He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1106 Wooden Shougong and Forest Lizard

Chapter 1106 Wooden Shougong and Forest Lizard
"Is that so?"

After a while, both teams left the Weather Research Institute, which made Xiao Zhi feel a pity.

And these two teams are outrageous.

Last time on Chimney Hill, the marine team protecting the volcano was their "friend".

This time, the incident of seducing Groudon turned into the Lava Team as their "friend".

And what are these two organizations doing at the Weather Institute?

Just come in arrogantly, and then leave inexplicably?

The director of the weather institute was relieved and sat back to his seat.

"It's probably because of the scarlet orb and the indigo orb."

In his mouth, he slowly guessed.

"Indigo Orb?"

Hearing a new term, several people curiously reread it.

"Well, like Groudon's vermilion orb, Kyogre naturally has an indigo blue orb."

The director nodded, and the screen of the mobile phone brought up a picture with a simple blue bead on it.

"In legend, these two orbs have inseparable abilities with the two ancient gods, and may even have the terrifying ability to manipulate the two ancient gods!"

The director explained with a serious expression.

The Lava Team and Ocean Team, who have Groudon and Kyogre as their beliefs, must be eager to have two beads.

"It is estimated that they are all eyeing the research data of our Weather Research Institute on the two beads."

However, seeing that the other party also came up, they simply chose to give up.

If everyone doesn't have it, it means everyone has it.


The director's expression was gloomy, and there was a vague idea in his mind.

He always felt that the two people gave up the research materials, not because the other party was there. Maybe they already had information on the location of the True Orb.

Then the information of the fake orbs, for them, the importance is infinitely reduced.

"Team Lava and Team Ocean."

Xiaozhi touched his chin and looked at Pikachu who was flying on the floating bubble head in front of him, but he had some bad thoughts in his heart.

In the end, it will never be the Lava Team and the Ocean Team, who will summon and control Groudon and Kyogre respectively, and come to a battle between the earth and the ocean, right? !

Back in the Orange Islands, Lugia's brief fight with Groudon had already shocked him.

Fortunately, the misunderstanding was quickly resolved, and Groudon also recognized that the sea god in front of him was not the fat-headed fish in his memory, so he gave up and terminated without causing any unpredictable disaster.

But if the evenly-matched Groudon and Kyogre fight on this continent.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but twitched, the picture was a bit violent.

"No matter what, we can only see the results of Xiao Mao's actions."

The director took a deep breath and stood up again.

I hope that when the time comes, Groudon will return to the Fangyuan area and continue to sleep in the core magma. Don't wander around anymore!

Farewell to the Weather Research Institute, the three of Ash moved on.

This road is an open field, flanked by dense jungles on both sides, with extremely high vegetation coverage.

In the distance, you can already see a town at the end of the forest in the northeast direction.

"Mushougong, use the seed machine gun!!"

However, at this time, Ash and his party suddenly heard the voice of the trainer commanding the battle.

Looking closer, I saw that it was a green-headed boy who was fighting against a boy dressed as a ninja.

The Pokémon in the battle are the wooden Shougong, which is familiar to Xiaozhi, and a black-gold flying cicada.

"Iron Ninja, use high-speed movement!"

The ninja boy commanded.

The dense seed machine guns shot, but the iron-faced ninja was faster, and his figure flashed in mid-air, as if he had used teleportation.

The ghostly figure completely avoided the seed machine gun.

"Right now, use Continuous Cut!!"

After the words fell, the tentacles of the iron-faced ninja had already lit up with a turquoise light, like a sharp scimitar.


In an instant, he came to the back of this wooden Shougong, and he continuously cut and chopped at the back of the wooden Shougong!

The effect is outstanding! !

This wooden Shougong, who didn't seem to have a high level, rolled on the ground in an embarrassed manner, trying to attack the target behind him.


However, in the next instant, the iron-faced ninja came to a tricky blind spot.

The blade swung out, and the continuous cut successfully slashed again on the back of Mu Shougong!
The effect is outstanding! !
This wooden Shougong couldn't react at all, and only saw a black shadow flashing back and forth in front of him, and then his body was severely injured.

"Damn. What kind of move is this?!"

And this green-headed boy was sweating profusely, and even subconsciously looked away from the battlefield and looked at the notebook in his hand, as if planning to find some way to solve it.

But the continuous cut is a move that increases in power as the number of attacks increases.

When the third consecutive cut hits, Mu Shougong was picked up and flew out.


When he landed, he was already unable to fight.

Seeing this, the ninja boy touched his nose quite proudly.

"Hehe, see how powerful my Iron Mask Ninja is~!"

And this green-headed boy stepped forward in a panic to check Mu Shougong's injury.

"So pure newcomer"

"too pure"

Seeing the battle completely in his eyes, Ash and his party couldn't help shaking his head.

Not to mention, it is the biggest taboo for trainers to look away from themselves in battle!
Judging from the size of the wooden Shougong, it is estimated that it has either just hatched from the egg, or has just been received as the initial royal family, right?
"Hey! The expressions of the three of you seem to be a ninja who is very dissatisfied with me?"

When the ninja boy saw several people shaking their heads in disappointment, he immediately shouted loudly:
"Would you like to try fighting with me?"

"Oh, fight~!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he walked up immediately and stood in the position of the green-haired boy before.

He flipped the Pokeball in his hand, and the handsome figure of the forest lizard appeared in front of him.


As soon as the latter came on stage, he picked up a branch and folded his chest with both hands, without looking directly at the iron-faced ninja in front of him.

"This is. Forest lizard?!"


The green-headed boy and Mu Shougong, who were defeated in the battle next to them, looked at Xiao Zhi and the forest lizard with surprise.

But the ninja boy on the opposite side was already provoked by the arrogant forest lizard.

"Iron Ninja, use high-speed movement!!"

The next moment, the shape of the iron-faced ninja flashed and changed in the air again, completely unable to capture the trajectory.

"Then it's a continuous cut!!"

The ninja boy swung his finger, obviously this is his old combination punch.

Seeing the iron-faced ninja sprinting with a tricky figure, the blade tentacles are even more dangerously light.
"Forest lizard, use it!"

Xiao Zhi responded calmly.


The forest lizard understood, and a mysterious green light flashed in his eyes.

The next step is a set of extremely bizarre body moves. As you move around, you will cut the iron-faced ninja's several tricks in a row and avoid them as much as possible.
(End of this chapter)

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