving the Elf Egg

Chapter 1096 Receiving the Elf Egg


However, Xiao Zhi's expression sank.

He didn't particularly like this kind of behavior. During the elf egg period, Pokémon actually had a sense of the outside world.

The incubation period of one or two months is also the process of establishing a bond between Pokémon and trainers.

But in this way, the hatching of the elf egg is undoubtedly turned into a pure monetary transaction.

However, Xiao Zhi didn't say much, and now he is much more stable than when he first traveled.

Although he is not ashamed of such behavior, after all, there is no legal prohibition, and he is not easy to say anything about the other party.

"Do I have time to incubate the eggs? It's better to cultivate the relationship after the eggs are hatched!"

When this punch came, Xiao Zhi felt that he couldn't stand it.

And in the past few minutes, there are several bicycles speeding by here, which seems to be an old trend.

Route 117 is a straight road that traverses several kilometers. It is definitely the most suitable location for brushing the fairy egg journey in this Fangyuan area.

Next, the middle-aged man left in the direction of Zijin City.

When the elf egg hatches, he will find the bicycle man to pick it up, and he doesn't need to stay here all the time.

And Xiaozhi and his party also pushed open the door of the cultivation house and walked in.
The interior of the entire breeding log house is spacious and warmly decorated, making people feel a sense of intimacy as soon as they enter.

Like an elf center, there is also a spacious rest area and a computer transmission device. At the front desk in the center, an old grandfather is sitting, registering the Pokémon sent by the trainer, or returning the Pokémon.

But what surprised Ash was that there was a billboard standing next to the front desk.

"Every trainer can pick and receive an elf egg here. After hatching within a day, you can take it away by yourself~"

A small line is added below.

"Of course, if you can't hatch within a day, just write a guarantee letter and promise that you will never abandon this elf egg, and you can also take it away for hatching~!"

The three of Xiaozhi showed a ghostly look.

Elf eggs are not a common thing, but here they appear to be.
For free? !
It's really ridiculous to hatch in one day, but as long as you write a guarantee letter, you can get an egg?

The Rockets reckon they could write guarantees all over the walls of the breeding house.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with this egg collection?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but ask curiously.

This old grandfather with reading glasses and a gray beard looked up and down the three of Xiaozhi, and after noticing the fat white Pikachu being raised on Xiaozhi's shoulders, he showed a kind and friendly smile.

"Three trainer boys from afar~"

Pikachu is the electric rat in other regions, and is rarely carried by local trainers.

If you can raise such a white fat, the trainer will not be a villain.

"Do you want to try to hatch one~?"

He looked expectant.

Hearing that, although the three of Xiaozhi didn't know their origins, they naturally couldn't refuse to prostitute an egg for free, so they nodded again and again.

When he got a positive answer, the old man looked happy, and immediately asked a small worker next to him to be in charge of the front desk, while he led Xiaozhi and the three towards the inner door.

Passing through the wooden door at the back, they came to the large lawn they had seen outside.

"It's not smaller than Dr. Ogi's backyard."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help sighing.

However, the doctor's backyard has various terrains, and there is even a vast jungle mountain behind it.

There is only a vast grassland and a few scattered ponds here. After a long time, there is still visual fatigue.

After all, the Pokémon here are all temporary residences, unlike the backyard of the Great Wood Research Institute, which may live for a lifetime.

Under the guidance of this old man, the three of Xiaozhi came to a wooden house in the grassland again.
More like a hay shed.

In this spacious and warm greenhouse, there are various colorful elf eggs on the shelves.

Xiaozhi didn't count them, but the number has definitely exceeded a hundred!
"This is?!"


It was the first time they saw so many elf eggs, and the three of them all showed a look of amazement, and their eyes lit up.

However, when the grandfather saw so many eggs, his expression was not very happy, but became sad.


He picked up an elf egg and carefully weighed it in his hand.

They, the largest breeding house in the Fangyuan area, are not responsible for hatching eggs.

But so many Pokémon are stored here, it is inevitable that friction and fencing are inevitable, and the number of inexplicable eggs has also increased.

"It was a good thing at the beginning, no trainer would reject the elf egg"

Seeing that he was only depositing Pokémon, he had an extra egg, and the trainers who were depositing became frenzied, and the number of deposits suddenly doubled.

This also caused the number of elf eggs that appeared next to double.

"It's also our fault that the breeding house didn't stop this trend earlier."

Grandpa sighed.

At that time, seeing that the business was doing well, they naturally refused to come and made a lot of money.

After all, the money deposited by Pokémon is not low here.
But this breeding house does not have any mature and stable rules and regulations, and it is completely arbitrary.

Or in other words, the entire Fangyuan area.

The Fangyuan area is not like the Chengdu area next door. Although egg hatching is common on that side, they are all optimized and precise breeding and hatching eggs, and none of them will be wasted.

There are even fines for incubating eggs indiscriminately there.

Especially similar to Ash's stallion Gengar, if caught, he would even be put on a cross on the spot and exposed to the sun.

As the days go by, once the number of eggs increases, people's cherishing of eggs will naturally decline.

Having an egg is one thing, after all, but hatching is not a fleeting process.

After that, some people even began to reject their elf eggs.

Even after picking it up at the door, it was left on the side of the road at will.
And because their breeding house did not have a good and mature breeding environment, the process of friction fencing continued, resulting in a continuous increase in the number of eggs inside.

"In the end, such a large group of unclaimed elf eggs appeared."

The old man sighed and said helplessly.

Although they have stopped their horses in time, they have made geographical distinctions between males and opposites, and Pokémon of the same egg group. But after all, it is not a matter of one or two days.

Now they have begun to contact the breeding houses in the urban area, and ask them to send a few professional talents over to teach them the experience of running the breeding houses.

And these elf eggs, they can only post a notice, let passing trainers get one for free, and solve these hot potatoes as soon as possible.

But you need to write down a guarantee that you can't just throw away the elf egg.


After knowing the whole story, the eyes of the three of Xiao Zhi suddenly lit up, and looked at the hundreds of elf eggs around them with a bit of fanaticism.

(End of this chapter)

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