He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1177 The finishing touch!

Chapter 1177 The finishing touch!

Waterway 128.

The speed of the mega-evolutionary Cracked Seat has increased a lot, and the local Cracked Seat has been directly pulled to where it is going.

After leaving the waters of Mushui Town, after a while, Xiao Zhi rode the dark cracking seat to the No. 128 waterway.

Of course, only Ash unilaterally thinks that he is "driving".

The arrival of the fissure seat suddenly locked the ever-changing weather in this sea area, and it directly changed into a chaotic blank.

The turbulent ocean current seemed to have lost its momentum and returned to calm.

Only Xiao Zhi noticed the appearance of this sea area. It was completely two worlds from what he saw in the live broadcast before.

Nearly half of the entire sea area is covered with hot lava flint, and the surface of the black-red flowing magma raises dangerously high-temperature steam.

The surrounding sea surface was squeezed out of thin air to form oceanic volcanoes, spewing thick smoke and black mist.

Groudon, on the other hand, was standing on the ground of lava, and his appearance had undergone new changes.

The body is about to become larger, and the rows of ferocious spurs on both sides of the body have changed from white to pitch black.

And the biggest change is naturally Groudon's body surface.

The original black cracks have turned into golden white at this moment, as if the whole body is filled with high-temperature magma, and it will burst out from the gap at any time!

At the position of the two huge arms, the golden-white lava cracks gradually formed the symbol pattern of "Ω", which is quite strange.

On the other side, Kyogre, who jumped out of the sea, was directly suspended in mid-air.

Originally blue body, transformed into blue-purple.

The red cracks on the surface of the body also turned into golden-white lines like Groudon, and the rune marks in the shape of "α" appeared on the backs of the hands and the foreheads of the broad wings.

"Grado and Kyogre also mega evolved?!"

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, and he felt the same indescribable energy shock coming from below.

At this moment, the power of the two ancient gods is much stronger than that of the normal split empty seat!
Why are the three gods in the Fangyuan area able to master the ability to evolve again?
But Lugia and the Wind King in their hometown can't?
The change in the form of Groudon and Kyogre also caused Risakuza to temporarily divert his attention away from the meteorite.

Among his physical instincts, the desire to store energy on the meteorite ranks second, and the two people below are the first!
Seeing that the cracking seat suddenly stopped moving at a rapid speed, and his eyes turned to his body, Xiao Zhi quickly subconsciously grasped the wide dragon horn of the cracking seat.

"Hey, hey, Lord Split Dragon, it's too late, go eat the meteorite first, and then deal with these two monsters!"

Afraid of angering the latter, Xiao Zhi respectfully addressed the Lord Dragon God.

There is one thing to say, after the evolution of the latter mega, the position where the foot can stand has become a lot flatter, which is more convenient to stand.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!"

However, Kaikongza didn't pay attention to Ash at all, and let out a demonstration-like dragon roar directly below.

Don't you really think that stepping on top of your head means fighting alongside yourself?
Now he just can't make it, otherwise the first person to die will be this arrogant human being above his head!
Soon, the two gods who were facing each other in the sea below also noticed the return of Risakuza.

"?" "?"

It's just that after this trip, Kaikongza not only completed the mega evolution, but also dyed it, which made the two gods of Fangyuan stunned for a while.

But then, they also shifted their hostility entirely into the air.

It can be said that the normal form of Groudon and Kyogre is a restricted form.
Preventing their power would cause too much damage to the outside world.

However, at this moment, they absorbed the natural energy of the earth, broke through the restrictions, and entered the form of primitive return again.

The strength has also returned to the peak again!
Now they don't hesitate to split empty seats!
Zizzi! !

Suspended in mid-air, the original Kyogre opened his mouth and was a frozen beam, and the size of the arc had more than tripled compared to before.

Just at the speed of the current cracking seat, it is easy to dodge.

Then the dragon's mouth, which was accompanied by double-horned spikes, condensed a purple-black light energy.
Boom boom! !

Destroy the dead light! !
The destructive death light launched by the mega-hiatus, pierced through all existence, and bombarded directly on the snow-white jaw of the original return to Kyogre.

The terrifying impact was about to blow the latter out, and then fell heavily into the sea.


Kaizuo was about to fly high, but found that his tail seemed to be caught by something.

Turning his head to look, he realized that Groudon didn't know when, after all, the sharp claws gripped his dragon's tail tightly.

Groudon, who had returned to the original, was like a volcano that was about to burst from the bottom. His claws were extremely hot, and the end of Risakuza's tail was instantly charred with black marks.


Seeing this, the mega split empty seat directly turned his body, and his slender body quickly rotated and wrapped around Groudon, directly locking half of Groudon's body.

woohoo! !
Immediately afterwards, he took the air-splitting seat and flew directly into the sky! "hiss"

This scene made Xiao Zhi gasp for breath.

With Groudon's weight, the Rift Seat is flying with a volcano on its back!

And Groudon, who had his feet in the air and reached an altitude of more than a thousand meters in the blink of an eye, slid his heavy lower limbs clumsily.

It was an experience he had never had before.

Just the next moment, the whole world in front of me began to spin.

The Rift Seat took Groudon to rotate vertically in the air one after another, and after reaching the maximum strength, it flew straight to the sea.

Finally, let go of the body and smash it down heavily.

Boom! ! !

The terrifying strength, combined with the weight of Groudon, was an unprecedented explosion. The sea surface was directly smashed into a vacuum gap of nearly a hundred meters, and the waves spread to the sky!

Cast on Earth! !
"My fire-breathing dragon, when will I be able to perform such a throw on the earth?"

Feeling the power of this blow firsthand, Xiao Zhi's feet were a little weak.

Boom! !Boom! !
And the original Kyogre, who jumped out of the sea again, used his signature skills, and countless water current pulses shot out in front of him!

Root fluctuations!


However, the mega split empty seat was only covered with blue light, and the body instantly turned into an afterimage, and in the blink of an eye, all the countless pulsed water currents were dodged.

The original Groudon, who climbed back up to the water, shook his head and poured his own earth's source energy into the sea with a punch.

Dengcha! !
Dengcha! !
One after another, the lava spurs suddenly rose from the sea!
The sword of the cliff! !

This time, Korakuza did not choose to dodge.

Instead, he lowered his body and turned his body into a straight arrow, facing the rising cliff sword and flying at high speed against the sea!
At this moment, the entire body surface was covered with a strong blue light energy.

This made the Mega Rift Seat look like a green laser beam that could penetrate everything.
The finishing touch! !
(End of this chapter)

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