He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1098 Tool Man Ajin

Chapter 1098 Tool Man Ajin

Above the breeding house, the flame bird flew slowly and leisurely like a patrol.

And on the back of the flame bird.

Xiaolan: "."

Her face had turned from white at first to ruddy.

When Xiaolan invited the two of them to go birding, she didn't think so much at all!

At this moment, it is very dangerous to fall in the sky. And the back area of ​​the flame bird is not too large, which makes the two people sitting next to each other, almost leaning against their chests and backs.

Not to mention that Xiao Zhi, who had no gripper, could only reach forward with one hand in the end, gently wrapping it around her belly.

She could even feel the warm breath coming from behind.
"I haven't eaten much recently, so there shouldn't be any fat on my belly."

This is the only thought left in Xiao Lan's mind at this moment.

As for Ash, sitting next to the girl in front of him.


The flaming bird still made an accelerated charge, causing Xiao Lan's body to lean back suddenly, completely leaning on his chest.

The hair flying from the back of the latter's head floated on the tip of Xiao Zhi's nose, which was somewhat unnatural.

"If you cut your hair short, it should be more suitable for fighting?"

Xiao Zhi murmured in his heart.

One hand is holding the elf egg, and the other hand is holding Xiaolan's slender waist.
For no reason, Xiao Zhi subconsciously pinched his belly, soft to the touch.

Xiaolan: "!"

Her face was completely red, and the earlobes on both sides that Xiao Zhi could see were even brighter.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Too high, have you caught a cold?
But the former didn't say anything, and Xiaozhi simply maintained this action, letting the flame bird take the two to fly in the air to hatch the eggs.

"Hey, I'm so envious."

"I also want to ride a flame bird to hatch eggs!"

"Another cute girl in my arms!"

The people watching below raised their heads and showed envious expressions.

Especially the flickering afterglow of the flame bird from time to time, it looks very sacred.
In a place on the grassland of the breeding house, Xiaogang held a pink egg in one hand and touched his chin with the other, looking at the sky meaningfully.

The tightly-sewn small eyes flashed a wise light.

"These two guys, is there really a situation?"

The flaming bird has a long stamina and can adapt to a long flight, but in the afternoon, Xiao Lan still ordered him to land.

If she rides any further, her whole body will be numb.

When they landed, Xiaozhi and Xiaolan looked at each other, but quickly turned their heads crampedly, and their movements were surprisingly consistent.

"Cough cough."

"Cough cough."

Finally, they coughed at each other, indicating that the problem was not a big deal.

As for the elf eggs in the hands of the two
Still no movement.Seeing that it will be dusk in a few hours, it is obviously a fantasy to hatch within a day.

"By the way, I can call and ask Ah Jin."

Xiao Zhi suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly took out the picture book.

He remembered that when he left the Chengdu area, he specifically asked Akin for his contact information, but the latter's expression at the time did not seem so reluctant.

"DiDi. Da!"

Soon, the phone was connected, and a familiar voice came from the other end.

"Hello? Is it Xiao Zhi, why did you suddenly think of calling me?"

Ah Jin's voice was a little breathless, as if he was walking.

When Xiao Zhi called, Ah Jin's first thought was that this guy wanted him to help hatch the eggs again.

But it's not a big problem. It's all separated by several areas. Xiao Zhi can't follow the wire and let him help him consecrate it, right?

"Oh, Master Ah Jin, I would like to ask how to quickly hatch eggs?"

Xiao Zhi asked straight to the point.

"The time of the egg itself is different. With the assistance of the Flame Body Pokémon, and the number of steps, there is no way to quickly hatch eggs."

When he came to his professional field, Ah Jin explained it quite seriously.

"Of course, except for my golden finger~!"

But without saying a few words, Ah Jin began to be arrogant and touted himself on a daily basis.

"Oh, then I happen to have three elf eggs here"

"Wait a minute, I'm about to board the plane now, and I don't have time to talk to you!"

However, before Xiao Zhi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ajin.

Damn it, why is this guy coming to scoop his wool again? !

The last time he tried his best to consecrate Xiao Zhi's egg, Ajin collapsed for two days. Now he doesn't want to take any more casual shots.

And three this time? !
Are you going to squeeze him out? !

"Boarding the plane? Wait a minute, Master Ah Jin, aren't you coming to the Fangyuan area?"

Xiao Zhi suddenly realized something and asked quickly.

"Huh? How did you know I was coming to the Fangyuan area?"

A Jin, who was about to hang up on the other end of the phone, heard a suspicious voice.

He and Chris were happily traveling in other areas, but suddenly a phone call came from his family, saying that he would go to the Fangyuan area immediately and teach the local aborigines some high-end breeding house management methods.

Especially when it comes to hatching eggs.

In this regard, Ah Jin is a veritable expert, and he is full of theoretical knowledge and practical plug-ins.

So now he and Chris are heading to the airport, and they will arrive at Kena City in the Fangyuan area by tomorrow afternoon.

"Oh, you're coming to the breeding house in the west of Zijin City, right? I'm familiar with it! Going north from Kaina City is Zijin City, so tomorrow night I'll be at the elf center in Zijin City, okay? Let's catch the wind and wash the dust for you!"

Xiao Zhi greeted him with care.

Then, regardless of what the other party said, he hung up the phone directly.

"Hey hey hey? Xiaozhi? Are you also in the Fangyuan area? Hey hey hey?"

Hearing that he suddenly hung up the phone, Ah Jin was at a loss.

What a riddle this guy is doing!

"What's wrong, Akin?"

Chris, who was next to him, came over curiously.

"No, even Xiaozhi is also in the Fangyuan area, and he said that he would pick up the wind and wash the dust for us."

Akin put away the phone and said casually.

Well, someone greeted him as soon as he arrived in a new area, which greatly satisfied Ah Jin's vanity.

But vaguely, I felt that there was something wrong.

He always felt that when he arrived in Zijin City tomorrow, his waist should become very painful?

Never mind, the plane is about to take off.

As for the other end, the front desk of Fangyuan Breeding House.

The three of Xiaozhi had already lined up to write the guarantee letter, and then they received their elf egg very smoothly, and slowly moved towards the direction of Zijin City not far away.

It seems that Akin is the "expert" that the breeding house said.

"Xiao Lan Xiaogang, you two should prepare the present well. When we see Ah Jin tomorrow, slap the present in his face first."

Ash reminded, with a sly expression on his face.

Xiaolan didn't know how serious it was, but Xiaogang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he sighed with emotion:
"Master Ah Jin's consecration ceremony, is it really a miracle?"

You must know that the different color Kedora on his body now comes from the arm of Master Ajin!


Xiaolan tilted her head, not knowing what the connection was.

But when it comes to gifts, she has a lot on her now.

(End of this chapter)

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