He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1159 The results of the special training!

Chapter 1159 The results of the special training!

Days passed, and Xiao Zhi's floor level on the Pillar of the Sky was also gradually rising.

Even he himself forgot which floor it was, but it was estimated that he was almost at the top.

But the time recorded in the Pokédex
This is his eighth day into the Pillar of the Sky!

"Count the days, if it's fast, it is estimated that the outside world can already see the huge meteorite with the naked eye, right?"

Ash thought to himself, but on the gravel ground not far in front of him, two Pokémon were fighting fiercely.

On one side is a yellow crystal pillar-shaped Pokémon, and the lower limbs that the energy current turns into a support, bounces on the ground again and again.

In front of it is a purple-black pig-shaped Pokémon with a fat body walking upright, with a few black pearls inlaid on the top of its head and belly.


This wild puffy pig jumped up suddenly, its head covered with pink-purple light, and then the whole person rushed towards the direction of the electric god column.

Thought hammer!

Whoosh! !
However, the speed of the Electric God Pillar was several times faster, and the figure flashed, leaving only an afterimage on the spot, which was easily avoided.

Then a powerful current spread out along the energy arm, turning into two snakes of thunder and lightning.

Boom! !

[-] volts burst on Pupu Pig's back, and then spread to the whole body!
In the end, it even turned into a terrifying light beam of lightning, rising into the sky, and the puffy pig in the electric light was completely bound in it.

When the electric light dissipated, the wild puffed pig fell to the ground and completely lost its ability to fight.

A clean spike!

"The last one, finish the job!"

Xiao Zhi let out a sigh of relief, his expression at this moment was not like he had just entered the Pillar of the Sky. Every time he encountered a wild Pokémon, he would go all out as if facing an enemy.

Now he is completely at ease.

In the past eight days, not only the quality of the Pokémon carried on him has been greatly improved, but even the level of Xiao Zhi's trainer has also made great steady progress.

Long-term mobile travel does require a period of ascetic training to stabilize.


Latias stood beside him like a human maid.

The medicines brought in before entering the tower with a shriveled backpack in his hand were all exhausted.

But the harvest is also unparalleled.

The cooperation with Da Wangyan and Coal Turtle is no longer unfamiliar, and can fully display the former's fast-attack raptor characteristics and the latter's volcanic eruption power.

duang~! duang~!

The Electric God Pillar is also bouncing left and right, and the dot matrix on the surface of the pillar flashes with a unique frequency, which seems to be in a good mood.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi has completely caught up with the fighting style of the Electric God Pillar.

The two of them joined hands wholeheartedly, and it can be said that the current Lightning God Pillar, even the Emperor Yan can compete head-on.

Whether it's speed or electricity, it's too strong
Of course, if Emperor Yan touched him, he would most likely die on the spot.

"Thank you for your hard work, Lightning God Pillar."

Ash took out the insulating ball and put it back inside.

The stamina and durability of the super crispy skin is still the biggest shortcoming, and it cannot continue to fight for a long time.

At this moment, behind Xiao Zhi, there are still three figures standing.


"Just not...!!"

Two Pokémon, one red and one green, with their heads pressed against each other's heads, staring with wide eyes, arguing as if no one agrees with the other.

One is tall and strong, like a human fighting boxer.

It has short fiery red hair, the ends of its lower limbs are covered with thick yellow downy, and the ends of its slender arms are gray-brown claws.

His resolute face is covered with a layer of pale yellow mane from the neck level, and the back of his head has a rather cool long yellow hair, and the tip of the nose is forked upwards into a "V" shape.

The other one is dark green all over, its figure becomes more slender and elegant, the green leaves at the top of its head disappear, and its eyes become more arrogant and cold.

There are yellow balls on the back, which can provide energy of plants and trees.

The slender tail is extended backwards, with thick thorny leaves growing like a big thorny broom.

Flame Chicken!
Lizard King!
At the moment, the strong chicken and the lizard king have completed their respective evolutions after intensive special training.

The posture, strength, speed, and quality of the complete body have been greatly improved!
"Pa Xia!!" "Qia Wei.!!"

However, the character who likes to quarrel with each other has not changed.

It's just that the current flame chicken is 1.9 meters tall, completely suppressing the 1.7-meter Lizard King, and is in an absolute height advantage.


This made the flaming chicken hold his chest with both hands, and gave the Lizard King a polite finger, rather disdainful.


The always arrogant Lizard King had a "Well" character appearing on his forehead, pulled out the bamboo stick at the corner of his mouth, and the blade spread out, and he was about to fight on the spot.

"Hey thief, hey thief~!"

Behind him, the iron-clawed lobster, which had completed the evolution at the earliest, was waving its ferocious pair of pincers, as if to say something.

"Don't fight, don't fight~! I know that there is a person with a mega stone on his body, which can give you more power, but I won't say who this person is."

The Iron Claw Lobster didn't directly name Ash, but the big pincers on one side were already pointed at Ash.

"!" "!"

This provocation also ignited the powder keg of the Flaming Chicken and the Lizard King again, and they rushed to Xiao Zhi, vying to try the powerful mega evolution.

"Uh, now you're all tired, let's go out and talk about the cultivation of mega evolution."

Xiao Zhi can only block the two people's pull with a dry smile. At this moment, both the flaming chicken and the lizard king are much taller than himself, and the big heads are still quite bluffing.

In the eight-day high-intensity battle, these two guys also squeezed their physical strength to the limit, and this completed the final evolution.

Now that the medicine has been completely used up, it is better not to try mega evolution for the body in this state.

"Next time, come back now~!"

Xiaozhi smiled and put the two who were unconvinced into the ball, and finally put his hands on his hips and looked helplessly at the iron claw lobster behind him, who had nothing to do with him.

This guy, in his lobster minion days, likes to mess around with all kinds of things.

Now that he has evolved, he is a provocation that likes to fan the flames. He is also a restless master.

"You come back too."

Xiao Zhi could only put the innocent-looking Iron Claw Lobster into the ball, and finally let out a sigh of relief.

His face was also stained with a lot of dust because he had been staying in this closed ancient stone tower.

Now the iron claw lobster's physical strength has reached its limit, otherwise it can release the latter and use a high-pressure water pump to wash its face.
(End of this chapter)

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