He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1162 You are not my opponent

Chapter 1162 You are not my opponent

"Hey, do you have to fight?"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi also sighed helplessly.

Then he slowly walked to the position of a trainer commander, and looked at Sijana and the blood-winged dragon from a distance, and his expression gradually became dignified.

At this time, Xiao Zhi spit out a word.

"But you are no longer my opponent."

This sentence made the frantic Sigana's face froze, and then she sneered.

"You don't think that the last doubles fight in the department store was all my strength, right?"

Xiao Zhi shook his head, without any extra expression, his dull expression seemed extremely confident at the moment.

If Xiaogang and Xiaolan were by the side, it is estimated that Xiaozhi's aura was somewhat similar to Chi.

But Chi was just watching the battle with a cold eye at the moment, and did not intervene in the slightest.


Pikachu on his shoulders jumped, and took the initiative to fall in front of Xiao Zhi, with a high-spirited face, and electric currents flowed from his cheeks.

I was sneak attacked by this giant dragon. It's time to replace it with an electric dragon this time! !
"Blood-winged dragon, prepare to fight!!"

Sijana's expression faded, and she didn't dare to be careless. This electric rat once made her strange jaw dragon unable to eat well, and it was much stronger than it looked.

The top plaza of the Pillar of the Sky.

Without the slightest flow of air, in the extremely suppressed and stiff atmosphere, the two instantly raised their fighting spirit to the top.

"Blood-winged dragon, fly up!!"

Sigana took the lead.

The blood-winged flying dragon understood, fluttered its wings into the air, and then stared at the opponent condescendingly.

The vicious head, and the oppressive and intimidating characteristics of the high-ranking people, activate!


However, Pikachu just gave a mocking look.

Intimidate feature, fail!

"Sure enough, it's a flowing cloud line."

This time, Xiaozhi squinted slightly, and sure enough, he saw the blood-winged dragon floating in mid-air at the moment. It didn't flap its wings, and its limbs seemed to be stepping on some support point.

In battle, standing on the commanding heights can often gain a first-mover advantage.

"Don't ignore it, just use [-] volts!!"

Xiao Zhi ignores this and starts attacking directly.

Pikachu stood up, slapped his cheeks with both hands, and a dazzling electric current burst out in an instant, out of his body and turned into a curved and meandering electric snake!


However, the blood-winged flying dragon slammed into the air, and the entire huge body jumped up, like flying.

With the blessing of the flowing cloud line, its speed has also increased a lot, and the [-] volts can be easily avoided.

"Using Wide Area Destruction!!"

Sigana raised her hand and pointed, showing no mercy.

The blood-winged flying dragon stepped in the air again, with great momentum, and the tail at the end condensed a strong blue light, and slapped the target below from the air.

Wide Area Destruction looks somewhat similar to Dragon Tail, but has the added effect of weakening the target's power.

"Use the iron tail to block it!"

Xiao Zhi said unhurriedly, and chose to confront him head-on.


Pikachu stepped forward vigorously, and the stepped tail had already turned into steel, and it was also slapped out!

Bang Bang! !
The tail met the tail, and there was a sudden explosion of metal at the collision position, and sparks shot out.

Obviously, there is a huge disparity in size between a dragon and a mouse, but at this moment they are stalemate in mid-air, and their strength is not inferior.

Immediately, both of them were shocked by the reaction force, and they retreated a few meters back.

Under the surprised look on the other side, Xiao Zhi attacked again:
"Use Thunder!!"

After landing, Pikachu immediately tightened his body, and the dazzling golden electric current turned into a thick thunderous attack and shot out with a roar.

Sizzle! !

It's just that the hit rate of the thundering move is touching, and it is easily dodged by the blood wing dragon.

Xiaozhi's eyes were bright, and this time he raised his hand and pointed at Tiandao:

"In that case, another thunderstorm!!"

Pikachu understood, tightened his body again, and was an incomparably thick electric beam of light, roaring and roaring straight into the sky and into the high-altitude clouds!

Boom boom! !

The next moment, the thunder exploded! !
A sturdy pillar of thunder suddenly fell from the clouds, roaring down vertically!

But the target did not attack the blood-winged dragon, but landed in the center of this triangular square.

sizzle bang.!!
The violent electric current bombarded the ancient floor, and then bounced upwards, turning into a shred of electric current, and quickly dispersed.

After a while, this rooftop square was covered with a layer of dim-yellow filters, and currents could be seen from time to time in the air.

"Have you created an electrical field using a thundering move?"

Sigana raised her brows, is there such a way of fighting?

And looking at the electric mouse, after releasing two incomparably strong electric shocks in a row, there was no breath at all.
What a terrible power this is.!

"Hmph, there are still a lot of things you haven't seen. Let her see it, fly up, Pikachu!!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly said with a high voice.


Pikachu also showed a sly smile, and his forelimbs dropped, returning to the four-legged beast mode.

The footsteps turned into an electric light afterimage, and suddenly rushed to the heights in the air.

Then the figure didn't fall to the ground again, but just moved and jumped quickly in the air, turning into a yellow afterimage that was difficult to capture.



swoosh! !
Every time it beats, you can hear the sound of a rapid burst of electric current.

Accompanied by stroboscopic flickering current lights, the action is extremely garish.

"This is?!"

Sigana has been stunned, what kind of move is this? !

Is it also a cloud line? !

Xiao Zhi just touched his nose and looked quite proud.

He can't see or even use the flowing clouds like the people of the meteors but he also has his own way of fighting.

Thundercloud line! !


Ghostly electric light afterimages surround the blood-winged dragon in mid-air, dazzling the eyes.

"Calm down and use dragon claws!!"

Sigana hurriedly reminded.

The blood-winged dragon roared angrily, and its figure suddenly flew out, and its raised forelimb claws were covered with a thick blue light phantom.

Whoosh! !
With a single blow of the dragon's claw, the flowing current of the electric force field was directly torn apart, and the posture was extremely fierce.


However, at the same moment, Pikachu's crisp cry came from above his head.

The blood-winged flying dragon raised his head subconsciously, but saw a yellow afterimage falling quickly above it.

In particular, the tail that was pressed under him flashed a dangerous metallic cold light.


With a low shout, Pikachu's iron tail hit the blood-winged dragon's head heavily!
With a powerful force, the blood-winged dragon was shot down from the flowing cloud line, and then smashed heavily on the rock on the floor.


The terrifying force caused cobweb-like cracks to spread around the floor below, and the gravel cracked and scattered.

"I said it. You are not my opponent now."

In the dust of the gravel, Xiao Zhi just spoke so calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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