He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1136 Green Ridge Gym

Chapter 1136 Green Ridge Gym
After nearly a day of sailing, Ash and his party successfully landed on a large island.

The west coast of the island where Green Ridge City is located is a shoal beach that stretches for several kilometers.

When the tide falls, the area of ​​the beach is five or six times the usual size, which also leads to countless chasing brothers on the west coast of Luling City whenever the tide ebbs.

"Look what I saw?! It's a sea urchin!"

"Have you seen this hole, old irons, there's a lot of stuff in it, I'll pour some salt first."

The figures of the rushing sea and the photography brother are very common here, and they are in full swing.

Landing on land, walking on the shallow sea beach, seawater rushes over everyone's ankles from time to time, which makes several people can only hold their shoes in their hands and walk forward slowly.

Just looking around every ten meters, there is a little brother who is holding the iron bucket with one hand and the clip with the other hand is talking eloquently.

In the back is a photographer who is following along with a camera.

In front of him was a little brother who didn't know what he was doing, and was also carrying an iron bucket in his hand.

It's just that everyone else puts seafood into buckets.
But he was completely the other way around, throwing some jellyfish, starfish, crabs and the like in front of the man from time to time.

The man in the camera was immediately flushed, as if he had discovered a new world, he spit all the seafood he bought in the vegetable market in advance and threw it into his own bucket.

"Is it the props team? It's a really incredible scene."

"Is this the reality?"

"What a bunch of clever ghosts!"

The four of Xiaozhi were like country men who had just entered the city, staring at the two of them sluggishly.

This is the largest seafood foreshore in the entire Fangyuan area, especially the rise of short videos in recent years, attracting countless tourists every year to experience the project of picking up seafood.

"It is said that there is a magical cave in the north. The entire cave is irrigated by sea water. When the tide is low, tourists can even enter the deepest ice cave."

Xiaogang grabbed the map and introduced it to several people.

It is said to be the legendary non-melting ice.

Several people subconsciously looked to the north, and they could indeed see a raised mountain, but it was separated from the large island where Luling City was located, and was connected by a long shoal line in the middle.

Ash remembers that in the twin islands of the Kanto region, there are also magical caves of unmelting ice.

It is obviously a hot summer, but the inside is as cold as a snow-capped mountain.
"Let's go, let's go! Go to the Green Ridge Gym first!"

Shota urged excitedly.

Compared to these bells and whistles, at this moment he wanted to see Ash's gym battle again.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi also came back to his senses, saying that the heroes saw the same thing, and immediately moved towards the center of the island ahead.
after an hour.

Green Ridge City.

Ash and the four have arrived at the city's elf center.

This city on an independent island is more like a market, and the floor buildings are not too dense.

A few years ago, it was also a health and leisure town like Yinyu City and Luyin Town. Because of the fire of catching the sea video in recent years, after the traffic flow increased significantly, it was promoted to "city level".

"And it is said that this is the hometown of the former league champion, Mr. Daigo!!"

Shota said eloquently, Daigo is his most admired idol.

Handsome in appearance, elegant in manner, and powerful, this is definitely the most perfect man!
But this month, Shota's idol goal has also begun to gradually shift to the man next to him
Although his appearance is not as handsome and elegant as Dago's, his strength also makes Shota feel as unfathomable as the sea, making people yearn for
Xiaozhi: "?"

Looking at Shota who suddenly looked at him with a fiery face, Ash gave him a puzzled look.

However, I did not expect that Green Ridge City is still Mr. Dawu's hometown.
Ash has always thought that the headquarters of Devon Corporation - Kanaz City is his hometown.

Seeing that it was still early, after recovering the Pokémon's stamina, Xiao Zhi hurriedly dragged a few people directly to the Green Ridge Gym.

Shota naturally followed with admiration with shining eyes.


This made Xiaogang and Xiaolan sigh, a little weak.

Just arrived in a new city, the first thing should naturally be to relax and rest!
It doesn't seem like a good thing to have two fanatical fighters in the team at the same time.

Shota, this guy is completely a little excited Xiaozhi!

"Xiaozhi, I heard that the Green Ridge Gym is a gym that is good at super power attributes, but it is a very rare doubles battle. It is not easy to obtain a badge."

Along the way, Shota also reminded.

"Double battle?"

Ash nodded, thinking as he walked.

The streets of Luling City are all flat stone roads, and the buildings are neatly arranged on both sides, which is a very simple layout.

Speaking of which, he just finished a perfect doubles match with the Heavenly King Furong a few days ago.

But that time it was a coordinated doubles with one person commanding the other.
As for the doubles in the gym, the challenger is naturally required to control two at the same time, and the difficulty is undoubtedly increased by multiples.

And it is also the most difficult super power attribute.

"Well, it's troublesome."

Xiao Zhi frowned, it can be said that the unpredictable super power attribute is the opponent he is least good at dealing with.

Whether it's the invincible telepathy power or all kinds of messy auxiliary moves, it's extremely difficult to deal with.

"It is said that the owner of the Green Ridge Gym has just taken office recently, so it should be a lot simpler."

Seeing Xiao Zhi's "difficult" expression, Shota reminded him again and tried to comfort him.

Just hearing these words, Xiao Zhi's expression changed again, and his face became more "difficult".

Compared to being difficult. But he wants to fight with a formidable opponent!
Like the newly appointed owner of the Fuyan Gym, he was directly beaten by him three times, and the fight was somewhat incompetent.

Shota: "?"

He couldn't understand Ash's brain circuit at all.
After a while, several people came to a strange huge building.

The whole building is like a huge egg shell, buckled upside down on the ground. The smooth surface even reflects a dazzling light outward.

"This should look like a planet"

Xiaogang reminded that the hemispherical gymnasium has a circle around the waist and a ring belt similar to a planetary belt.

So Xiao Zhi no longer delays, and walks to the front door first, and is about to knock on the door.

"I'm Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town, and I'm here to challenge you green."

It's just that the words of the declaration of war have not been completely finished, and the closed door in front of them is suddenly covered with a strange blue light.


Immediately, the door opened out of thin air, which was quite miraculous.

"Ring Road Hall"

Xiao Zhi bit his head and read the lines completely, and under the watchful eyes of his friends, he slowly walked into the gate of the gymnasium.

(End of this chapter)

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