He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1161 Xiaozhi vs Sigana!

Chapter 1161 Xiaozhi vs Sigana!

Ash, who suddenly fell through the air, quickly grabbed Pikachu, who was also falling in a mess beside him.

The other hand subconsciously took out Latias's love ball, and was about to release it for a ride.

Just a second thought, and thought that the current space is completely forbidden to fly, and releasing the latter would be an extra burden.
In a hurry, Xiao Zhi was stalemate in mid-air for a while, and the height also dropped more than ten meters in the blink of an eye.


The destructive death light of the Flying Dragon is powerful, and it penetrates three or four floors at one time, and it is more than [-] meters high.


At this time, a high-pitched cry suddenly came from below.

Before Xiao Zhi could react, a snow-white figure suddenly jumped into the air, just jumping onto his landing track.

Arching his head, he flipped Xiao Zhi's fallen body back, and carried it horizontally on his back like a sack.


Out of the corner of his eye, Ash recognized that the rescuer was Absol, who had met outside the Pillar of the Sky before.

When he was very surprised, he held Pikachu in one hand, and the other hand subconsciously wanted to find some way to grab a support point.

So it happened to be caught on the side fur of Absolu's back waist.

Stab it!

Due to too much force, a pinch of snow-white fur was torn off when he first grabbed it.


Absolu's cold and arrogant face changed slightly, and he let out a groan.

Immediately raised his head, the figure did not fall down, but continued to rise.

The sturdy limbs, obviously stepping into the void, seem to have stepped on a solid wall of light, and they bounced up with strength.

When the soles of the feet landed, there was a sound of metal wires tensing and beating, and they jumped up continuously and walked in the air.

"Liuyun Line!?"

Ash, who was lying on his stomach like a sack, finally reacted.

Just now, the Flying Dragon was not flying in mid-air, but stepped on the flowing cloud line.

This is the unique fighting method of the Meteor People, and as a leader among them, Sigana naturally masters this skill.

The entire existence of the Pillar of the Sky was built to commemorate the empty seat of the Dragon God Split, and the quality of the remaining flowing cloud lines was also surprisingly high.

It's just this Absol, why can it use this kind of power?
After a few flexible aerial moonwalks, Absol carried Ash and calmly returned to the edge of the first indoor top floor.

"Thank you for your help, Absol!"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly fell from the latter and said gratefully.

Seeing Absol staring at the tuft of white hair in his hand, Ash hurriedly stuffed it into his pocket, but nothing happened.

"By the way, isn't this a move of the people of Meteor, how can you do this?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but asked curiously.

In this no-fly area, the flowing cloud line can be said to be a magical skill.

Putting it outside is also a magical skill!
It's just that he stared at it for a long time, but he couldn't see the so-called "thin line of trajectory".


Absol still didn't answer, stared at Ash tightly, and then turned his head slightly.

Following the latter's gaze, there is a staircase leading to the rooftop.

"By the way, and that woman!"

Xiaozhi frowned, damn, he was attacked by this woman again.

Maybe this guy has already done something on it, and then without delay, he hurriedly ran towards the direction of the stairs.

This Absol also followed behind, like a soldier with dignity.

The pillar of the sky, the top roof.

As Xiao Zhi came outside, the light from the outside shone on his face, which made Xiao Zhi, who had been in the tower for eight or nine days, somewhat uncomfortable, and rubbed his eyes.

The top floor is a two-story plaza platform, and the outermost layer is slightly larger.

There is also an upward step inside, leading to a slightly smaller high-level platform.

I tried to stick my head out from the outer edge and looked down, but it was completely bottomless below the pillar of the sky, and the walls were covered by thick clouds.

It's just that the surrounding air is extremely strange.

Although it was already a very high altitude, Xiao Zhi found that there was no airflow around.

It was as if this piece of air was locked tightly.

The weather is also in the middle of non-rainy and non-sunny days.

"It's really weird"

Xiao Zhi no longer hesitated, looked at Absol next to him, and slowly boarded the central platform.

It was not until the central platform was completely reached that it was a huge rock square in the shape of an equilateral triangle.

There are three stone pillars standing on the edge of the three corners.

On the inner side of the triangular square, Sijana was standing with her back to him.

At his feet is a pink bunny with blurry eyes.

On the other side, it was still the fierce blood-winged dragon.


Aware of Ash's approach, the blood-winged dragon roared angrily and let out a low roar like a demonstration.

"Oh, did you catch up so soon.?"

Only then did Sigana slowly turn her head, with a tone like that of the master here.

Ash also noticed the existence behind her.

It was a giant meteorite, 2 meters high, and it was completely placed there.

The pitted surface of the meteorite scatters colorful and strange rays of light from time to time, which is quite mysterious.

"Is this the meteorite that can summon the Rift Seat.?"

Xiao Zhi was greatly surprised. The largest meteorite he had seen before was the size of an elf egg. How could there be such a body as a lying kabbi?

It's just that he was just about to take a few steps forward when the blood-winged flying dragon fluttered its wings, and then landed heavily a few meters in front of Xiaozhi, opening the dragon's mouth full of teeth, his eyes fierce and roaring again and again.

"Do you have to fight?"

Ash's face froze, he and Sigana didn't actually have any reason to fight.

After all, the purpose of the two of them coming here is to summon the cracking seat and resist the falling catastrophe meteorite.

Since Sigana is confident, let her go first.

After all, his Dragon God Scroll was pulled out by brute force, and Xiao Zhi had to bite the bullet all the way here, and he was not fully sure of becoming the legendary Dragon God messenger.

You go, you go, I can watch first.

The safety of human Pokémon in most of the region is at stake, as long as the world can be saved. Ash is willing to give this opportunity to the latter.

This matter itself is the mission of the people of Meteor, and he is also considered an outsider to intervene.

"Let me see the power of the legendary Dragon God messenger!"

However, Sigana didn't have the slightest intention to stop the fight, and moved lightly, walking behind the Blood Winged Flying Dragon.

The corner of his mouth evoked a rather crazy arc, and his eyes were staring at Xiao Zhi, extremely hot.

(End of this chapter)

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