He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1160 Raid and Fall

Chapter 1160 Raid and Fall

"Then now, it's time to move on!"

Putting away the crowd, with Latias in the appearance of Pikachu and a maid, Ash's eyes narrowed, and he looked at the upper stairs not far away.

He has not forgotten the purpose of entering the Pillar of the Sky this time.

Reach the apex and summon the Dragon God Split Space!

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi began to walk, and his body quickly shuttled over these broken floors.

This time, he no longer climbed the tower in the mode of sweeping the whole map, but moved forward in the fastest way.

In the sky pillar, not only do you have to avoid the local powerful wild Pokémon, but also the floor that is easily broken from time to time.

It seems that the higher the upper floors, the higher the frequency of floor shattering.

At first, Xiao Zhi tried to find a pattern, but under the "no-fly" rule, he tried several times with one foot empty, fell to the next floor, and squatted with a big butt.

In the back, Xiaozhi simply didn't look for any rules.

As long as he runs fast enough, the breaking speed of the floor can't keep up with him!
Whoosh whoosh! !

Ash quickly ran on the floor and rushed up the stairs.


And the floor that he stepped on was shattered and fell, cracking into gaps.

But the disaster is always one step behind Ash.

In a few breaths, he had already rushed to the stairs of the upper floor.

"Pickup, pickup~!"


Pikachu on his shoulders, and Latias on his back, turned into cheerleaders, shouting cheerfully.

At this moment, Latias, who was banned from flying, could only float in the air for a very short time even if he was in the air.

And running with both legs is something Latias has never done in his life, and he will never do it again!
Now it can only be hung on Ash's back like a burden.


Xiao Zhi gasped a little, and looked at the cracked rock floor behind him, quite proud.

If it weren't for the two burdens hanging on his body, his speed would be one step faster.

So Ash temporarily retracted Latias and looked at Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Why don't you go down and run by yourself, you are faster than me."

"Pika Pika. (My stamina is completely exhausted.)"

Pikachu held the old cold leg, looking like he couldn't fight.


Bypassing all the wild Pokémon encountered during the period, this time Ash's towering speed came several times faster.

"Hey, this floor."

Climbing up the newest floor, Ash looked around, secretly surprised.

There were no wild Pokémon on this floor, and the floor underfoot was also complete, and it didn't look like it would crack easily.

Looking around, the position of the upper stairs in the distance is also somewhat different from the previous stairs.

The previous steps were all rising from the inside of the tower, but this time, the direction of the steps seems to extend to the outside of the tower?

"So this is the top floor below the rooftop?"

Xiao Zhi breathed a little, and instead of walking up to the rooftop immediately, he looked around on this floor.

There is no signal network in the entire sky pillar, and he does not know what is happening outside at this moment.

Pokédex has also lost the function of networking, leaving only the local database data.

Looking around, on the dilapidated walls, there are abstract and rudimentary murals.

"It looks like this is the last mural?" Xiao Zhi leaned up and looked up and down.

Almost every layer of the pillar of the sky is depicted with these murals, as if to convey a message.

In the picture, you can probably see elements such as meteorites, Groudon, Kyogre, and ancient people.

Among them, the long dragon whose head is replaced by a large triangle at the front end is estimated to represent the split empty seat.

However, Xiao Zhi is also half-understood about this appearance. Isn't the head of the cracked empty seat a normal dragon-shaped head, and it has nothing to do with the triangle at all.
"Because this is the new posture of Lord Dragon God after gaining more powerful power and completing the evolution of the mega of God!"

At this time, a female voice suddenly came from one side of the stone tower, echoing in the empty room.

After realizing it, Xiaozhi was still thinking about mega evolution following the other party's words, and after a while, he was suddenly stunned.

Anyone else here? !

He turned his head, only to see a woman in a pale gray robe standing there.

With a rather dark face, he looked at him with a smile, as if he was looking at the danger of his prey.
"Sigana?! Why are you here?!" Ash's breath tightened instantly, when did this woman enter the Pillar of the Sky? !
Or did you come in one step earlier?

The visitor is not good, and Xiaozhi doesn't think that the other party is here to shake hands with him to make friends.

Now the Pokémon on him are basically in a state of exhaustion, and he can't send out battles at all.


Pikachu let out a low voice and landed in front of Ash, waiting for him.

It is one of the few that still maintains sufficient combat power.

In addition, Yandi and Latias also maintained sufficient physical strength.

Considering the next tower top, I don't know what will happen, Ash deliberately keeps them, just in case

At this time, a dragon roar suddenly came from the ceiling above the two!
The violent and mighty voice kept rolling and resounding in this enclosed space.

Xiaozhi raised his head subconsciously, but saw a large blue dragon.

Lifting his hideous and dangerous head, his limbs were suspended in mid-air, and the blood-colored wings on his back were slowly flapping.

Blood Winged Dragon!
"Why can it fly?!"

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment. The height of each floor of the Pillar of the Sky was eight or nine meters high.


However, this blood-winged dragon has already opened its mouth, and the huge orange-yellow energy ball around its mouth has condensed and formed.

Boom boom! !

A bunch of orange-yellow energy beams, suddenly lasing!

Destroy the dead light! !
Pikachu just wanted to use [-] volts to resist, but found that the destructive death light did not attack them.

But the trajectory was advanced, and it slammed on the ground one meter in front of the two.


The terrifying impact force shot through the unstable ground rocks in an instant.

The cracks that spread also caused the ground under the feet of Ash and Pikachu to crack open instantly, forming a huge gap directly.

Before he could react, one person and one mouse stepped on the air and fell directly.

This powerful destructive light of death was even more powerful, and even blasted a large vacuum hole in the floors below several consecutive floors.

"Go on, only me, the human who can summon the Dragon God!"

And at the edge of the top floor, Sijana looked down at Xiao Zhi, who hugged the Electric Mouse for the first time after the fall, with a bit of coldness on her face.

Then he stopped paying attention to the person who fell, and walked slowly towards the stairs leading to the rooftop by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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