Chapter 1158
"Cha roar!!"

Taikoo armor is also a violent master, and immediately waved his claws, and several huge rocks flew out!
Rock Crit! !
The iron claw lobster once again performed a tough move, waiting for it.

Only this time, the latter's crimson body actually flashed a silvery white luster.

"DiDi, Iron Claw Lobster has mastered a new move: Iron Wall."

The Pokédex automatically prompts.

Iron Wall is considered a tough upper-level move, which can improve more defense.

Boom! !Boom! !
One after another, the rocks fell on the iron wall, and they exploded into rock fragments, which were scattered.

"Cha roar!!"

His proud moves have failed, and the anger of the ancient armor has reached its peak, raising the blood-colored claws, and rushing again!

Tear Claws! !

"Hey thief!!"

The iron claw lobster did not show weakness, this time it also raised its sharp claws, moved its lower limbs quickly, and rushed towards the target.

However, its claws are covered with a dark purple energy film.

Bang Bang! !
The two frontal moves collided, and in the explosion, the air waves rolled, and the two of them retreated several meters at the same time.

Evenly matched!

"DiDi. The iron claw lobster has mastered a new move, connecting flowers and trees."

The Pokédex automatically reminded.

Xiaozhi: "?"

This trick he knows is called fraud, using the opponent's strength for his own use, and using the same strength to attack
So when did Fraud change its name? !

"Cha roar!!"

But now is not the time to struggle with the name of the move, and the anger of the ancient armor has made it almost lose its mind.

The two hook claws contracted in front of the chest, and the whole body began to accumulate extremely majestic power.
The red light that symbolized the improvement of attributes also appeared on the surface of the latter's body.

"This is.?"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly took out the illustrated book to check it out.

"DiDi. Move, Meteor Beam: Rock attribute move, the first round is charged, and the special attack power is increased, and the second round will explode with a powerful beam impact."

Pokédex replied in a timely manner.

Xiao Zhi didn't dare to be careless, seeing the momentum on the latter's body getting higher and higher, he quickly commanded:

"In this case, we also use the sword dance trick!!"

Since you have to charge for one round, then charge all of them, and we will divide the outcome together in the second round!

"Hey thief!!"

The iron claw lobster collided with its pair of claws and made an exhilarating cry.

Above the head, the three long swords phantoms hit each other, which caused the body of the iron claw lobster to burst into a strong and fierce red light.

Attack power, greatly improved!

"Cha roar!!"

The next moment, Taikoo Armor opened his eyes, and also spread out his claws on his chest.

Whoosh! !

A blue-white energy beam suddenly blasted out from it, piercing through everything!

Meteor Beam! !
"Iron claw lobster, use the most powerful crab claw hammer!!"

Xiaozhi did not show weakness, and attacked from the front.

At this moment, the evolution has been completed, and the strength of the iron claw lobster can definitely compete with the latter.

"Hey thief!!"

The iron claw lobster let out a high cry, and a layer of water bubbles was already lingering on the two ferocious crab claws.

Next is the characteristic adaptability, the double bonus of the sword dance state
Whoa whoa whoa! !

The scale of the double-clamp water flow instantly skyrocketed, and the two clamps completely turned into a huge shock wave of water flow.

Wearing the super-enhanced crab claw hammer, the iron-clawed lobster rampaged, and without the slightest reason, it rushed towards the meteor beam that was lasing on the face.

A crab claw hammer is in front, and as a shield, the hooks of the lower limbs continue to push forward.

Poo hoo hoo.! !
The powerful meteor beam energy was suddenly torn apart by the crab claws and hammer shield, and scattered around, unable to resist the latter's offensive pace at all.

"Hey thief!!"

The Iron Claw Lobster jumped up abruptly when it was less than two meters away from the target, and smashed the other completely intact and enhanced crab claw hammer.

Boom! !
The imposing force of the water flow slammed into the head of this ancient armor!
The unparalleled strength even smashed the latter out, smashed heavily on the ancient wall on the edge, and directly embedded it into half a meter!

The effect is outstanding! !
After receiving such a shock, the floor on that side also began to tremble and crack, revealing a gap.

"It's up to you, Poké Ball!!"

Xiao Zhi seized the opportunity and threw the Poké Ball one step ahead of time when the ancient armor fell to the ground.

The crisp collision sound and the red light emitted by the Poké Ball directly sucked this ancient armor that was unable to fight.

After shaking three times, the Poke Ball stopped shaking.

"Successfully conquered the ancient armor!"

Ash's face was overjoyed. Although this fossilized Pokémon is not a living fossil that has survived from ancient times to the present, it is also not weak in power.

"But I have to find a chance to let it forget about the meteor beam first."

He couldn't help thinking to himself.

This ancient armor is obviously a pure physical combat player.

As for the special attack's meteor beam, don't look at the bells and whistles, but its power is ridiculously weak. It was easily torn apart by his own iron claw lobster.

If the former changes to an ultimate move, maybe they will have to fight harder.


At this time, the ground around the Poké Ball began to shatter.


Pikachu, who had been watching the play, finally shot, turned into a yellow lightning bolt, and held the Poké Ball firmly in his hand.

Then, while the floor in that place hadn't reacted yet, he kicked back and fell back to Xiao Zhi's side, and his movements were extremely smooth.

"As expected of Pikachu, always so trustworthy!"

Ash rubbed the latter's head and took the Poké Ball handed over by Pikachu.

Having said that, it would be great if Pikachu could also command the battle.
In this way, the efficiency of his special training can be completely doubled.

Then he looked at the iron claw lobster next to him.

With a dark red carapace body and a high head, it looks like it is showing off its power.

"Hehe, well done! Iron claw lobster!"

Xiao Zhi stepped forward and tapped the latter's sturdy carapace without stingy praise.

"Hey thief~!!"

Tie'ao lobster waved his pair of tongs, but there was a contented smile under his fierce face.

Compared to speaking for evil domineering
The domineering of this iron claw lobster is more to show its prestige, and it is still the lobster soldier of Zeng Jin at heart.


Latias, who was next to him, also leaned up skillfully and began to replenish the magic of the iron claw lobster.

This guy has only played one game, don't look at the evolution in the middle, but at the moment is still in the state of the candle in the wind.

"And it"

Xiaozhi is holding the Poké Ball of the ancient armor. With the powerful character of this Pokémon, it is estimated that he will have to make trouble for a while.
(End of this chapter)

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