Chapter 1181
The strange force field completely shrouded him, and Xiao Zhi only felt that it was hard to breathe, and all he could see was a dazzling light.

However, this process only lasted for a moment.

When Xiao Zhi opened his eyes again, he found that the surroundings were completely dark.

"This is.?"

Xiaozhi looked around curiously. Although it was still pitch black, it was no longer the kind that floated in the universe.
Simple night starry sky!
"Back down?!"

It seemed that he had returned from the universe to a high altitude above the ground.

It was only daylight just now, why did it suddenly turn into night?

"Is it covered by a dimensional transmission device just now?"

Xiao Zhi didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

He remembered that Mr. Dawu once said that the dimensional teleportation device can transmit everything covered by it to an unknown space
So he simply went back down, or did he travel through space? !


Also transported by the dimension, there is the extraterrestrial meteorite that was smashed into slag. At this moment, it turned into countless small gravels and fell like raindrops.

Under his feet, there was still a jet-black mega-crack seat, with a majestic and arrogant posture, and the golden energy long whiskers fluttered in the wind.

It's just that that cosmic virus Pokémon is not here.

"Lord Dragon God, it looks like that guy ran away?"

Xiaozhi pinched the Dragon's horn of the split seat and tried to close the distance.

After fighting side by side, their intimacy should have been quite high.

"And we seem to be teleported to another time and space?"


However, Kaikongza was just a roaring roar on the spot, and his body rioted in the air, and it seemed that he was not in a particularly good mood.

He can tear apart space and travel to Xiaozhi's world, so he naturally knows what's going on.

This is another world.

It's just that the prey he was eyeing suddenly ran away. And there is a great possibility that he successfully infiltrated this planet, which made him furious.

At this juncture, the human being on his head, who has always made him uncomfortable, dares to jump in front of him, showing his presence.


The next moment, mega Kaikongza suddenly tightened his slender body into a long black line.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Want to use the finishing touch again?
But the next second, he knew the answer.

I saw Kaikongza's body suddenly rolled to one side, and the movement was extremely fast, and the speed of the roll and rotation reached the afterimage level in an instant!

Whoosh whoosh! !

High in the sky, you can only see a black light afterimage that stirs frantically on the spot.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

In the afterimage that was spinning on the spot, the screams of human ghosts and wolf howls could be heard, and the voices were spun and transmitted erratically.

Speedy Death Roll!
Black Rift Block has long wanted to get rid of Ash this flea.
If it wasn't for the aboriginal fission seat staring at it before, a hundred of Xiaozhi would have been thrown from him by him!

call out.!

The speed of the divine speed is getting faster and faster, and this time even the afterimage can't be seen.

Whoohoo! !

The high altitude of this area is centered on the cracking seat, and a huge tornado blew, covering a full kilometer! !

It's just a dark-colored 13-level cyclone, not rotating vertically, but swirling horizontally in the air, which looks a bit weird.

360 degrees. After turning a full [-] degrees, Rikuzao slowed down again!


Longkou breathed a little, this time, this human should have been completely thrown out by him, right?
"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

However, on the head, it is still Xiaozhi's ghost crying and wolf howling.

Even after he had stopped rolling at his speed, he was still screaming, and his face was extremely pale.

It's just his hands, still holding on to the wide dragon horns of the split empty seat.


Pikachu was even more tightly tucked into Ash's clothes, his limbs spread out, and he firmly grasped Ash's abdominal muscles and chest muscles.

I have to say, today's split empty seat directly cured Pikachu's problem of not scoring goals
"You actually endured my rapid tumbling, what an incredible human being."

Since it is arrogant as a split empty seat, it can't help but exude a color of amazement.

This human has refreshed his cognition time and time again.

However, Xiao Zhi's consciousness has been completely blurred now, everything he sees is a mess, and his ears are full of whirring wind.

He was turned numb, and his five senses were a little confused!

Fortunately, the words of Rikongzuo were forcibly uttered in the mind through the will of God, and there was no communication barrier.

"If I put it in the past, I might accept you as my younger brother."

Hearing Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, although his face was extremely pale, he heard the key words.

Immediately, he hit the snake with a stick.

"How to say the boss of the empty seat, or let's vomit now. Let's become brothers!"

After forcibly interrupting his vomiting several times in a row, Ash got close.

But this sentence is more like a mockery.

Being the elder brother of the old god, Xiao Zhi doesn't feel any grievance, let alone this jet-black cracking seat.

The latter is completely the ceiling of combat power in his current cognition!


However, Kaikongza didn't answer anything, just snorted coldly.

The body snaked out and flew towards the land below. The jet-black body was completely integrated with the night sky.

When he reached [-] meters, Xiaozhizhen flew out.


Because this time, Mewtwo didn't detect any malicious intent from Rikongza, so he also unlocked the psychic barrier and let Xiaozhi be thrown out.

The previous tens of thousands of degrees of continuous tumbling did not fly out, half of which was held by Xiao Zhi actively, and the other half was his sticky mind power, which firmly stuck Xiao Zhi's palm on the dragon horn of the split empty seat.

"Ah, ah, it's decided to be you!"

Falling at a high speed, Ash hurriedly threw Latias' Poké Ball, which landed on the latter's back without sinking directly to the bottom.

And above the head, the figure of the cracking seat is constantly wandering and flying in the air, gradually disappearing.

He's going to arrest the alien monkey.

As for Xiaozhi
If you can meet again next time, it will not be a big problem to accept a human being as your spokesperson.

Favorability of Rift Seat, +50.


Along with the majestic dragon roar that gradually faded away, the mega-evolutionary form of the split sky was dispersed in mid-air, and gradually disappeared into the night sky.
In the pitch-black sky, only Ash and Latias were left.

Everything seems to have calmed down again.


This also allowed Xiao Zhi to finally breathe a sigh of relief, just lying on Latias' back, his whole body feeling sore.

From the high-intensity special training of the Pillar of the Sky, and then by Mewtwo, he was forcibly placed on Risakuza's head.

Fight against the two gods of Fangyuan, go to the universe to meet the meteorite
In the end, it was sent to a place that I don't know where.
Completely slowed down, the previous fatigue also covered like a wave of the sea, which made Xiao Zhi now just want to find a place to sleep well.

He, like the lobster soldier, has a hyperthyroid constitution that he realizes later.


Latias is an empathetic Pokémon, and immediately slowed down, carrying Ash and slowly flying towards the ground.
(End of this chapter)

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