He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1197 Water drop badge, vs Adam!

Chapter 1197 Water drop badge, vs Adam!
The battle begins!
The Yan Emperor and the Electric God Pillar fought side by side and looked at each other.

This was the first time the two of them fought together.

"Electric God Pillar, use the electric shock wave!! Emperor Yan, use the jet flame!!"

As soon as Xiao Zhi came up, he also called out the most classic move command.

The dazzling golden energy beams shot out side by side with the fiery dark brown flames at the same time!

"Minas, Difang Sea Lion, use the water cannon to block it!!"

And Adam, who had seen the electricity of the Electric God Pillar before, naturally did not dare to be careless. From the beginning, he used a double water attribute move!
The Difang Sea Lion and Minas opened their mouths at the same time, and a strong high-pressure water column immediately spewed out!

Boom boom.!!
The forces of the two sides collided head-on in the center of the arena, and the three energies of electric light, water flow, and flame scrambled to compete against the anxiety.


In the end, it exploded violently, and the energy airflow moved rapidly.

"Just barely fighting?"

Adam frowned.

Although the moves cancel each other out, the opponent's powerful tricks have already been pushed to their half of the arena, which means that there is still a certain gap in the frontal abilities of the two groups.

"Emperor Yan, use big characters to explode the flames!!"

Xiao Zhi smiled confidently and chose to attack with a heavy punch.

Emperor Yan understood, and immediately jumped high, the flame energy in his body spewed and rolled, and finally turned into a huge flame character, which flew out of his mouth!

He has not fought for a long time, and his body is a little rusty.

"Minas, use specular reflection!"

Adam suddenly said a rare skill name.

Minas, who looked like a water snake, swam nimbly, and a colorful energy film appeared on his pale yellow body. In the end, he slammed into the big flame characters head-on.


The strong flame impact pushed Minas backwards, and there was a groan in his mouth.

Boom! !

However, the next moment, the colorful energy exploded, and the large character explosion with double the power turned into a beam of laser shock and suddenly reflected back! !
But it's not like Guen Weng from the Rockets, it's a pure free move, and then doubles the damage back.
Minas was still severely injured by the large-character explosion, and the surface of his body was marked with scorch marks.

"Electric God Pillar, use the electric discharge to stop it!!"

But on the other side, the Electric God Pillar has flexibly landed directly in front of Emperor Yan, and at the end of the raised energy arm, there are countless branches of electric current, covering the sky!

sizzle bang.!!
The full-screen discharge move, even if the mirror reflection and the large-character explosion are completely intercepted, it will be completely detonated in mid-air in advance!

"Difang Sea Lion, use Blizzard! Minas, use Self-Healing!!"

Adam's offense did not stop for a moment.

This time, it was the Diya Sea Lion's turn to stand at the front, and its mouth was filled with snowflakes, mixed with strong wind and waves, whistling towards the entire arena.


With the cover of this aoe move, Minas at the rear hurriedly shouted, and a healing green light appeared on the surface of his body.

"Don't give it a chance, use the speed!!"

Xiao Zhi quickly commanded.

Cold knowledge, now the two Pokémon in front of him know the speed moves.

Knowing what he knew, Emperor Yan walked on foot, and in an instant he turned into a blue light and disappeared in place, completely avoiding the oncoming blizzard.

In the blink of an eye, he even came to the front of Minas behind.

Immediately, he raised his foot and mercilessly stepped on Minas' head!

Boom! !
With a powerful blow, he couldn't help breaking the latter's self-recovery process in an instant, even his head slammed into the steel ground, and his movements were extremely rude!

Yandi is an eggless group, and there is no psychological burden to destroy flowers.

On the other side, the Electric God Pillar also turned into an afterimage, appearing ghostly above the head of the Difang Sea Lion.

The two raised arms burst out with dazzling electric currents, blazing with all their might, and finally landed on the Difang Sea Lion.

One hundred thousand volts! !
Boom! !

The effect is outstanding! !
The violent electricity almost stunned the Difang Sea Lion directly, causing pale smoke to rise from its body.

However, Adam seemed to have expected it long ago, and a sudden flash of light flashed in his eyes, and said loudly:

"Right now, use Avalanche!!"

In the electric light, Difang Sea Lion forcibly stabilized his mind, and his body was covered in thick fat, which made it have a defense power far exceeding that of other Pokémon.

The two short and fat sea lion arms slammed in front of him.

The next moment, countless huge snow blocks fell from the sky above the head of the Electric God Pillar.

Avalanche is a late attacking move that is attacked first and then attacked by the backhand, then the power of the move will be doubled.

Unpredictable, countless snow blocks fell down, completely covering the Electric God Pillar below, the scene was extremely violent!


Seeing this, Emperor Yan immediately turned around and jumped high, to rescue the Electric God Pillar under the avalanche.

I have been the firefighting captain too many times recently, and my body subconsciously has to rescue my teammates.

clap clap! !
However, on the field, a crisp slap sounded unusually loud.


And Emperor Yan, who was already flying in mid-air, seemed to be unable to control his body, but suddenly sank.

Boom! !
The limbs trampled heavily on the metal floor, and it felt that the soles of its feet felt numb.

"This is.?!"

Xiao Zhi cast his gaze, only to realize that the source of the slap was the plump blue sea lion.

The sea lion applause, like the performance of the aquarium, has a unique role in the battle.

Moves · do it again!
Entei was forced to use the last move he used before - trample.

"Minas, use the drops of life!!"

Adam snapped his fingers suddenly and spoke gracefully.

After taking a breath, Minas raised his head again. Although there was still the footprint of Emperor Yan's shoehorn on one side of his face, it was not very beautiful.


It raised its head and let out a melodious high-pitched cry, and a strange water droplet fell out of thin air.

The water fell on the ground between the two, and the splashes covered the bodies of Difang Sea Lion and Minas.

huh huh!
Then came the healing green light, which then appeared on the surface of the two of them.

Water Drop of Life, this is a move that can restore the stamina of yourself and teammates at the same time.

In particular, the appearance is very beautiful and gorgeous, with the softness of the phantom in the water.
Adam is also an old gorgeous contest player, and will incorporate his own gorgeous art in battle.

Michael was so biased by him.


And taking the advantage, also let Adam's heart hang at the beginning, and finally let it go.

Yes, I can win!

Not just defeating one, he must completely defeat the mysterious trainer in front of him!

A confident expression appeared on Adam's face.

(End of this chapter)

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