He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1135 Fire-breathing Camel Submarine

Chapter 1135 Fire-breathing Camel Submarine

Green Ridge, the northern coastline beach.

At this moment, the Heavenly King Furong has come here, just like this, he is guarding the position of the pier, always keeping an eye on the ships approaching from the east.

Since it is located in the easternmost part of the Fangyuan area, the ships entering the island are basically from foreign directions.

After waiting for a full day, at dusk close to night, Furong finally saw a cruise ship that was slowly approaching. The size was not very big.

There's also a flag on the bow, with the Weather Institute's logo on it - a cute floating bubble.


Furong's eyes lit up, and the other party was still some distance away, so she took a step ahead and flew with the wind ball.

Then he loosened the support straps that followed the balloon and landed barefoot on the deck.

Her dress is a traditional dress sent to Shenshan, and she never wears shoes.

"!" "!"

Then someone suddenly boarded the deck, and many people on the ship were startled, and their hearts lingered.

"It's the Heavenly King Furong!"

"That's all right."

But soon, someone recognized Furong's identity, and it was not a big problem.

Just looking at the expressions of these researchers, it didn't seem like they had returned victorious, but instead they were full of bleak and sad faces, which made Furong's heart skip a beat.

I'm late?
She was already waiting at the nearest pier in advance.

"Uh, Heavenly King Furong."

The leading researcher stepped forward and could only tell the truth about what happened half a day ago——

The three senior cadres of the Lava Team rushed out, riding a special submarine, and directly cut them off.

Their group of researchers is powerless, and these few strong-looking sailors can't take a few rounds in the hands of the senior officials of the lava team.

The scarlet orb was directly forcibly taken away.

The team from the Weather Research Institute could only watch the submarine dive into the ocean and could do nothing.

"Hey, if Xiaomao is still there"

One of the researchers couldn't help but miss the benefits of Xiao Mao.

When they left the Fangyuan area, they were cut off by members of the Ocean Team.

As a result, Xiaomao came down for a few rounds, knocked them all out, and knelt down and begged for mercy.
"The Lava Team!"

Hearing this, Furong's complexion has changed drastically.

That is to say, now, the ocean team has indigo blue orbs, and the lava team also has vermilion orbs
This is completely a precursor to a war between volcanoes and tsunamis!
Furong is a supernatural girl with a sixth sense beyond ordinary people. At this moment, she has a very strong premonition.


Before we could go into details, Furong slammed the deck railing to vent, and then re-boarded the swing tentacle that followed the wind ball.

call out.!

As the airflow fluttered, one person and one ball drifted toward the southeast.

There, is the location of the Caiyou Alliance.

The consequences of this incident have far exceeded her imagination, and they are not even within her control.

Furong can only go to find colleagues first - the other three alliance kings, and even the champion to discuss countermeasures.
the other end.

On the vast waterway from Shuijing City to Luling City, a cruise ship is slowly driving.

On the deck, the four of them were leaning against the railing side by side, blowing the sea breeze, enjoying a rare leisure time.

This is a long and narrow ocean waterway. Originally, his own dragon can come out and show his talents.

It's just that there is one more Shota in the team at this moment. Everyone can only change the transportation.

"Eat more~eat more~!"

Xiaolan poured a dozen energy cubes in his hand, and the attractive fragrance attracted many long-winged gulls around, gathered around the former's body, and lightly pecked.

In the gorgeous competition in Shuijing City, the final winner is naturally Xiaolan.

Along the way, it was not a bloodbath, even in the finals, it took a lot of effort to face an enchanting man dressed like Naia in the desert.

At this moment, Xiao Lan's back is also carrying a pan with a lid - it is the prize of this gorgeous contest, a portable energy cube making machine.

Even if it is not used to make energy blocks, it is quite handy to use as a weapon.

This makes Xiaogang next to him quite envious
However, this black technology is estimated to be popular in a few years, and the ice cloth needs to be too anxious.

Shota was also leaning on the railing, looking around at the surrounding scenery, and a wooden Shougong leaned on his shoulder.

From time to time, several ocean Pokémon that he had never seen before jumped up from time to time, which surprised his eyes.

This is his first time to travel, just like Xiao Zhi who went out for the first year, no matter what he sees, he will make a fuss.

"Wow?! What a big fire-breathing camel, and the fire-breathing camel can swim in the sea? It's amazing?!"

At this time, Shota suddenly cried out in surprise, which made a few people beside him stunned.

Fire-breathing camels swimming? !

Is this newcomer confused?

Several people subconsciously looked in the direction of Shota's line of sight.

However, on the calm sea, there really stood a huge "fire-breathing camel", which was seven or eight meters long, and half of its body was exposed on the sea.

The three of Xiaozhi: "???"

Originally, the three of them wanted to be seniors and take the opportunity to stand at the highest point to ridicule Shota, but this time they were stunned.

Is it really a huge fire-breathing camel? !

"Wait a moment.?"

Xiaogang's eyes are small, and the focusing accuracy is higher than ordinary people.

However, I saw the surface of this huge fire-breathing camel with nested traces of metal armor texture, more like a mechanical fire-breathing camel.

Wow wow wow! !
This "fire-breathing camel" seemed to have only temporarily climbed to the surface to exchange oxygen. After a while, it broke through the water and sank into the sea again without being seen.

The four of Xiaozhi looked dumbfounded.

Was it a fire-breathing camel-style submarine? !

"Speaking of submarines, it seems that two submarines have been lost recently at the Sea Museum of Kaina City."

Shota remembered something and said slowly.

It is said that it is a new energy-driven black-tech submarine developed in cooperation with Devon, which can dive even in deep trenches of [-] meters or even [-] meters.

"The thieves are rampant recently."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but take it.

I don't know what's going on at the Weather Institute.

Furong is probably already responding, so it shouldn't be a big problem.
Counting the days, Groudon, the god of the earth, will finally return to the Fangyuan area after a year and a half.

Ash still remembers when Groudon first appeared in the world, when he was blasted out by the volcanic eruption of Red Lotus Island.

"Wait a minute, that time."

The Honglian Volcano at that time was an inexplicable eruption, and even experts in Nibi City concluded that it was absolutely impossible to erupt.
Even so, it eventually exploded.

It even directly reduced the entire Red Lotus Town to ashes.

"Could it be that someone brought the scarlet orb there?"

A bold idea suddenly flashed in Xiao Zhi's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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