He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1165 Groudon vs Kyogre!

Chapter 1165 Groudon vs Kyogre!
"Have you summoned the Skycracker?"

Confused, Ash looked around.

The aftermath of the energy that had been tumbling continuously because of the battle had stopped, the weather was completely locked again, and the airflow was no longer flowing.

Is the rift seat coming?
Seeing the phone held in Sijana's hand, there seemed to be something on the screen, and Xiao Zhi then fixed his eyes on it.

On the not too big screen, there is a fiery red lava beast on one side, and a huge blue whale beast on the other.

The surrounding background waves are monstrous, and the weather is flickering like breathing, sometimes windy and rainy, sometimes sunny and dry.
The picture is like a special disaster film.

"This is Groudon and Kyogre.?"

Xiao Zhi's eyes widened, not knowing what happened.

Looking at the interface, it seems that it is still live in real time, and the shooting angle seems very far away.

"Is there a network?"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly took out his picture book and saw that the signal network had recovered.

He quickly opened the live broadcast software, and the title of the most popular room at the moment was a line of shocking characters.

God of the Earth vs. God of the Sea! !

Xiao Zhi was completely stunned, what happened to the outside world during the ten days he was closed? !
Fangyuan area, waterway 128.

This is an unmanned sea area on the east side of Liuli City.

The depth of the sea is not too deep, but there are intricate caves and trenches below this sea area, which is a natural habitat for wild Pokémon, and generally few humans approach.

It's just that today's No. 128 waterway has ushered in two behemoths.


A violent roar sounded like a thunder.

I saw a huge lava reef condensed out of thin air on the sea, and a giant beast covered with lava scales stood on it.

The whole body is covered with black lava cracks, which outline a strange pattern.

The hills generally have a hunchbacked body, with ferocious spikes on their heads, limbs, and tails.

Even if the body is not in contact with the water flow, it still emits high-temperature steam, which shows the super-high heat of the body.

God of the Earth, Groudon! !

On the other side, there were bursts of sharp hissing noises.

But I saw a huge blue whale beast jumping out of the sea, its wide double fins like wings, also depicting strange lines.

God of the Sea, Kyogre! !
The two most famous ancient gods in the Fangyuan area met on this uninhabited sea!
And these two existences are not as thoughtful as Chaomeng.
More, rely on the body to act instinctively.

Now that both of them are awake, the incompatible forces of water and fire have collided, and the natural energy of the entire Fangyuan area has begun to leak faintly.

This was the energy they would instinctively fight for, not to mention that Groudon and Kyogre were already uncomfortable looking at each other.

There is only one true king! !

Boom! !

Gaioka opened the whale's mouth, and a crystal clear electric snake pulse burst out from his wide mouth!

Blazing out, the sea instantly freezes a huge ice road along the way, with a terrifying chill!

Freezing rays! !
The frozen light of the ancient gods is no longer a normal move, and the temperature of this weather has dropped a lot.

Standing on the lava reef, Groudon also opened his mouth wide, and the fiery, high-temperature flames spewed out!

Boom boom! !

In mid-air, it turned into a huge and incomparably flaming character, overwhelming the mountains and seas all the way, and blasted into the wind with a terrifying heat wave.

Big character explosion! !
Boom boom! !

Two terrifying moves collided head-on on the sea surface, and in just an instant, a huge vacuum gap was blown out of the sea below!

Then there was a terrifying energy explosion, covering nearly a hundred meters all the way, and the entire ocean tumbled violently.


Seeing this, Kyogre once again spread his wings and leaped out of the sea, as if flying.

This time, in front of the dark blue body, several blue energy spheres condensed in an instant.




The next moment, these energy spheres all spurted out a water column, and the power of each shot was comparable to the power of a high-pressure water cannon.

It doesn't even look like water, more like blue laser pulses piercing everything!
Root fluctuations! !
This is the source power of water flow that Kyogre masters as the creator of the sea!

Standing on the lava reef, Groudon couldn't dodge for a while.

After all, this is the ocean and belongs to Kyogre's territory. Once he falls into the water, he will also fall into the downwind.

But Groudon had a ferocious face, and his wide hooked arms suddenly slammed into the sea in front of him.

Boom! !
Like a big explosion that exploded in situ, the sea suddenly stirred up a huge wave nearly [-] meters high.

Boom! !
This even formed a huge wave barrier, and the root wave that was one step slower bombarded the huge wave, and the second stage of the place exploded into a huge splash!
Although the giant wave barrier was shattered in an instant, the power of the root fluctuation was also greatly weakened.

A little bombardment left on Groudon.
Almost as hard as washing your face.


However, Groudon's slap wasn't just about hitting the waves.

At the same time, it even injected its own mastery of the origin of the earth into it.
Whoosh! !
Whoosh! !
Whoosh! !
One after another huge spurts of lava rose vertically from the sea surface out of thin air, each with a height of tens of meters, with destructive power that could penetrate everything, spreading all the way.

At this moment, Kyogre just jumped out and was about to fall back to the surface of the sea.
Whoosh! !
A burst of lava stabs hit Kyogre's belly frontally!
The sword of the cliff! !
Bang Bang Bang! !

The terrifying impact directly overturned Kyokka's large whale body and flew it into the air.

Boom boom.! !
Then the lava thrust of the Sword of the Cliff exploded out of thin air, and the second-stage explosive impact completely blew Kyogre away and smashed it into the sea.

Whoa! !
Like a bomb falling into the water, a huge wave of more than ten meters was suddenly set off, and the ocean continued to roll.
On the sea surface that is nearly a thousand meters away from the battle site of the two ancient gods, the sea water is constantly rolling.

However, a submarine in the shape of a volcanic camel floated on the sea, allowing the waves to roll without moving like a mountain.

On the deck of the submarine, there was a man in a red uniform, with a lean body, neatly combed back, and elegant glasses.

But at this moment, his face looked extremely hideous and extremely aggressive.

"Ahahaha, the god of the earth, Groudon! Sure enough, he is the eternal god!!"

Once he succeeded, Chi Yansong laughed wildly and shouted.

In the distance, Groudon's lava-like body can be seen.

On one side of his palm, he also held a scarlet orb.

The letter mark in the shape of "Omega" appeared on the orb, and it kept flashing like breathing.
(End of this chapter)

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