He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1100 Weird Weather

Chapter 1100 Weird Weather
The next morning.

It is still the spirit center of Viola City.

Today's Ash and his party are going to move forward in the direction of Yinyu City.

But before they left, they had to get their elf eggs back. Last night, the three of them put the elf eggs in front of Ajin, and left without saying anything.

As for the ability to make the latter achieve a few percent, what are the requirements?
"I even gave him the champion props of the dogfighting competition. Master Ah Jin should be able to use ten percent of his strength!"

Chi just thought so.

No requirement is the highest requirement.

But at the moment in the hall, only Chris is waiting for them.

And three elf eggs on the table.

There seems to be no change. But the surface seems to have undergone some metal polishing, reflecting a faint luster.

This is a special phenomenon that occurs only after Master Ajin's consecration ceremony.

"Haha, Ah Jin has completely fallen asleep."

Chris explained with a smile.

Although the two of them traveled together, this guy always brags and shows off with her, and is alive and kicking.

Now it's being ruled by Xiaozhi and the others.
Chris didn't have the slightest sympathy, but wanted to laugh a little.

"These three elf eggs have all been opened. As for how much effort was used, Ajin didn't say."

Chris acted as a megaphone, recalling what Akin said to herself after the exercise last night.

Hearing that, the three of Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly brightened, and they picked up their elf egg and looked up and down.

As expected of Master Ah Jin, he can do it three times in one night!

"As for the specific species, Ah Jin didn't say anything. After all, the instant surprise of hatching is also a great joy of hatching."

After speaking, Chris added.

"But he said that in this Elf egg, Xiaozhi, is a very naughty Pokémon, and it will take about half a month to hatch."

She pointed to the elf egg in the hands of Xiaolan and Xiaogang.

"This pink elf has extremely powerful strength, and it will hatch in about a month."

"As for Xiaolan, it's a dangerous Pokémon who likes to play pranks. It's about half a month's incubation time."

Hearing that, the eyes of the three of them were erratic, and their minds were full of fantasies about hatching Pokémon.

"Half a month?"

Xiaozhi looked at the elf egg in his arms, it is estimated that it will hatch during the journey between the sixth gym and the seventh gym.?

After everything was settled, the three of Xiao Zhi planned to leave.

But seeing them make Ajin unable to get out of bed, I was somewhat embarrassed in my heart.

"Well, if you're done with the breeding house, you can come to the Zijin Gym in Zijin City. The gym owner there may be able to take you to a dream city."

Xiao Zhi suddenly spoke up.

"Dream City?"

Chris tilted her head, not knowing what the riddle was.

But she still remembered it.

A few days ago, Xiaozhi received a call from Tie Xuan, saying that the new Viola is being rebuilt in full swing, and you can come and enjoy it at any time.

Best to live for a while.

Just to try the actual living effect of the city.

However, they now have a gym mission, and it is inconvenient to stay for a long time, so Ash simply recommends Akin and Chriss there.

With the temperament of Master Ajin, a novel underground fantasy city is estimated to suit his appetite.

Before leaving, Xiao Zhi did not forget to remind him.

"By the way, when Master Ajin wakes up, don't forget to tell him that I am now challenging the alliance competition in the Fangyuan area, and you can come to Caiyou City to watch the battle!"

Maybe he can get another elf egg on the way?

"I know~"

Chris just complied gently.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xiao Zhi always felt that Chris, who he saw in the Chengdu area, should be very heroic and resolute.

It's just now, how can it be so gentle, and the voice is so delicate.?

Leaving Zijin City, Xiaozhi and his party went all the way east.

After walking through a wide road, you can faintly see an endless sea.

This is the inland sea in the Fangyuan area, more like a huge canyon, dividing the whole area into two parts, east and west.

The southern waterway stretches all the way to the open sea, and the east and west are separated by dozens of kilometers. It takes about an hour to sail to the other side.

Seeing that there are special passenger ships and decks next to the beach, Xiao Zhi did not choose to release Chenglong this time, but went to buy three tickets to the other side.

It's mainly an hour's journey, and it's not enough to ride a dragon. I simply don't call it out.

Buy a ticket and board the boat.

After a while, the three of Xiao Zhi were already standing on the deck of a medium-sized cruise ship.

Tourism in the Fangyuan area is very popular, and there are many tourists who are also riding at the moment, which is quite lively.

The three of Xiaozhi were leaning on the railing, blowing the sea breeze, looking at the way they came, and entering a rare leisure time.
Boom! !
However, this state has not lasted long, and there is a thunder in the sky, and everyone on the ship is shocked.

"What the hell, isn't this a sunny day?!"

Ash looked up at the sky inexplicably, and the dazzling sun was still hanging on it.
Da da da! !

However, the next moment, the cloudless sunny day instantly switched to a rainy day, and the entire sky was covered by thick dark clouds, and the downpour followed.


The three of Xiaozhi hurriedly held their heads and returned to the indoor area of ​​the cruise ship quite embarrassed.

It's just that this rainstorm has not lasted for 5 minutes, the sun has broken through the dark clouds again, and the surrounding rain has also stopped.

Xiaozhi: "???"

How to switch from rainy day to sunny day?

However, it was not until Xiao Zhi went out again.
Boom! !
There was another burst of thunder, and then the heavy rain poured down again, and the sky was covered by black clouds again.

In the next time, the weather in this sea area will switch back and forth between sunny days and rainy days.
This made the light on the faces of Ash and Pikachu also flicker, like a light bulb switch, flickering.

The weird cycle continued for a dozen times in a row, completely numbing the three of Xiaozhi.

"Uncle, is this the unique scenery of this sea area?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help pulling the big sailor next to him and asked.

Maybe the name of this area is called "Eccentric Sea Area"?
"Not really."

The sailor uncle shook his head, but he had a familiar look on his face.

"But it's been like this for almost a week."

With that said, he also looked towards the direction the ship was heading.

"Not only that, but now in the eastern part of the Fangyuan area, this kind of random weather change is happening almost everywhere. It's completely confusing."


The three were stunned for a moment, this sounds a little scary!

(End of this chapter)

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