Chapter 1107

The ninja boy took a step back, his face full of incredulity.

Your own iron-faced ninja, but the Pokémon that ranks first in the speed rankings, but his moves are all dodged by the opponent's strolling in the courtyard? !

"This is how forest lizards fight, calmly observe the opponent's movements."

While commanding the battle, Ash still has the energy to explain.

The forest lizard's unique trick is not to only dodge once, but to dodge the attack for a period of time.

The iron-faced ninja's continuous cutting moves are tricky and fierce, but they are all dodged by it with ease.

The green-haired boy next to him and Mu Shougong were stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Xiao Zhi was talking to them.

The former's eyes flickered even more, holding the notebook in his hand, and began to record something quickly.

"Until you notice the opponent's flaws, the best chance to attack is now, use the leaf blade slash!!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly took the initiative to attack.

The forest lizard's eyes flashed brightly, and it jumped up when the Iron Masked Ninja attacked.

The slender green leaves on both sides of the arms turned into green blades in an instant.

Whoosh! !
The leaf blade slashed out, and the sharp slash directly smashed the iron-faced ninja several meters away!

In terms of speed, it is true that this iron-faced ninja is faster.

But coupled with insight and explosiveness, the forest lizard can completely hit the opponent on the ground.

It's just that the blade blade of the grass attribute has a 1/4 effect on the iron-faced ninja of flying + insects, and the damage is not high.

"If that's the case, then try your new trick!"

Xiao Zhi raised his hand and pointed, his face extremely confident.


The forest lizard understood it even more, and when Ash just spit out the first word, the figure had already sprinted out.

He even caught up with the retreating iron-faced ninja, and immediately jumped up.

The green blade is sheathed, but the two sharp claws are crossed in front of him.

The next moment, light green energy has already covered around the claws, gradually condensing into the phantom of fierce claws.
Although it is also a green light, this time the green light has a strong power of domineering.

"Right now, use dragon claws!!"

After the words fell, the forest lizard waved its dragon claws and ripped apart the head of the iron-faced ninja! !
Boom! !
The explosion sounded in the air, and the iron-faced ninja suddenly retreated like a sandbag and landed heavily on the ground.


And the forest lizard just flipped back gently in the explosion and fell steadily, not forgetting to fold a branch and hold it beside its mouth.

Victory and defeat!

The iron-faced ninja on the opposite side fell to the ground unconscious.

"Damn, you bastard."

Seeing that he was defeated in an instant, the ninja boy's teeth were itchy.

But Ninja Face is already his trump card.
"Hmph, if my mother didn't tell me to go back to dinner, or I must educate you today!"

In the end, with the last word, the ninja boy hurried to the direction of Yinyu City.
"So strong!! You are too strong!!"


When the battle was over, the green-headed boy and Mu Shougong came together, exclaiming repeatedly.

Looking at the eyes of Xiao Zhi and the forest lizard, it is even more highly worshipped.

This wooden Shougong even followed suit, and immediately picked up a branch beside him and held it at the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, it's just a normal battle~!"

It was rare to hear someone complimenting him, and Xiao Zhi touched his nose proudly, while the forest lizard beside him held his chest coldly and stood beside him.

Squinting at Mu Shougong, it looks like he is looking at the younger brother.

Seeing that Xiaolan Xiaogang and a few others also came over, the green-haired boy bowed cautiously to them, and introduced himself:
"Oh, hello! My name is Shota, and this is my partner Mu Shougong!!"

This young man is about half a head shorter than Ash, wearing a shirt and a vest, and he seems to be a rather rigorous person.

"So are you a newcomer who just received the initial royal family?"

Xiao Lan asked curiously.

"Yes, the Mu Shougong I just met last month!"

Shota picked up his wooden Shougong.

"I want to be a strong trainer, so now I plan to go to Yinyu City to challenge the Yinyu Gym there!"


The wooden Shougong also called out.

Its personality doesn't want to be as ruthless as Ash's Forest Lizard, but more like a hot-blooded Pokémon like Strong Chicken.

Seeing several people looking at the notebook in his hand curiously, Shota quickly explained:

"Oh, this is the book I use to record all the knowledge gained along the way!"

He belongs to the steady and steady theoretical trainer.

Xiao Zhi and the others also quickly introduced themselves.

"Uh, but I suggest you start with the gym on the west side. As far as I know, the strength of the gym in the eastern half of the Fangyuan area will be much higher than that in the western half."

Xiaogang said politely, but did not directly say the other party's dishes.

After all, Yinyu Gym is a flying-type gym, so this wooden Shougong is a bit of a waste.

"Indeed, Kanaz Gym is a good start."

Xiao Zhi also suggested.

Mushou Palace has attribute restraint, and the owner of the pavilion, Du Juan, is also a gym that will take care of newcomers and will carry out proper water release.

"Well, I was planning to start challenging the gym directly."

Shota turned his gaze to Ash and took a deep breath.

"But I don't plan to do the gym challenge for the time being."

He seemed to have made a major decision, and even bowed again to Ash and his party.

"Please, can I travel with you for a while?"

After seeing the power of Ash and the Forest Lizard, Shota knew the gap between them
This made him even more eager to see Ash's Gym Challenge!
Moreover, it is not long before the opening of the Caiyou Alliance Conference.

Even if there are already four full of badges, they have to rush on the road non-stop, not to mention Shota who still has 0 badges.

This year, you may not participate.

The big deal is to change the area and start challenging the gym.

He is a person full of desire to learn. If he can follow Xiao Zhi during this period of time until he officially starts to challenge the Alliance Conference, it is estimated that he will be able to avoid many detours.

"Ah, do you want to follow us?"

This request was something that Ash did not expect.

He scratched his head, and looked at the other two buddies, not knowing what to do.

However, after seeing the two nod, Xiaozhi simply agreed.

"In that case, let's travel together!"

After all, the other party is not a child like Xiaosheng. Since he has become a trainer, he doesn't need to worry about becoming a burden.

The most important thing is the undisguised admiration in Shota's eyes, which makes Ash quite fond of it.

"Welcome to the team~"

"Please give me more advice in the future~!"

Xiaogang and Xiaolan also nodded, quite satisfied.

It was rare for a newcomer to come to the team, and they could finally satisfy their vanity as seniors.

"Please advise, Senior Xiaozhi, Senior Xiaogang, Senior Xiaolan!"

Shota bowed solemnly to several people, very polite.

"Haha, just call me Xiaozhi."

Xiao Zhi said quickly, the seniors are somewhat embarrassed to hear.

"Hehe, I feel pretty good."


Xiaogang and Xiaolan did not refuse this title.

"Then please give me more advice, Senior Xiaogang, Senior Xiaolan, and Xiaozhi!"

Shota greeted politely again.

Xiaozhi: "."

I always felt that he was inexplicably short.
(End of this chapter)

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