He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1169 Split the empty seat, come!

Chapter 1169 Split the empty seat, come!

The double disaster caused by the meteorite and the battle between the two gods will draw the legendary Rift Seat that lives in the atmosphere.

"Lord Dragon God, he would have guarded our Fangyuan Continent. As for the legends of those backward dragon god messengers in Meteor, it's just a coincidence!"

Sigana made an oath.

What pulls off the scroll and summons the dragon god with the same mind is just a feudal and ignorant legend in the meteor, and there is no such connection at all!
"Uh, I don't mean anything else."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but interject:
"Is that a possibility, for example, someone thinks this position is fake because he has not become an envoy of the Dragon God, I'm not talking about you."

Seeing that Sigana's brows rose instantly, as if she was about to rush in the next second, Xiao Zhi hurriedly interrupted his words.

But there is one thing to say, the latter said. It seems that it is really possible.

After all, the ancestors of the Meteor Citizens "summoned" once. Who knows if it was a coincidence that time, and then took advantage of the trend to put gold on his face?

At this moment, the picture book in the pocket trembled again.

Xiao Zhi subconsciously took out a look, but saw that the previous live broadcast room had a picture again.

"This is.?!"

Only this time, both Ash and Sigana's expressions were completely moved by the screen.

Because at this moment, there are not only two ancient gods, one red and one blue, but an emerald green figure is winding down in the vast high-altitude clouds.

Break through the clouds and appear in everyone's eyes!
Waterway 128.

The battle between Groudon and Kyogre continues.

The diametrically opposite power is constantly blasting out on the opponent, which makes the surrounding weather change at a high frequency.

The sea surface is constantly rolling up, and the size of the seafloor cracks is constantly expanding.


The wildly leaked natural energy made Groudon and Kyogre feel as if they had taken medicine, the rune cracks on the surface of their bodies flickered wildly, and their own strengths were constantly increasing.
Suddenly, the downpours and the dry, sunny days stopped.

There is only a grayish white in the sky, neither rain nor sunny, in a chaotic blank weather.

The air in the entire sea space seemed to be frozen.no longer flow.

Even the turbulent ocean current has become extremely calm.

A strong and extreme sense of oppression covered the entire No. 128 waterway from top to bottom, making the world seem extremely silent for a while.



Groudon and Kyogre also stopped fighting at the same time, raised their heads, and sent out a demonstration-like roar towards the sky.

They all felt that the One exists.
It's coming!

The deafening dragon roar fell from the clouds in the sky in an instant, with unparalleled domineering power!
Just this dragon roar made Groudon and Kyogre shut their mouths at the same time, and could only stare blankly.

Then, a slender green dragon broke through the clouds and slanted down!

It has an emerald green flying dragon body, with two claws on the front of its abdomen, and two pairs of dragon horns on both sides of its slender head.

In the dark eye sockets, there are amber dragon eyes.

The open dragon's mouth is a bloody red.

The surface of the entire slender body is quite mysterious with golden peculiar lines and black cracks.
Dragon God, split the empty seat! !
At this moment, the three most famous ancient gods in the Fangyuan area appeared on the No. 128 waterway at the same time.

This also made the countless viewers in front of the live broadcast screen completely boiled!
The most powerful scene in the legend actually appeared in front of them! ?

As if even the camera couldn't withstand such pressure, the picture kept shaking, as if it would be disconnected at any time.

The ghost knows what kind of mood the war correspondent at the moment is live-streaming this scene.

"I was right!! Haha, Lord Dragon God is here!!"

Seeing this scene also made Sijana, who was far away on the pillar of the sky, look ecstatic.

Looking at the screen, the green dragon god's aloof posture, she almost fell directly to the ground.

Then the next step is to suppress the other two gods, Lord Dragon God, and then turn his head to completely destroy the huge meteorite that fell from the air!

"Is this the Rift Seat?"

It was the first time that Xiao Zhi grasped the palm of the illustrated book and was shaking slightly when he saw the real appearance of the Korakuza.

This look is so arrogant
This is an aura that no dragon-type Pokémon he has ever seen before has ever had!
In addition to being shocked, Xiao Zhi also fell into doubt.

The other hand took out the Dragon God scroll, which felt somewhat redundant.
It's just that other people will be intimidated by the appearance of Rift Seat, but not Groudon and Kyogre.



The two gods of Fangyuan let out a low growl and looked at each other.

The will of each other's gods is also conveyed into each other's minds.

"First join forces to kill this green dragon, and then divide up the natural energy!"

The next moment, the incomparably dangerous sense of oppression of the two fell on Kaikongza who suddenly appeared in the air at the same time.


Seeing that two of Zeng Jin's defeated generals still dared to show off their might in front of him, this made the arrogant cracking seat full of anger in an instant.

The dragon's mouth opened, and the colorful rays of light condensed and expanded around the mouth.

Boom! !

In the end, it turned into a dragon-shaped energy pulse, and it suddenly shot down!
Dragon Wave!

Seeing this, Kyogre didn't dare to be careless, and quickly opened his wide mouth.

A bunch of blue-white electric snakes also shot out, freezing all the water and air along the way, and shot towards the air.

Freezing rays! !
The ancient god-level moves collided violently in mid-air, as if the space was torn apart.

It was just a stalemate for less than a while, and the phantom of the dragon's fluctuations seemed to really transform into a living dragon, and it suddenly broke the ice light!
It even pushed back, with an unstoppable impact, and finally burst open in Kyogre's chest!
Boom! !
The violent explosion caused the entire sea to tumble violently.

During this time, the flame energy in Groudon's mouth was fully charged, and then he suddenly opened his mouth.

Boom! !
A huge incomparable flame character, with a strong hot wind, bombarded out! !
Big character explosion! !
However, in the face of the incoming flames, Kizakuza also flew high in the air.

The sinuous and slender body swam fast in the air, like some kind of magical dance.

This made it easy for Kaikongza to evade all the large-character explosions and pass through the slender body gap.

At the same time, the split empty seat has raised the dragon's mouth.

The second wave of dragon waves is also ready to go!
Whoosh! !

The dragon-shaped energy pulse that opened its teeth and claws again pierced through the air and shot out obliquely from the air.

Standing on top of the lava reef, Groudon couldn't move at all.

Boom boom! !

The terrifying wave of the dragon exploded on its body once again! !
(End of this chapter)

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