He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1097 Flying and hatching eggs again

Chapter 1097 Flying and hatching eggs again

"Then next, you can start picking~ Remember to only pick one~"

The old grandfather stood at the door with his hands on his back, not forgetting to remind him.

"I don't know what the specific types of elf eggs here are~ Qualifications are also uneven, which Pokémon you can choose depends on your luck~"

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other, and then the hot breath scattered throughout the greenhouse, looking for his target.

Of the hundreds of elf eggs, nearly 7% of them are classic green spots, and the remaining [-]% have the shape of a cream-yellow shell, and the color patterns are varied, which are basically taken from the basic color matching of Pokémon after hatching.

Xiaozhi even saw a elf egg with a yellow shell and a black lightning pattern. It is estimated that it is not an electric shock monster, or Pichu.

It could also be a unicorn.

Of course, having a unique color does not mean that you are qualified.

It can only be said that the mother's genes of the parents are stronger, so that the shape of the elf egg is also contaminated with the cytoplasmic genes from the mother.

"I don't know the type at all."

Looking at the rows of elf eggs in front of him, even Xiao Zhi was at a loss for a while, not knowing which one to choose.

"In other words, it would be nice if Master Ajin was here."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help sighing.

If this guy is here, move your finger, you will know the specific type and qualification level in the next second. You can even touch the eight characters of the birthday for you.

The old gambler
"You guys, just pick an elf egg here~"

Just as Xiao Zhi and the three were choosing, an old grandmother brought in seven or eight young girls, who seemed to be in the same situation as them.

After all, hundreds of elf eggs can't be piled up here forever.

If it has not been fully distributed in another week, the breeding house has already planned to notify the Pokémon Alliance for emergency treatment.

“This egg is good”

"This one is heavy enough."

For a time, the entire greenhouse also became lively, like picking vegetables in a vegetable market.

Xiao Zhi even saw one of the teenagers of the same age weigh an elf egg, and even patted it with his palm, like a watermelon.

Should be cooked.

Xiaozhi: "."

The three of them didn't dare to delay, they could only speed up their actions.

Anyway, I don't know the specific type, so I just look at the edge.

Blindfolded, Xiaozhi pointed at it, and when he opened it, he saw a purple elf egg with a few light yellow spots.

"Is that you?"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi gently hugged him.

When his palm was close, he could even feel the surging heartbeat coming from the inside of the elf egg, which meant that the elf egg was very healthy.

"I also chose."

"That's it!"

Soon, Xiaolan and Xiaogang also completed their respective choices.

Little Blue's elf eggs are ordinary yellow eggshells with green spots, and there are no possible clues at all.

And Xiaogang's is a pink elf egg, even with a few heart marks, this should be a cute Pokémon.

Xiaogang has completely abandoned his rock will.

Several other passers-by have also been selected.

Seeing that it was still early, the old grandpa took a few people to the big lawn outside.

"Then you will have one day to hatch it. If you can successfully hatch it before sunset, you can take it away directly. If you can't do it, I need your guarantee."

The kind eyes of the old man with glasses tightened and became serious.

"You must ensure that you will not abandon this elf egg and when it hatches, you must record the hatching scene as a video and send it back to our breeding house."

Hatching from the egg, even if it is abandoned as soon as it walks out the door, it still has a little self-protection ability.

But if it is abandoned in the state of an elf egg, it is really a waste egg, and there is a high probability that it will not survive the time of birth.

On the side of the breeding house, it is not possible to choose the entrusted object just by being kind, and it can only use this guarantee method to maximize the survival rate of these innocent elf eggs.

It's a last resort.

Hearing this, everyone scattered.

They were all looking forward, holding elf eggs in their hands, and running through the grasslands in full swing.

The distance is an important factor in the hatching time of the elf egg. The more you run, the faster it will naturally hatch.

There were even a few people who had already borrowed sonic bicycles, planning to go back and forth on the road outside the breeding house.

It is important to know that these hundreds of elf eggs are not only uncertain about their species and qualifications, but also uncertain about the time they will hatch.

It may have to wait a month or two. It may also be the next step, which will be hatched immediately.

So it is not a fantasy to complete the hatching in one day.

Soon, the three of Xiaozhi leisurely held elf eggs in their hands and strolled on the prairie of this breeding house.

They are not in a hurry, the big deal is that they will write a guarantee and it will be over.

"Come out, little fire~!"

Xiaolan also released his old-age flame bird.


A gorgeous flaming divine bird suddenly appeared in the sky above this comfortable grassland, with a long and majestic sound, which immediately attracted a lot of attention.

The teenagers who were about to go out to borrow bicycles had their eyes widened.

I thought they were three ordinary passersby, but now they just took out the legendary Pokémon? !
"Damn it."

It is the owner of the breeding house who has always been prudent - the old grandfather and the old grandmother and their husband and wife are rarely used to foul language.

Next, the flame bird folded its wings and landed between the lawns, tilting its body slightly.

Xiaolan jumped up, holding the egg in one hand and wrapping the flame bird's warm neck with the other.

The flame bird comes with a flame body, which can greatly shorten the number of steps for hatching eggs.

Riding a flaming bird in the sky for a day. This speed is much faster than riding a bicycle back and forth to count steps.

Old hatching tool bird.

"How about you two come up too?"

Xiaolan turned her head and looked at the two of them.

"Hehe, I don't care, I want to see the Pokémon here~"

Xiaogang laughed dryly, pushed Xiaozhi up with his backhand, and then walked towards the depths of this breeding house grassland with the pink egg in his hand.

In Xiaolan's expectant eyes, Xiaozhi could only cough. Then he slowly turned over.

There is no reason to refuse.

The back of the flaming bird is not too big, it looks spacious for one person, and a little narrow for two people.


With the high-pitched chirping of the flame bird, the flame body flew into the air, and the flame feather wings that spread out looked extremely gorgeous and beautiful.

On the back of the flame bird, Xiao Lan could grab the flame bird's neck, Xiao Zhi looked left and right, but found that there was nothing to grab.

In the end, Xiao Zhi could only hug Xiao Lan's slender waist and start hatching the eggs.

(End of this chapter)

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