He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1166 Michael and the people of Liuli

Chapter 1166 Michael and the people of Liuli
A scarlet orb, it is said that it can establish a connection with Groudon, the god of the earth, and even control the latter.

Chi Yanpine has felt the close connection between him and Groudon
Groudon, now doing his will!
"Fill up the oceans of the whole world with unparalleled lava volcanoes!! Ah ha ha ha!!"

Chi Yansong held the vermilion orb tightly and laughed wildly, without the scheming temperament of the past.

Then the god of the ocean on the opposite side is the first existence to be removed!
Chi Yansong's eyes were extremely fierce, and his eyes were full of scary bloodshots.

According to legend, Groudon and Kyogre often fought each other, but they didn't distinguish between them. But history is finally going to change today!

in the lava team.

No, under the control of his Chi Yanpine, Groudon will definitely defeat Kyogre today! !
"Uh, boss"

"Will you be more stable"

Behind Chi Yansong, the three cadres, Huoying, Hokage, and Huoyan, spoke with a little trembling.

It is also the first time they have seen the appearance of their boss.

The ultimate ideal of the lava team is to fill the ocean with the earth and return the world to its original land appearance.
It's just that it's really at the last moment, after seeing Groudon's almost devastating power.

They hesitated again.

It seems that this world is about to be destroyed!?
"Hmph, I haven't seen anything in the world! You will all be remembered in history!"

Chi Yansong just glanced coldly at his three subordinates, making no secret of his disdain.

"Go to the side, stand around me, and don't let anyone come within ten meters of me!"

The three flames looked at each other, and their expressions changed.

Chi Yansong boss has never had such a tone to them
Is this because he controlled the scarlet orb, or was he controlled by the will of the orb?
But the three of them still had absolute respect for Chi Yansong, and after bowing, they spread out to be on guard.

On the other side, behind Kyogre, was nearly a kilometer of sea.

The big waves rolled, the showers fell, and there was also a submarine in the shape of a giant tooth shark floating on the sea.

On the deck, the water phoenix tree with strong muscles and the blue tights that was about to burst, also stood on the deck, staring closely at the distant battlefield.

A circle of beards, dark skin and face, you can faintly see the appearance of blue veins bursting out of anger.

In his palm, he also held an indigo blue orb.

On the surface of the orb, a mark shaped like the letter "α" also flashed like breathing.

"Damn, Kyogre, kill this lava crawler for me!!"

Water Wutong roared at the void.

This appearance made the Quan in the rear even more afraid to make a sound.

Why does the boss today seem to be a different person?

Although he used to look fierce and vicious before, he still cared about his subordinates very much.

Now it seems that there are only giant whale beasts that are thousands of meters away.


Several ocean team cadres did not dare to make a sound, but they were also horrified by the power of the ocean god.

The ideal of trying to cover up the earth with the tsunami that engulfed everything and return the world to the original appearance of the ocean was shaken when he really wanted to do so.

The peaceful coexistence of the earth and the sea seems to be no big problem, right?

"You useless guys! Hurry up and guard me, and don't let anyone disturb my connection with the God of the Sea!!"

The roar of Shui Wutong made several people stunned, afraid to speak, and quickly dispersed.

Now I can't help them, I can only bite the bullet
It is dozens of kilometers away from the battle between the two ancient gods.

Liuli City.

This is a natural ocean city formed by the fall of ancient meteorites.

The terrifying disaster-grade meteorite smashed a huge gap in the seabed, and the surrounding ground was squeezed and arched upward to form a sheltered wall.

The whole city is like a volcanic crater, and the area below the mountainside is in the sea.

The town of Liuli City was built inside the meteorite crater, and the surrounding walls were towering like volcanic cones, which blocked the inflow of seawater from the outside world.

To enter such a special city, either enter through a gaping path on the edge of the sea.

Or cast a flying technique and fly in from the crater gap above.

Just at this moment, Liuli City panicked!
They are the closest cities to the battle between Groudon and Kyogre. At this moment, the sky is sometimes rainy, sometimes dry and sunny, and the weather is constantly changing.

The tide keeps rolling
Fortunately, there was a solid crater wall blocking it, and the violent tsunami did not come in.

rumble! !
It's just that the whole city is constantly shaking because of the battle between Groudon and Kyogre.

The magnitude of the earthquake was about 2 to 4, and the residents of the entire city were panicked.

However, the entrance and exit of the entire city is only a narrow rocky path, and it is impossible to achieve a large number of people transferring and taking refuge in a short period of time.

Not to mention, as soon as you go out, it is a surging tsunami wave.

It is estimated that it will be directly beaten and sunk to the bottom of the sea.

In the deepest part of the inland ocean in the middle, in front of a sacrificial ancestral hall.

"Damn, I didn't expect them to fight suddenly.!!"

A blue-haired man frowned and couldn't help shouting in a low voice.

This is an ancient-looking sacrificial platform, and there is a dark cave behind it, I don't know where it leads.


Feeling the acceleration of the earthquake frequency and the increasing intensity, the blue-haired man's face became ugly.

He was slender, with delicate blue hair, and was wearing a neat white dress and a top hat.

It's just that this dress has no fabric near the navel and chest, revealing a rather enchanting body and a slender waist, which is somewhat unweathered.

"Michelle, don't worry, the Fangyuan area is a place to be sheltered"

In front of the sacrificial altar, a bald old man closed his eyes lightly and said slowly.

Michaeli, the current Fangyuan Regional League Champion, is also known as the most powerful man in the region at the moment.

Not only is he a powerful trainer, but he is also a top-level coordination trainer who can show his beauty in battle.

It's just that no matter how strong his personal ability is, at this moment, Mi Keli can't do anything in front of these two ancient gods who are suddenly fighting together.

Residents of Liuli City cannot be transferred in a short period of time.
Looking at the live broadcast, Groudon and Kyogre fighting like a movie, every collision can cause an exaggerated impact, and Mikri is too powerful to use it.

"The most urgent task is to break the connection between the vermilion orb, the indigo orb and these two ancient gods"

This old grandfather, who is also the oldest citizen of ancient glazed glass, said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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