He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1168 Conditions for the arrival of the Dragon God!

Chapter 1168 Conditions for the arrival of the Dragon God!
The two were of the same height, and the boy wore a white hat, like a teenager with a white head.

The girl's short brown hair fell from the sides, and she wore a big red bow on her head, like two ears, which looked very aura and lovely.

"Introduction, his name is Yushu, this cute little girl is called Xiaoyao~"

Adam opened his mouth and said, with a unique old man flavor in his tone.

This also made Mikri and the elder of the people of the glass look at each other.

"Look, Mikri. Everything is predestined, and there is no need to rush."

The elder even coughed, with a bit of contentment in his tone.

Michelle looked at the two of them curiously.

Judging by his age, he is a novice trainer who has just received Pokémon, but it is extremely rare to be praised by his teacher.

"Michelle, don't underestimate them. If they are the same age, you are not as good as these two little guys~"

Adam said it half-jokingly, which made Michaeli's expression instantly serious.

Immediately, he looked directly at Yushu and Xiaoyao, and said:

"Then two teenagers, are you interested in saving the world?"

These are the two candidates brought by God, and now Michael has no choice, so he can only bite the bullet.

"Save the world? It's interesting."

"Hmph, the script is finally correct!"

The two of them were not as surprised or puzzled as ordinary people, but they all showed fiery anticipation.

In the world they once and today, Yushu and Xiaoyao are the absolute protagonists!

Fighting monsters and upgrading, a nest of evil organizations, powerful beasts are also easily won.
But in this world, everything has changed.

Starting from the beginning, although the strength is also improving very quickly, ordinary trainers are not their opponents at all.

But I always feel that something is not right?
It was like, as if the two of them were passers-by, a background board for someone.

Now that Groudon and Kyogre were fighting, Mikri cast such a look of anticipation again.

Yushu and Xiao Haruka looked at each other, saving the world was their normal script! !

Seeing this, Mikuri could only choose to completely trust the two, and immediately revealed the relationship between the scarlet orb and the two ancient gods.
The pillar of the sky, the top roof.

Ash stared at the screen for ten minutes, watching Groudon and Kyogre fight like a big movie.

The sword of the cliff that rose, even the clouds in the sky were pierced.

The emitted waves of the source wave, the water flow laser, and the sea are all pierced through countless vacuum gaps.

Every blow seems to carry the power that can affect the world, causing a tsunami of several meters, constantly rolling towards the impact.

rumble! !
Around Groudon's body, several lava reefs stretched out of thin air.

Keep squeezing upwards, protruding into an arch.

Boom! !
Magma flowstones spewed out of it, and the entire sea was covered with dangerously infiltrating volcanic ash.

Groudon created the earth with his bare hands. It relied on manual creation of volcanoes. After the erupting magma cooled, it became a land covering the ocean.


The entire sea trembled violently.

Under the deep sea, which no one could see, the ground cracked open layer by layer, creating huge trenches and deep ravines.



And aware of that rich natural energy, which is constantly leaking out from it, which makes the two ancient gods even more crazy like taking medicine, and the terrifying moves are mercilessly blasted! !

The energy in the body did not weaken due to the high-intensity venting, but instead spewed out continuously and became stronger and stronger.

Groudon and Kyogre sensed that their original power was returning.! !
On the two of them, the crack lines in the shape of the letters "α" and "Ω" are flashing frantically.

Sunshine flames! !
snowstorm! !

Boom boom! !

It was another violent explosion. Even Xiao Zhi, who was far away, on the pillar of the sky, felt that his illustrated book was about to explode, shaking wildly.

"DiDi. The signal is temporarily interrupted."

The terrifying shock wave seemed to crush the live broadcast signal over there, and the live broadcast screen went black in an instant.


"Hey, hey, where's the picture? It's really cool to watch."

"The director is off work, right?"

The barrage in the room also exploded for a while, crazy 99+.

Ash hurriedly stood on the pillar of the sky and looked in the east direction.

It's just that this place is still in the state of air lock. No matter how fierce the battle there is, the pillar of the sky has no reaction at all, and it seems unusually quiet.

"So what does the battle between Groudon and Kyogre have anything to do with the summoning of Void Seat?"

Ash could only look at Sigana and asked.

Riddler, he still said that he had already summoned the Rift Seat. Where?

But the latter had already swept away the haze of the previous defeat, and his eyes returned to the initial frenzy.

"And you deliberately gave the orb to the lava team ocean team, what is the purpose?!"

Xiao Zhi asked again.

This woman has completely created a catastrophe that is not inferior to the fall of the meteorite above!

In fact, now, in the sky above the Fangyuan area, a light spot can be faintly seen.

But at this moment, because of the sudden battle between Groudon and Kyogre, everyone's attention was completely drawn away, and no attention was paid to the top of their heads.

Presumably the researchers in Luling City, Dawu Xiaogang and the others, are probably anxious like ants on a hot pot.

According to them, when you can see a meteorite with the naked eye, then the meteorite is about to fall.

No more than 2 days at most!


Seeing that the signal of the communication device in her hand was temporarily interrupted, Sigana put it down and looked straight at Xiao Zhi.

"Because I have fulfilled all the conditions for the arrival of Lord Dragon God!"

Her expression was extremely confident.

"Conditions for coming?"

Ash repeated the change, the conditions for the coming. Isn't it just to let the human holding the Dragon God scroll touch the huge meteorite, and then summon the Rift seat?
Is there any other way?
"Humph, because this method in Meteor Noble is wrong!"

Sigana's tone seemed very confident.

Seeing that Xiao Zhi didn't understand at all, Sigana was not in a hurry, and introduced Zeng Jin's history on her own.

"3000 years ago, the earth in the Fangyuan area cracked open, and the leaked natural energy made Groudon and Kyogre scramble for the first. The battle of the former."

Xiaozhi listened in a daze, the elders in Meteor Star also told him about this history, but it seemed to be a little different.

"Then in 2000, another meteorite landed, and the cracking of the earth leaked the natural energy, awakening Groudon and Lord Kyogre to come again, ending everything."

"Have you not noticed? In fact, the arrival of the Dragon God has nothing to do with the summoning of the people of the meteor. His conditions have always been only two!"

Speaking of this, Sigana narrowed her eyes and said in a low voice:
"A falling meteor, and the battle with Groudon and Kyogre!"

(End of this chapter)

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