He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1123 Complete 5 God Pillars

Chapter 1123 Complete Five God Pillars
"Is this really subduing the legendary Pokémon?!"


The faces of the people watching the battle at the entrance of the stone room were all speechless.

"It's not that simple! Mr. Kamidai must have gone through a thorough investigation in advance, special preparations for Pokémon, and his own strength."

Xiaogang narrowed his eyes and explained something to the gods.

And seeing the Steel God Pillar that I have been chasing for more than 20 years, it just appeared in the high-level ball in the hands of other men at this moment.
The expression of the middle-aged relic fan changed for a while, and there was a strange feeling of being ntred in the loneliness.

"Kamiyo-san, that!"

In the end, he leaned forward and pointed to the high-level ball in the hands of the gods with shortness of breath.

"I remember my promise to you, but now the Steel God Pillar has just been subdued, and if you take pictures, you may only be able to capture its sleeping appearance."

After all, he was playing tricks and deliberately chose to forcibly subdue it when the Steel God Pillar was the weakest.

Naturally, it also takes more time to communicate with them in the follow-up, and that is the completed subjugation.

Thinking of this, the gods handed the middle-aged man a business card.

"One month later, you can come to the Battle Pyramid in the Pioneering Zone, and the Steel God Pillar and I will be waiting for you there"

The middle-aged relic fans immediately took it into their arms like a treasure.

"Battle against the pioneering area, against the pyramid?"

Ash is somewhat impressed by this word, as if Mr. Koujiro also mentioned these two places last time.

"Battle against the pioneering area. Oh! It turns out that Mr. Koujiro is the pioneering mind there, no wonder he is so powerful."

The local Shota had heard of this place, and his eyes suddenly showed surprise.

Seeing the curious expressions from several people, Shota quickly explained.

The battle development area is located on a long and narrow island in the southern waters of the Fangyuan area, and its area is about 1/20 the size of the Fangyuan area.

In terms of size ratio, it is roughly equivalent to the Orange Islands in the southern waters of the Kanto region, but these islands have to be pieced together into a large island.

"And there are several battle facilities built on this island, similar to our gymnasium."

It didn't exist very early on.

As far as Shota knows, it has only been basically completed in recent years and has begun to open to the outside world.

"And the strength of the pioneering minds on the island is said to be much stronger than that of normal gym trainers, and even the strength may not be inferior to the Alliance King!"

Shota's tone was uncertain.

After all, he only heard about this place. In fact, not many people in the Fangyuan area will go to that area, and there is very little information circulating.

"Isn't it inferior to the King of the Alliance?"

Ash turned his gaze to the gods who dressed as a mountain climber in the wild.

In terms of strength, it is indeed no worse than the Alliance Heavenly King he has seen. However, he is not sure about the true strength of the latter without a formal fight.

"Well, you teenagers can also come to our battle development area, and I can show you the complete Three Gods Pillars!"

It seems that the three gods have finally been assembled, and today's generation of gods is also in a very happy mood, and it is actually an invitation.

Hearing this, several people were overjoyed and agreed again and again.

After the Caiyou Conference is over, you can go to this battle development area first.

"One person conquers the Three God Pillars"

"Unfortunately I only have two pillars"

"It's amazing"

Xiao Zhi and the others were talking at length, but one of the keywords made Shendai's face suddenly stiff, and he turned his head mechanically like a wooden owl.

Wait, what did he just hear?
This young man said he had two divine pillars? !

God's generation is going to get together and ask what is going on.

rumble! !
It's just that at this moment, the Steel God Pillar has been subdued, and the entire surrounding sealed stone chamber began to shake, and even a lot of gravel rocks fell.

It seems that every stone chamber will collapse and collapse once the divine pillar is subdued.

Everyone did not dare to be careless, and rushed out of the stone room in a hurry.

Rumble.! !
After a while, the huge stone chamber, which was still magnificent before, completely collapsed.

On the ground in front of everyone, apart from the earthbag at the beginning, there was only a large piece of gravel ruins left.

"Young man, you just said that you also have three divine pillars on your body?!"

However, the focus of Jindai was on Ash, and for the first time there was a bit of anxiety in his voice.

"Oh, there are two~!"

Xiao Zhi waved his hand indifferently, seeing the eagerness of the latter, and then took out two specially shaped Pokeballs.

One is a specially-made insulating ball obtained from the Viola Gym. With the red light flashing, a pale yellow crystal pillar appears, and the limbs extend out of the real current, making it bounce on the ground all the time. jumping.

The Electric God Pillar will completely dissipate the current of the limbs only when it is sleeping, and only retain the state of the torso crystal, and it is forbidden to stand on the ground.

Kamidai: "?!"

This jumping and jumping appearance is completely different from the majestic and square Three Gods Pillar!

However, the similar singular lattices on the face must have a relationship between them on the surface.
Then Ash opens the special dragon ball that he got from Meteor Citizen.

The red light flashed, this time there was no other movement on the ground, but a gray-black dragon head statue was very simply upside down.

It looks like the keel head of a fire-breathing dragon, as if it were completely dead.

"This is.?!"

Jindai's expression changed drastically again, and his eyes almost protruded from their sockets.

He thought that the two divine pillars Xiaozhi mentioned were of the same type as his three divine pillars. After all, the three divine pillars were not the only ones.

But these two
"Electric God Pillar, and Dragon God Pillar?!"

Shinji's breathing became trembling.

He had indeed seen the description of the Five God Pillars in the frescoes of ancient books, but no matter how he searched, he could not find any trace of the remaining two kinds of God Pillars.
The gods thought they were all pillars from other places, and planned to go to other areas to investigate in two years.

I didn't expect to be here at this moment and see both? !

The shape is very strange and strange, and it can be said to be very different from the traditional three-sacred pillar.

"Dragon God Pillar?"

Shota tried to stab the dragon head statue, but the latter did not respond at all, it was really like a dead thing.

He had seen the extremely violent Electric God Pillar before in Yinyu Taoist Hall. But this was the first time he had seen the Dragon God Pillar.

"Tsk tsk, it's all gods fighting"

Shota suddenly felt a chill.

There is a three-sacred pillar in front of you, and the holder of a double-sacred pillar communicates cordially.
This made him an ordinary trainer looking at him, looking dumbfounded.

After some exchanges, the generation of God also affirmed that the Dragon God Pillar needs a powerful dragon energy to activate, and he is helpless about this.

"Sure enough, you are not a simple teenager."

The gods looked at Xiao Zhi.

Today, he suddenly saw the complete Five Gods Pillar, and his expression was similar to that of a ruin.

The last time he fought in a hurry, he could see that the strength of Xiao Zhi's extraordinary result was far more exaggerated than he imagined.

"Then if you have time, be sure to come to the battle zone, I'll be waiting for you there."

This time, Kamito's tone also became a lot more polite.

Although the age gap is huge, at this moment, Xiaozhi has been placed on the same level as him.

You must know that he is extremely strict with juniors. Like other powerful trainers, he may occasionally release water. But if the gods have the opportunity to shave the opposite side with a string of six, he will not hold back the slightest.

Saying that, the generation of God released his tropical dragon and flew high into the sky in the eyes of everyone.
(After thinking about it for a while, I still decided not to follow the animation, and went back to the Kanto region to start the battle against the pioneering area. Directly build a comprehensive island similar to the game.)
(End of this chapter)

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