He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1164 Summoning the Firing Seat!

Chapter 1164 Summoning the Firing Seat!
"Pikachu, save some electricity."

Xiao Zhi hurriedly reminded behind.

Although the electricity is abundant now, your thunderbolt is purely a meaningless demonstration!

How can a mouse intimidate the opposite dragon.

The blood-winged dragon just stared at it for a while, not knowing what serious illness the electric mouse was doing. But this powerful demonstration and thunder scared Sijana.


At this time, she noticed the communication device in her pocket, and it seemed that something had been announced.

Sigana didn't take it out, but looked at Xiao Zhi with a complicated expression.

In the end, his expression was ruthless, as if he had made up his mind, and he shouted loudly:

"In any case, I don't recognize your Dragon God messenger!!"

Xiaozhi: "?!"

What serious illness did this woman have, why did she shout this out of nowhere?

Just the next moment, watching the blood-winged flying dragon ride the flowing cloud line and leap into the air again dozens of meters high.

The rich blue-blue energy began to cover and condense on the surface of its body, beating like a flame.

This also made the air that was already very depressed around it become dignified again.

"Are you going to completely divide the outcome?"

Although he doesn't realize it, if it's a Pokémon battle, Ash will never admit defeat.

"Pikachu, use the thundercloud line to accelerate, and then unleash the strongest high-voltage electric shock!!"


Pikachu nodded and jumped into the air again.


Stepping on the weak currents, jumping back and forth continuously, the speed is also increasing, gradually turning into an afterimage of yellow light that is difficult to capture by the naked eye.

The only thing that can be seen is the lightning that became clear in the air, and it disappeared in an instant.



In the ear, you can also hear the sound of the current bursting one after another.

"Pickup Pika Pika.!!"

Pikachu's high-frequency shouting sounded, and a dazzling thunder light burst out in the air!

Golden lightning covered Pikachu's body, turning his entire body into an electric shock wave, completely covering his body.

swoosh!swoosh! !

Even in the air, the trajectory of refraction at ultra-high speed, constantly changing the direction of movement

In mid-air, the ultimate shock of the blood-winged flying dragon has been charged, and the entire body is covered by a spiral shock wave.

With a strange power, the energy vortex turned into a huge blue-blue strange bird phantom.

Boom boom boom! !

Finally, crashing down! !
Flying Skin · Ultimate Impact! !
This is the ultimate impact of the ultimate move, and at this moment, the power has skyrocketed again! !


The Pikachu below also completed the final charge, the refraction angle jumped out of the loop, and the lightning shock wave went straight into the air with the increase of the thunder cloud line! !

Thundercloud Line High Voltage Electric Shock! !

In the air, one side is the phantom of the blue-blue monster, and the other side is the golden lightning shock wave.
Boom boom! !

The two powerful and tyrannical attacks collided head-on in mid-air without the slightest hindrance! !

In an instant, the strong wind rolled, and the airflow locked in this piece of sky began to roll violently.

Under the terrifying pressure, the rock floor below cracked and turned into countless soot and gravel.

On the other hand, Ash and Sigana, who were at both ends of the arena, were staring at the midair, and the opponents that were still colliding with each other.

The blue light engulfs the electric shock
Then it was broken down by the skyrocketing electric light.
Both of them are powers that far exceed ordinary Pokémon, and they are constantly tearing and impacting in the air.

In the end, it turned into a huge explosion, lightning and blue light intertwined, and the smoke and flames exploded in the sky, completely engulfing the figures of the two.


"mega blood wing dragon!"

The wind danced wildly, and the two trainers just called out their names, and in the explosion, two figures suddenly ejected from the smoke.


Pikachu's petite figure kept rolling back and forth in mid-air, even when it fell to the ground, it kept rolling back and forth, all the way back more than ten meters, and almost fell off this high platform.


The huge figure of the mega blood-winged dragon also rubbed against the ground, and was hit by a huge force and kept going backwards.


During the process, a ray of light burst out from the body, and then it returned to its original normal form.

When the smoke cleared, the two stopped at the same time and receded.

The blood-winged dragon's head had already fallen to the ground, and his eyes were spinning.


Pikachu was a carp and stood up again.

Although he was disheartened, he seemed to be in a good state, not even in the state of residual blood.


The side effects of the high-voltage electric shock made it grin for a while in pain.

"It looks like the winner is decided. My Pikachu won!"

Seeing this, Ash breathed a sigh of relief and walked slowly to Pikachu's side.

In front of her, Sigana instantly knelt on the ground, her face changed in disbelief.

Did she lose?
Even the blood-winged dragon that has completed the mega evolution. Still lost? !
Even that electric mouse has enough physical strength? !

Xiao Zhi coughed and reminded:
"Uh, my suggestion is that you'd better memorize the attribute restraint table first."

Do you understand? Electric Pikachu is resistant to flying moves.

Ash almost froze when he heard the Pokédex mention the flying skin feature.

I didn't expect this woman to be so upright, holding a flying move.

This is completely stunned, and even the most basic judgment of the trainer has been forgotten.

"It doesn't matter who is the messenger of the Dragon God, the point is to summon the Rift Seat and solve the disaster"

Seeing that the latter was still half-knelt on the ground, Xiao Zhi continued to speak, intending to use words to make this woman recognize the direction.

"The point is not to beat me."

Sigana's body trembled, but her expression was still sluggish, and she didn't know if she heard it.

I saw that she slowly got up and went forward, stroking the head of the blood-winged dragon.


The latter also let out a whimper, not as arrogant and coercive as in the previous battle.

This blood-winged dragon is Sijana's initial Pokémon, and the two stayed together when they were in the village of Meteor.

"Thank you for your hard work, blood-winged dragon."

Soon, Sigana withdrew the blood-winged dragon and sighed softly:
"I lost"

Just waiting for her to stand up again, the complex expression on her face became firm and determined again.

Sijana looked at Xiao Zhi and said sternly:
"But in the matter of summoning the Dragon God, I didn't lose!"

Xiaozhi: "?"

With Xiao Zhi's confused expression on his face, Sigana just lifted her phone and turned the screen to face Xiao Zhi.

"Because of the empty seat of the Dragon God split, I have successfully summoned it.!"

(End of this chapter)

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