He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1124 Xijana vs. Furong, the Heavenly King!

Chapter 1124 Xijana vs. Furong, the Heavenly King!

Sending God Mountain, this is an independent mountain between Yinyu City and Shuijing City, surrounded by waterways on all sides.

Like the Shion Tower in the Kanto region, this is where the spirits of dead Pokémon are kept.

A church-like multi-story tower is built in the mountain, and there are countless tombstones of Pokémon.
Most people in the Fangyuan area choose to bury their dead pets here.

The outside of Sending God Mountain is filled with thick and strange smoke, which persists all year round, and there are a large number of ghost-type Pokémon inhabiting the grassy mountains and forests.

On the top of the mountain, there is an open-air sacrificial ancestral hall, with solemn stone pillars standing on both sides.

"We're here again, Gu Niuniu."

At this moment, a woman with short black hair was walking slowly towards the depths, with a pink big round rabbit beside her.

The woman was dressed in tight clothes, and behind her was a shabby gray cloak, and she looked dusty.

It's really the people of the meteor who sniped at Ash before - Sigana.

Below her left eye, there was still a faint trace of bruises, as if someone had punched her.

"Damn, that woman!"

Thinking of this, Sigana's expression gradually became sullen.

The last time I sniped at Xiao Zhi on the outskirts of Kanaz City, I was cut off by the woman who knew how to change her body freely and even beat herself up.

The kind of beating in the literal sense is still the kind that is mixed doubles by trainers and Pokémon.

Why does this woman's face look like that little girl named Xiaolan?

Is it your sister?

Sigana clenched her fists secretly, she was completely worthy of the transformed woman with her strength.

But the latter's insidious tricks were too cunning and hard to guard against.

He also took away the mega stone and key stone that he stole.
"Tsk, don't have anything to do with them until you see Lord Dragon God."

Sigana raised her eyebrows, but if she couldn't beat her, she could always run away.

Immediately put away her mind, Sigana turned her eyes to the front.

At this moment, she has almost come to the end of this road.

The originally dense fog reached the vicinity of the ancestral hall on the top of the mountain, but it blew away again, and the vision became clear.

On the plane of a stepped stone table in front of the rock wall at the end, there are two rock grooves standing on the left and the right.

One side is empty.

On the other side, there was a dark blue round bead, about the size of a human's claws.

This bead also made Sijana's pupils shrink, revealing a fanatical joy.

"Sure enough, it's here, Indigo Orb!!"

Seeing this, Sigana stepped forward and grabbed the legendary bead that was closely related to Kyogre in her hand.

"Little girl, don't touch that orb!"

However, at this time, a scolding suddenly came from behind Sigana, and the voice was rather dry and dry.

Turning around, he saw an old grandmother on crutches, with an old face and a serious look at herself.

"Oh~ are you the guardian of the orb?"

However, Sigana seemed to have expected it long ago, and chuckled lightly, not blocking the other party's eyes at all.

The mysterious orbs in the outside world are actually hidden in the Sending God Mountain, held by two guardians of the orbs.

But at this moment, the two guardians are already old, and it is a hassle to even walk on their own, let alone stop them.

"What if it was me~"

However, the next moment, a third voice came from this open-air ancestral hall.
This time, her voice was a childish and innocent girlish voice.

In the flickering of blurry ghosts, Sigana found that a young girl suddenly appeared beside the grandmother.

He is only about two years older than Xiao Zhi, has short beige hair, dark skin, and walks barefoot. He wears only a blue apron on his upper body, and an exotic blue dress on his lower body.

Next to him was a gray cocoon-like one-eyed ghost, like a ghost stone, with a pair of suspended ghost claws in front of him.

"Oh, Furong of the Four Heavenly Kings~? So you are here too."

Sigana recognized the latter, but her expression remained the same.

Sending God Mountain is the hometown of Furong, but since Furong won the Alliance Challenge two years ago, and the subsequent Heavenly King Challenge also successfully won the opponent, after taking over the Alliance Heavenly King, she has rarely returned here.

Furong, who has always been happy and cheerful, has a very serious expression today.

"The Indigo Orb is an important existence in the Fangyuan area. Anyone who tries to use this Orb will cause an unpredictable catastrophe!"

Furong said loudly.

Her grandmother is very old, and Baozhu's guardianship will soon fall on her.

"There is not only one catastrophe in the Fangyuan area."

Sigana snorted coldly, then ignored the two of them and grabbed the indigo orb directly.

"Wandering Night Spirit, use mental strength to control her!!"

Seeing that words are useless, Furong intends to do it directly.

It was just that the blue-light thought force had just condensed, but a pink figure suddenly jumped in front of the wandering night spirit.


Then there was a sharp chirping sound, which made the wandering Yeling tremble in fright, and the mentally strong move was also successfully interrupted.

The effect is outstanding!

This is Gu Niuniu's scare trick.

"Hmph, King."

At the other end, Sigana snorted coldly, and at this moment, the dark blue orb on the table was already in her hands.


Then there was a high-pitched chirping sound in the sky, but a big blue-and-white marshmallow bird was seen hovering above everyone's heads.

Whoohoo! !

When the wings of the blue bird on the Qixi Festival were flapping, a dim whirlwind blew downwards, making the surroundings of this open-air ancestral hall full of black whirlwinds.

Strange wind! !
This Qixi Blue Bird of Sigana even has a ghost-type move that is difficult for this race to master.

The creepy wind made it difficult for this wandering night spirit to move, and it fell into a quagmire-like stalemate.

When the airflow weakened, Sigana and her Gu Niuniu were already riding on the Tanabata Blue Bird, and they were about to fly away from here.

"This woman.!"

Furong frowned, with such a fierce fighting style, the opponent's level did not seem to be below her.

It's just that Wandering Night Spirit belongs to the ultimate Turtle Speed ​​Pokémon, and it's too late to open a trick space at this moment.

In the end, the two of them could only stay where they were, watching Sijana go away.
After the incident, the Heavenly King Furong carefully helped her grandmother to sit next to her to rest.

"Fortunately, only the Indigo Orb was stolen"

Furong breathed a sigh of relief.

They sent a total of two orbs to the mountain, and the indigo blue orb was kept by her grandmother, who placed it on the open-air ancestral hall here.

And the vermilion orb that had a connection with Groudon was hidden in a hidden place by her grandfather.

"Eh, the scarlet orb was actually stolen 2 years ago"

The old grandmother said with a strange face.

Furong has not come back after taking over as the King of Heaven 2 years ago. This is the first time she has returned to the mountain for the first time in 2 years.


These words also caused Furong's expression to change for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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