He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1182 The 2nd Xiaozhi

Chapter 1182 The Second Little Wisdom

The next day, early in the morning.


Xiaozhi got up from the bed, and after a full three-minute stretch, his face was full of vitality.

There's nothing that sleep can't fix.

"Where is this place?"

After slowing down, Xiao Zhi looked around.

Here, it looks like a guest room in the center of the elf.

Yesterday, he was so tired that he lay on Latias' back and fell asleep before he landed.

Tired to the point of losing consciousness, this is the first time.

And Ladias also transformed into a human woman, carrying Xiaozhi to the center of the elf, and opened a room.

"Thank you for your hard work, Latias."

So Ash patted Latias on the head.

The latter still had the human appearance of a red-haired maid, and it was somewhat strange to lie on her bed like that.


On the other hand, Pikachu also woke up leisurely.

It's just that its spirit is very poor, and the big dark circles are bigger than the electric airbags below.

"Uh, by the way, why are you still fading, Pikachu?"

Seeing that Pikachu's original yellow body turned directly into gray-white at this moment, Xiao Zhi looked confused.


However, Pikachu didn't want to answer, just lay there sick.

It takes at least half a month for the body to recover.
Chaos Dream's psychic barrier is not omnipotent, and the exaggerated riots of the cracking seat will still have an impact on the body.


Pikachu was lying on the head of the bed, looking enviously at Ash who was completely fine.

Why don't you change me to be the trainer these days and direct you to fight?
After going out and handing over all the elves he carried to Miss Joy to repair the demon, Xiao Zhi returned to the restaurant and had breakfast with Latias.

These guys have also exhausted their stamina on the pillar of the sky and need a good rest for a while.

Then Ash was stirring the food with a fork in one hand, and flipping through the picture book in the other.

So, where the hell am I right now? !
"DiDi, you are currently positioned in the spirit center of Shuijing City!"

Pokédex was quick to give feedback.

In the spirit center of Shuijing City, Xiao Zhi stayed for a few days.
However, after walking around like this just now, he found that the decorations here were completely different from the Elf Center in Shuijing City that he had been to before.

But Miss Joy here knows herself.

"Oh~ Why did Xiaozhi-kun come back? Xiaogang Xiaoyao Xiaosheng and the others, didn't they come back together~?"

Miss Joy greeted him kindly, but the content of the conversation left Ash at a loss.

what the hell! ?
My heart was shocked, and the words mentioned by Zeng Jin Xijana appeared in my mind.

The dimensional teleportation device may transmit the meteorite to another world, a world that is exactly the same as the world they are in, but there is no meteorite.

There, there may also be a trainer named Ash.

It seems to be called a parallel space-time?

"I won't really reach a parallel time and space, will I?"

Xiao Zhi's face is messy, is there also a Xiao Zhi in this world?
So he quickly took out the illustrated book and tried to search for relevant information.

After all, in his world, he was already able to search for his name on the Internet.
Maybe Xiaozhi in this world can also be found on the Internet.

"DiDi. Target retrieved."

After a while, the picture book gave feedback.

Now it is connected to the world's network, roaming network data, and there is no small conflict with the data saved in the local database, so its loading speed is not fast.

"DiDi. Xiao Zhi: I'm 10 years old this year, a trainer from Zhenxin Town, a top 16 player in the Quartz League, an honorary trainer in the Orange League, and a top 8 in the Silver League. Currently challenging the Fang Yuan League."

Xiaozhi: "."

After listening to the introduction, his expression was completely messy.

There really is a second Xiaozhi! !

No, he is the second Xiaozhi!

He held his head and kept rubbing his hair, his mind was full of confusion.

What Miss Joey said just now, is Xiaozhi in this world traveling with Xiaogang, Xiaoyao, and Xiaoyao's younger brother named Xiaosheng?

"Wait a moment.!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly raised his head and raised a question.

So this world, there is also a Chi old brother?
However, this thought has just occurred, and the red and white hat hanging from the hem of the clothes has already floated.

Above the brim, a pair of human eyes also protruded.

"There is no second me in this world."

Chi answered in a deep voice.

He was suddenly sent to a parallel world by a dimensional teleportation device. This was also what he did not expect.

Yesterday, when Xiao Zhi was sleeping soundly, he and Chao Meng had already roughly explored the world.

It is 80% similar to the world before Xiaozhi. It seems that there are certain differences in the direction of the plot.

Perhaps because of his accidental insertion, Ash's life has shifted in two directions?
"So is there really a second me here, tsk tsk, then I want to go over and say hello~!"

Just when he came to relax, Xiao Zhi had already touched his chin, and his expression became excited and looking forward to it.

The nervousness and anxiety that had traveled through time and space before had no idea where they had gone.

Indeed, the ice cloth needs to panic.

Looking at the other party's honorary experience, it is almost the same as his own travel route, but in terms of performance, the difference is a bit big.

Ash is not arrogant or anything.
After all, his ability to achieve such rapid progress has an inseparable relationship with Chi.

It can be said that the latter is an accelerator for the rapid growth of his own strength.

Maybe if on the first day of the trip, no brother Chi suddenly floated over. Maybe this Xiaozhi is his normal life trajectory?
But now, I don't know where the other party is.

"It's better not to meet."

At this time, Chi suddenly spoke, and his tone became a lot more serious.

Generally, the same individuals in two time and space meet, and it seems that there will be some bad influence.

Like worlds colliding, universe collapsing, etc.
"Uh, Brother Chi, have you watched too many movies?"

Finally, it was Xiao Zhi's turn to look at Chi with the look of an idiot.

Strictly speaking, he and Brother Chi can be regarded as the same individuals in two time and space.


"Maybe it is possible"

At this time, Chao Meng also suspended his master ball, and the telepathy was transmitted into the minds of the two.

"The current level of closeness between the two worlds is not the meeting of two Xiaozhi who can match the red electronic world. Maybe there will be some unpredictable consequences."

Hearing Chao Meng's voice, Xiao Zhi didn't dare to joke this time.

So now the biggest problem has changed
How should he go back? !
After all, his friends and family are all in that world, and even if they are identical, they cannot be confused at all.

And his Fang Yuan regional league competition is about to start
Before landing on the Pillar of the Sky, the opening ceremony of the Caiyou Conference was less than a month away.

Counting the ten days of special training at the Pillar of the Sky
He only has 7 badges now? !
(End of this chapter)

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