He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1176 As expected of a super dream boss!

Chapter 1176 As expected of a super dream boss!
Boom! !

Suddenly, in the hidden cloud layer on one side, a beam of colorful beams suddenly lashed out, rushing in the form of a dragon-shaped pulse phantom!
Dragon Wave!


The black cracking seat dragon's eyes condensed, and he could only temporarily forget Xiaozhi.

The whole body began to rotate one after another, turning into a spiral ring hollowed out in the middle, allowing the dangerous dragon waves to shuttle through the center.

This also makes Xiao Zhi move.

What followed was an incomparably powerful stamina, which made Xiao Zhi feel that his whole body was weak.

At this moment, let alone dragging the dragon's head, even standing on the head of the split empty seat, the strength of holding the dragon's horn will be gone.

Sure enough, forcibly controlling it with bare hands is still a bit of a dream.
However, the blue light flickered slightly, adding color to Xiao Zhi's hands and legs.

This made Xiaozhi not need to exert any force, his palms and soles seemed to stick to Rikongza's body and would not fall off.

A little sweet from Chaomeng.

Xiaozhi: "."

You play me to death!

Originally, the Green Ridge rocket had only 20 minutes left to launch, and now a few minutes have passed.

"It's not until the end, don't give up."

In his mind, calm words like Dinghai Shenzhen came.

Xiaozhi: "."

If it wasn't for him who couldn't beat Mewtwo, he would have opened the Poké Ball now and loved the latter.

"Ha ha."

However, Ash's consciousness Mewtwo could be heard, and a sneer followed.

In normal times, Xiao Zhi is already a formidable enemy.

But today he was completely numb, and he didn't even have any fear.

This also made Chao Meng suddenly lose his game.


"Hmph, isn't it just a meteorite?"

His normal form is a bit more difficult
But if you enter the mega evolution, you will beat the meteorite in minutes until only slag is left.

But he didn't need a shot.

On the pillar of the sky, the 2-meter-high colorful meteorite was suddenly covered with a layer of blue light.


Then disappeared out of thin air and disappeared in place, very supernatural!
"?" "?"

This also caused the two tit-for-tat Rift Seats to turn their heads at the same time and noticed the abnormality on the pillar of the sky.

They are very sensitive to the energy on the meteorite, and they can perceive that the meteorite has appeared thousands of miles away.

Home stolen? !
The next moment, a majestic and deep word appeared in the minds of the two dragon gods at the same time.

"This colorful meteorite, I have moved to the fall of the extraterrestrial meteorite."

God's will, who wouldn't?
Feeling the will of the gods that appeared out of thin air, the faces of the two fissures sank, and they all felt the existence of a power that did not lose to them.

The source is still from Xiaozhi
What the hell is this human kid? !

But soon, the attention of the two split air seats was placed on the meteorite thousands of miles away.

If this colorful meteorite is shattered, the mega evolutionary energy that belongs to the Rift Seat will be completely scattered.

At that time, apart from being able to smell it, it is impossible to absorb it or even store it.

Thinking of this, the two split empty seats temporarily forgot their infighting.

Boom! !
Boom! !
The ultra-high flight speed, and the air suddenly erupted with violent friction and explosions, roaring.

In the pitch-black Rift Seat, he even forgot for a while that there was a human standing on his head.


Even in the next instant, the figures of the two disappeared into the clouds at the same time, leaving only a faint afterglow of blue light.

It's just that the speed has been increased several times, and it can leap hundreds or even kilometers in the blink of an eye.

They want to swallow the colorful meteorite into their stomachs before the meteorite falls!

And standing above the head of the cracking seat, with the protection of the super dream psychic barrier, Xiaozhi was safe for a while.

"As expected of a super dream boss!!"

His eyes were even brighter, and he regained his composure!

With just one action, Mewtwo reversed the occupation in an instant, and turned Risakuza's attention to the meteorite.

Turning your hands into clouds and covering your hands as rain!

At the speed of two people, even if there are only less than 20 minutes left, they are completely more than enough!


In my mind, I can still hear Chaomeng's arrogant snort, with a bit of contentment.


Soon, the two split empty seats have completely left the sea area of ​​Mushui Town.

The two who also performed the same speed, with the same speed, kept pace in the sky.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!"

At this time, the dark cracked empty seat below him suddenly made a dragon roar, and the restless movement startled Xiao Zhi.

What is it going to do? !

The next moment, the jet-black Cracking Seat was engulfed and covered by bright colorful rays of light, turning into a huge egg cocoon.

Box bang! !
Then the energy egg cocoon suddenly shattered, and the cracking seat also revealed his new appearance!
It is still a dark and slender dragon body, but this time there are a few more protruding spikes, and the red edge looks very hideous.

The four dragon horns on the dragon head have become wider, especially the dragon horns at the chin position, and at the same time extend forward in an arc, which makes the head of the split empty seat like a sharp stabbing arrow.

At the end of the dragon's horn, there is a long golden filamentous energy beard that extends outwards, floating in the wind, which makes the movement of the split empty seat extremely elegant.

On the pitch-black body, there is also a row of red energy beads inlaid, constantly flashing.

Mega split empty seat! !

Still standing on the head of the split empty seat, Xiaozhi held the dragon's horn that became wider, but the pressure of the existence under his feet at the moment was completely incomparable.

"The mega has evolved.?!"

Xiao Zhi was so shocked that he was speechless.

Why can he complete the mega evolution independently without any auxiliary props? !
Ripple Seat is an incomparable existence, and now that he has completed the mega evolution, Xiao Zhi can't imagine any existence that can compete with it.


Even Mewtwo, who silently peeked at the screen, was silent for a while after sensing the power of the latter.

Even he is not confident that he can completely defeat the latter.

It can be said that the mega-crack is the strongest existence he has seen since he came to this world!


After sensing the amazement of the humans above, mega Kaikongza just let out a majestic dragon roar again.

Immediately launch!
shhhhh! !
This time, the speed has skyrocketed several times again, completely turning into an uncapable afterimage, almost piercing the barrier of Chaos dream.

This also caused the indigenous Cracked Seat to be pulled behind in an instant, unable to catch up at all.

After the mega evolution, the gap between the two is too big.


This also made him extremely angry, eager to complete the mega evolution and compete!
It's just the energy of the emperor's organs in his body, only

The only 1 will be rounded up.

(End of this chapter)

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