He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1170 Three gods melee!

Chapter 1170 The three gods melee!

"Lord Dragon God, it's amazing, it's amazing!!"

Seeing the just-debuted Kaikongza, she easily suppressed the two gods below, which made Sijana look ecstatic, and her dark complexion was as rosy as a high eye.

Feeling the incomparable power of the fissure, Xiao Zhi also widened his eyes, not daring to take a breath.

It seems that the battle on the screen has not yet entered the second round.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi finally walked straight to the top of the Pillar of the Sky, the giant meteorite placed on the innermost side.

"Hmph, the idea of ​​feudal ignorance doesn't make any sense."

Seeing this, Sigana did not stop it, but just stood by and said coldly.

Now that Lord Dragon God has arrived, what is the significance of the ceremony in Meteor?
However, her expression became expectant.

Because this is the last step to prove her point is correct, slap everyone in the face!


Ash ignored the latter's expression, and just walked straight to the giant meteorite.

The pitted surface of the meteorite exudes a faint colorful light.


Xiaozhi stuck one hand on the surface of the meteorite, while the other hand grabbed the Dragon God scroll, and then tried to close his eyes.

There was no formula or action, he just recited the sentence "Dragon God split the empty seat, quickly smash the meteorite in the air" in his heart.

If you can't summon the Dragon God, let's establish a connection a little bit.

After all, the catastrophe meteorite hanging on their heads has not been completely resolved!

North of Waterway 128.

Green Ridge City.

The Rocket Command Room at the Green Ridge Cosmos Center.

At this moment, in this huge room, various electronic devices and screens are placed, and various data patterns that are incomprehensible are being calculated rapidly.

Dozens of researchers were scattered around the room, busy manipulating the machines in front of them.

The director of the cosmos center stood on a high platform in the back, with his hands behind his back, staring directly at the largest electronic screen hanging in the room.

On the screen, is a huge rocket!

"Director, how is the time?"

Daigo stood behind the director and asked.

He didn't understand anything about rocket liftoff, and the data from various instruments in front of him was completely blind.

Next to him, Xiaogang and Shota were also standing beside Dawu, ready to help.

"Well, it's less than 3 hours before the meteorite falls to the ground!"

The director said solemnly, his expression extremely serious.

Compared with the people in the entire Fangyuan area, the three gods are concerned about the chaos war
Now the meteorite above the head is the most dangerous disaster!

Hearing that there were less than three hours left, this also made the faces of Dawu and his group become extremely nervous.

So. What about Ash? !

In the command room, on another big screen, there is a live broadcast of Road 128.

The movie-like monster battle scene seemed a bit out of tune with the serious rocket command room.

"Look, is the cracking seat appearing?!"

On the screen, the green flying dragon that suddenly descended from the sky and was bathed in golden light suddenly attracted the attention of many researchers, and the operations in his hands also stopped.

In the picture, the god of the sky in the sky descends to the earth, fighting two by one.

One person, one wave of the dragon, caused a huge explosion on Groudon and Kyogre.

Terrible destructive power, even in the center of the universe in Green Ridge City, you can feel a slight shaking.

The battle in the picture is changing rapidly.


I saw Kyogre jumped out of the water again, and from the open mouth, the ice blue electric snake shot out again!

Legendary Pokémon's bloodskins are all scary, and a single blow cannot determine the winner.

Four times the restraint of the frozen light, even if it was eaten by Kikazua, it would not feel good, so he could only perform the dragon dance again, completely avoiding the frozen light.


Just the next moment, there was an angry roar from the other direction.

But seeing Groudon raise his head again, his eyes shone with a strange light.

Buzz! !

In an instant, a peculiar force field covered the entire sea, land and air, exerting a huge downward pulling force on all existences in it.

Gravity Field! !
Groudon hates this kind of guy flying around his head the most, just to try his gravity + cliff sword combo.

Shoot the birds in the sky!
The stature of the cracking seat was suddenly forcibly dragged down, and plummeted by dozens of meters.

But soon, the body of Kaikongza burst out with a green light, and soon broke away from the gravity and took off again.

After all, Groudon is not a god of superpower attributes, and the strength of gravity is average, and it cannot completely drag the existence of the same level into the sea level.


It's just that it's a two-on-one match now, and this time it's Kyogre's turn to jump out of the sea.

In front of him again, several dangerous blue light spots condensed.

swoosh!swoosh!swoosh! !
Immediately, it turned into a blue laser pulse, and it poured out madly!

Root fluctuations! !
Kaikongza didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly moved around.

It's just that the movement is somewhat affected by Groudon's gravity, and this time, it is constantly shuttled in the dense source wave laser.

Boom! !
In the end, he was shot, and the explosion caused a groan.


Just waiting for the smoke and dust to dissipate, I saw that on the reef lava, the figure of the fiery red lava behemoth had disappeared.

Kaikongza hadn't fully reacted yet, when he suddenly felt a dull heavy breathing coming from below and behind him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Groudon had jumped behind him at some point.
Leap directly out of the sea for dozens of meters? !

The huge lava claws slammed into his body.

Boom! !
shoot down! !
The knockdown of the rock attribute hits, and the effect is outstanding!
Not only the intense pain, but also the additional effect of the shooting down, it also made Kizakuza seem to have completely lost the ability to fly for a while, and his entire body suddenly fell from the air.

Whoosh! !
Whoosh! !
And on the sea, there are lava spurs rising out of thin air, each of which is more than ten meters high, with the power that can penetrate everything!

The sword of the cliff! !
Unpredictable, a sharp stab from the cliff's sword stabbed the frontal bombardment on the back waist of the falling Rift Seat.

Boom! !
In an instant, the lava spur completely exploded, causing an extremely terrifying explosion that completely engulfed the body of the cracking seat!

This is Groudon's classic move. The last time I was shriveled by this move, I still don't know which country turtle is the sea god.


Seeing the successful joint strike between the two, Kyogre, who was next to him, also let out a high-pitched cry, as if to laugh at Risakuza, whose back was severed.

Whoosh! !
Whoosh! !
Just the next moment, the sword of the cliff that spread out did not completely disappear.

Instead, it spread again, stabbing all the way in the direction of Kyogre.

Kyogre: "?!"

Boom! !
Another cliff sword was stabbed from below Kyogre's belly, and the former's large body was lifted out of the sea.

Boom! !
The terrifying explosion of lava also blasted Kyogre out and fell heavily into the sea.

On the sea, only Groudon was left for a while.

He fell back to the sea, built a lava reef again, and fell on it and roared in the sky!

Among the gods in the Fangyuan area, only he Groudon is enough! !

(End of this chapter)

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