He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1134 Fight, vermilion orb!

Chapter 1134 Fight, vermilion orb!

These small squares are not small in shape, but they are very satiety and are very suitable for emergency food during field trips.

This is much better than compressed biscuits, which are packed with all kinds of nutrients.

"Not only that, it is said that it can also improve some of the attributes of Pokémon. Even in battle!"

At this time, Shota came up and held a box of energy cubes that he made by himself.

These energy cubes have different combinations and operations according to the different types of tree fruits that are put into production. The final products will not only have different tastes and tastes, but even the effects will be very different.

"For example, I am making this energy block, which can make the Pokémon that I eat become stronger. It is estimated that it can improve the muscle strength to a certain extent during the battle."

Shota threw a few of his energy cubes into the mouth of Mu Shougong on his shoulder.

"And this effect?"

Ash was stunned for a moment, took a few and stuffed them into Pikachu's mouth, observing the latter's changes.


Except for seeing Pikachu's belly bulging slightly, nothing changed.

"The energy cube recipes that have been matched so far can improve Pokémon's cute, smart, beautiful, handsome, and strong abilities in five aspects~!"

Xiao Lan introduced with a smile.

Therefore, in the Fangyuan area, when referring to Pokémon, the words cuteness and intelligence are often mentioned.

The improvement of these abilities can not only gain more attention in gorgeous competitions, but also have certain effects in battle.

For example, the cuteness value can make the "charming" tricks that Pokémon perform, even more powerful.

The smart value can make Pokémon with super power attributes display more powerful psychic power.

"And my ugly ugly fish~!"

Xiaolan has already inquired about the key to the evolution of the ugly fish from the senior energy cube experts here.
It's beauty!
As long as the beauty reaches the standard, even if the level of the ugly fish is not high, it can easily complete the evolution and transform into the most beautiful Pokémon - Minas.

Eating energy blocks that increase beauty will greatly shorten the process required!

It's just beauty and cuteness, which can't be determined at all.
Therefore, the method of making the ugly fish evolve is only practical, and there is no exact paper data that can fall on paper.

It is a folk black technology.

"Is there any such statement?"

Xiaozhi nodded again and again, his expression surprised.

Immediately, a girl with short orange hair suddenly came to mind, and she couldn't help sighing:

"In other words, Xiaoxia should come here. All her Pokémon need to eat more energy cubes that can increase their intelligence, so as to replenish their brains."

Xiaogang: "."

It is rare to think of an old friend, and the only thought is to let the other party make up his mind? !

The next few people did not leave Shuijing City just like that, but stayed here overnight.

Xiaolan intends to participate in tomorrow's gorgeous competition, and everyone naturally has to support her.

Especially this time the winning prize is a portable energy cube making machine
The shape is like a pan with a lid, and it doesn't take up much space.

It is said that the black technology was only invented this year, and it belongs to the existence of price and no market.

Xiao Lan, who was looking forward to the completion of the evolution of the ugly fish, naturally regarded it as something in his pocket and began to actively prepare for the battle.

This time, Xiaogang also became interested and signed up to participate in the gorgeous competition in Shuijing City.

A machine like this is estimated to greatly improve your cooking skills!
"What's the matter, Xiaozhi, aren't you going to participate?"

Shota on the side was still hesitating whether to join in, so he looked at Satoshi, the guide next to him.

He doesn't plan to participate in the Caiyou Alliance this time, but he has extra time to participate in these additional competitions.

"Uh, I'll let it go."

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, then shook his head.

There is a woman who is doing things all over the place and plotting something, and it is even possible that they can even see the god of the earth and the god of the sea fighting head-on in the near future.

Kyogre vs Groudon

Xiao Zhi couldn't help taking a deep breath.

You must know that this is a legendary scene depicted on the murals thousands of years ago!

Although he knew that once the two big guys went to war, it was bound to cause catastrophic damage, but Xiao Zhi was looking forward to this scene in his heart.
This made Xiao Zhi feel a lot of nervousness, but he couldn't do anything at the moment. So he could only step up the training of his Pokémon.

At this moment, these guys are in a stage of rapid growth in strength, and their strength is different every day.

In more than half a month, they should basically be able to complete their final evolution.

"Then let me help you with special training!"

Shota's eyes lit up, and he completely forgot about the Gorgeous Tournament and devoted himself to training Pokémon.

Every time he played against Xiao Zhi, he felt that his strength was also improving rapidly.

It is estimated that his wooden Shougong will soon evolve into a forest lizard.
the other end.

The island where Green Ridge City is located, a sea area on the east side.
This is actually the high seas, and it does not belong to the territory of the Fangyuan area.

Chu Chu Chu.! !
At this moment, a medium-sized yacht is speeding on the sea, heading towards the Fangyuan area.

In addition to a few sailors on the deck, there were three or four researcher men in white robes.

It was the member of the Weather Research Institute who escorted the Vermilion Orb all the way back.

Of course, Xiao Mao stayed in the Hezhong area and did not follow him back.

"Finally see home"

One of the researchers led by them breathed a sigh of relief.

There was also a vermilion orb carefully stored in his backpack.

Due to the poor leg strength of Groudon, he could only walk slowly in the ocean, so he was left far behind by them.

However, according to the radar, Groudon at this moment has officially left the waters of the Hezhong area and came to the high seas on the east side of the Fangyuan area, and will probably arrive in the Fangyuan area a few days later than them.

"Next, put this orb in a hidden location on Fangyuan Continent and seal it up. Then the God of the Earth is estimated to be able to return to the core magma, so let's sleep peacefully."

That's their purpose, to get everything back to normal.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

Whoa whoa whoa! !

Just the next moment, the water around the yacht suddenly swayed violently.


The underwater turbine engine of the yacht seemed to be stuck by something. After a burst of noise, the entire yacht suddenly stopped sailing.

"What the hell?!"

"what happened?!"

Not only these researchers, but even the sailors who were escorting them were inexplicable.

Stuck by water plants and seaweeds?
However, the next moment, three black shadows suddenly jumped up from the sea and finally landed on the deck of the yacht.

These are three humans in dark red uniforms, male and female.

"The next god of the earth, but how can the one who wants to devour the ocean just sleep in the magma in the center of the earth~!"

The leader of the lava team, Fire Goose, threw off the water droplets on his body and looked at the leading researcher with a mocking look.

(End of this chapter)

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