He knows Pokémon better than me

1101 Octopus under the bridge

1101 Octopus under the bridge
Route 119 went north all the way. After passing through a large area of ​​dense shrubs, Ash and his party came to a region full of canyons and streams.

The long and narrow stream slowly descended from the north all the way to the south, and the intricate valley and shore road gaps above are covered with wooden bridges of different lengths and horizontal locks, which will shake when you walk on it.

This is a famous wild Pokémon habitat in the Fangyuan area. There are plenty of vegetation and water sources, and a large number of water-type, grass-type, and insect-type Pokémon inhabit.



When crossing the wooden bridge above, Xiao Zhi and the others also saw the bank of the stream below, which was quite dense and noisy at the moment.

And everyone is holding a fishing rod in their hands, watching the floating on the water nervously and eagerly.

"Is this a fishing contest?"

Ash was secretly surprised.

Moreover, in the area covered by the shadow of each wooden bridge, it is particularly dense, and there is a fisherman fishing almost half a meter apart.

Just when he saw a young insect-catcher walking towards him with a large net on his shoulders, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but ask the reason.

"Oh, someone caught an ugly fish here a few days ago. Now the news has exploded, and everyone is rushing to fish."

The bug catcher replied casually.

In the Fangyuan area, the Ugly Ugly Fish can be said to be the most precious Pokémon in the entire area. The rarity can even be said to exceed the existence of quasi-gods.

However, the habitat of this Pokémon has not yet been discovered.

Finding an ugly fish in the wild is definitely a big sensation, because it means that this area may be the habitat of a large number of ugly fish!

"Ugly ugly fish?"

Ash nodded, he still knew about this kind of Pokémon.

The Pokémon that keeps pace with the Carp King, the Carp King is called the weakest being, but the evolved Tyrannosaurus can gain powerful power.

The ugly ugly fish is ugly, but once it evolves into Minas, it can become the most beautiful existence.

This great sense of contrast has attracted countless trainers.

Not to mention that the celebrity of Fangyuan, the champion of the league and the top coordination trainer-Mickley's main Pokémon, is a Minas.

This is a powerful and gorgeous Pokémon, and it can be said to be a perfect fit for Mickley's existence.

"Insects are the most handsome!"

However, this young insect-catcher just clenched his fists and emphasized.

The dense bush in the south of No. 119, the grass is two meters high, and there are many kinds of insects in it. That is his target area.

"Then why are they all gathered under the wooden bridge?"

Xiaogang couldn't help but ask curiously.

The narrow stream location is actually quite adequate. But the vast majority of people are crowded in the shadow of the wooden bridge.

He looked up at the sky.

The weather here is cloudy, it will rain and it will not rain, and there is no sun.

"No, it is said that the trainer who captured the ugly fish was out of luck at the time. It wasn't one. It was a direct link, and he caught four ugly fish in a row in half an hour!"

The Insect Catcher gave a serious introduction.

"Later a reporter interviewed the lucky guy who fished with Yangshou, and he only spit out four words."

Hearing that, the three of Xiaozhi raised their ears and looked forward to the following.

This kind of gossip is undoubtedly the most interesting.

However, the insect-catcher boy paused, coughed twice, and pinched his throat again.

"Oh, telling the story makes your mouth dry. This is the sweet grapefruit fruit, just to quench your thirst!"

Ash hurriedly handed over Pikachu's leftovers from the other day.

Seeing this, this young insect-catcher took over the grapefruit, and took a bite.

Um, why is it a little sour.?

"By the way, you are all foreigners, right?"

The bug catcher didn't talk about the ugly fish first, but talked about other things.

It seems that this kind of deliberately trolling other people's appetite is very suitable for him.

"Oh~ we are from the Kanto region!"

Xiao Lan replied with a smile.

But she was speechless for a while. If she hadn't really wanted to know what happened next, she would now want to unleash the eight fists of the true new town king, and the eyes of this boy in shorts were two fists.

"Kanto area!"

Hearing this word, the eyes of the insect-catcher boy suddenly lit up.

"My best friend Kogoro is in the Kanto area!"


Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, and felt as if he had heard of this name somewhere, but he was stunned for a long time before he realized it.

"Wait a minute, so you're the best friend that Kogoro said!"

"Huh? Do you know Kogoro too?"

This young bug-catcher became interested, and approached Xiao Zhi. He didn't expect that any passerby would have fate?
"Ha ha."

Xiaozhi just responded with a smirk.

It turned out that this guy was the one who told Kogoro that the Fangyuan area was full of cracks.

It is even said that if you grab a stone and drop it from the sky above the Fangyuan area, you may stun a cracking seat.
Kogoro believed.

Xiao Zhi also believed.

It even made him make a lot of jokes at the time.

It turned out that the culprit was the wicked young bug-catcher in front of him!
"What fate?"

Xiaogang and Xiaolan also became curious and came together.

This incident happened when Ash just entered the Viking Forest, and there was only Xiao Xia by his side.

"Oh, it's okay"

Xiaozhi hurriedly fooled the past, this matter is also considered his own black history, Xianbu said.

At the beginning, he was convinced that the green caterpillar could evolve into a split empty seat!

Now that I have come to the Fangyuan area, after understanding the power of Rifting Seat, if the green caterpillar can really evolve into Risoring seat, then the world would have been in chaos.

After some interruptions, the insect-catcher, who had completely eaten the spoiled grapefruit, spit out those four words.

"The fish is under the bridge."

That is, the ugly fish is under the wooden bridge.

This long and narrow stream, in the water covered by the shadow of the wooden bridge, definitely has metaphysical properties, making the lucky passerby connect four ugly fish.

Then he didn't dare to fish any more, he just closed it when he saw it.

After all, the weather has not been very calm recently, maybe a thunderstorm will fall and let him ascend to the sky on the spot.

"So you mean there are special fishing spots?"

Xiao Zhi touched his chin and looked at the swarming fishermen below.

If Xiaoxia is here at this moment, it is estimated that she will also become one of the fanatics.

Although he is quite interested in Ugly Ugly Fish, but the place has already been dominated by others, and Xiao Zhi simply did not choose to go down and get a piece of the pie.

When saying goodbye to this young insect-catcher, the source of all evil, Xiao Zhi suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Xiao Lan.

"By the way, didn't I catch an ugly fish before? I gave it to you at the time, and it seems that I haven't seen it for you?"

"Have it?"

Xiaolan just blinked her big, beautiful eyes with a confused look on her face.

But if you say it like that, it seems to be a bit of an impression.
Don't worry, when you arrive at the Spirit Center, check your computer carefully.

If there really is an ugly ugly fish
Now that they have all come to the Fangyuan area, of course they have to exercise this most beautiful Pokémon in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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