He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1167 2 teenagers

Chapter 1167 Two teenagers
Unlike the people of the meteor next door, the inheritance of the people of colored glass has long since faded away.

Only this old man knows all about the mission of their tribe that has been passed down from ancient times to the present.

Even if he is in the limelight outside, as a powerful league champion, Mikori doesn't know much about these secrets.

"These two orbs have a great connection with the two ancient gods, and even allow them to obtain more original natural energy and return to the most primitive form."

The elder of the people of the glazed glass spoke slowly, but Mikuri didn't dare to urge him, so he could only listen hard.

Can you speak faster?

In the past, he didn't pay much attention to these secrets and unofficial history, and Zeng Jin also went to the gate of the Pillar of the Sky several times.

Until now, Groudon and Kyogre suddenly appeared and fought, which made him seek the help of his own people.

"Return to original form?"

Mickley touched his chin and thought to himself.

If the mega evolved and gained stronger power, he would still understand.

What does primitive regression mean?
"But the key is the two orbs, right!"

Mickley stared at the communication device in his hand. The screen was not only a battle between two huge ancient gods, but also two small dots could be seen from time to time in the rear.

That's two submarines.

"Shuiwutong, Chi Yansong really are these two guys!"

Mickley's face froze, a little less elegant and easy-going in the past.

The Heavenly King Furong, who was previously a colleague, has already reported to the Alliance that both the vermilion and indigo orbs that have been guarded by the mountain have been stolen.

Most likely, it fell into the hands of Team Lava and Team Ocean.

"Send the sacred mountain, the place where all life ends, and the ancestral hall of awakening is the place where all life originates."

The old man spoke slowly, raised his raised eyes, and looked at the ancestral hall behind him and the cave behind him.


From the dark hole, white steam wafts out, as if there is some kind of high temperature inside.

Unable to understand the riddles of his own parents, Mickley turned around and left, heading for the No. 128 waterway of the Battle of the Two Gods.

As long as the orb is taken away from the hands of the two, then this incident can be completely brought to an end.
If you are fighting in the ocean, then your own strength can also be the strongest!
"It's useless."

It's just the words of the old man Liuli, which made Mikkeli stop the car and turn his head.

Can you say it all at once!
Seeing the leisurely appearance of the latter, Mikuri could only endure his urgency and once again bowed his head and stood aside.

The latter was not in a hurry, as if he was deliberately playing Mikri, with his hands behind his back, pacing on this small shore by the sea.

"Grandpa, now it's about the safety of the whole area. Please tell me how to save it as soon as possible."

Mickey could only try to remind.

I would have listened to it before I knew it!
"Ha ha."

Seeing this, the old man of the people of colored glass continued:
"Humans and orbs are not the key. The key is the god of the sea and the god of the earth. Their will cannot be manipulated casually."

It's not so much the water phoenix tree and the red flame pine, and the two gods are controlled by the orb
It is better to say that the two ancient gods used the orb as a bridge to change the will of the two.

The will of the two will also feed back into the orb.
This allows the gods Groudon and Kyogre to gain even more power from the Orb!

"So, cutting the connection between humans and the orb alone is a collision between the useless god of the sea and the god of the earth, and it still has the power to engulf and destroy the world."

At most, it will weaken a bit of power.

Hearing that, Mickley lowered his head and thought, his brows furrowed.

"The only way is to have new humans replace the two current people, take over the orb, and establish contact with the two ancient gods. These two humans must have extremely strong willpower, not for the orb, or for Shaken by the ancient gods."

Meekly subconsciously volunteered.

If there is another person, please ask Daigo.

The two are close friends, the latter is now in Green Ridge City and can reach the No. 2 waterway within 128 hours.

They are all league champions, and their strength is unmatched, and they can forcefully take back the orb from Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong.

"Adults are useless. Your thoughts have gone through too much filth. Under the bewitchment of the orb, your mind will be completely occupied in an instant, and it will only become the power of Groudon and Kyogre."

The old man said unceremoniously.


Mickley frowned again, especially since the elders in the family were staring straight at him.

"That means you can only find two teenagers in their early teens?"

The adults mentioned by the old people of the people of the glazed glass are divided according to the ancient age, that is, they are only 18 years old.

And now the official definition of the alliance is basically 10 years old, and 11 years old can receive the initial Pokemon and travel as an "adult".

But now at this critical juncture, where can I find two young trainers with firm will? !
And these two people have to have a certain strength to get the orb back from the dangerous lava team and the ocean team.
Looking at the old man who was leisurely and leisurely in front of him, he didn't seem to be worried at all, and Mikri was even more anxious.

"Michael, your practice is not enough. Even if you become the champion of the league, you still lack a peaceful heart."

The old man of the People of Glass even shot a shot, which made Mickley's face turn blue.

So now it's intentional revenge for him to leave Liuli City when he was young and go to various gorgeous competitions, right? !

Or does he really have something behind, so that he will not be in a hurry at all?
"Sir. Oh, and Michael, so you are here?"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the shore.

But I saw a middle-aged man in a blue robe dress, who boarded this awakening ancestral hall Xiao Ting.

He has elegant short black hair, two strands of white hair in front of his forehead, and a moustache at the corner of his mouth.

His face and manners are elegant, and his gestures reveal a gentleman's temperament, which is similar to Michael's.

Of course, it should be said that Michael is like this middle-aged man.

"Teacher, why are you here?"

Mikuri bowed cautiously, not daring to be careless.

Adam, the owner of the Liuli Gym, is also Michael's teacher.

It can be said that his fighting style and behavior are mostly derived from the former.

Later, Adam passed the Liuli Gym to Mikori, but the latter was too powerful, and now he has become the league champion.

So the position of the master of the Liuli Gym was returned to Adam's hands.

"Oh, two little guys came to my gym to challenge just now, and their strength made me a little ashamed."

Adam chuckled and continued:

"These two teenagers seem to have several new insights into this incident."

Mickley looked over his head, but saw two trainers in their early teens, a man and a woman, behind Adam.

(End of this chapter)

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