He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1198 Water drop badge, vs Adam!

Chapter 1198 Water drop badge, vs Adam!
The high-intensity battle caused the entire audience to hold their breath, for fear of affecting the battle below.

I have to say, this is definitely the most exciting exhibition game in Larousse in recent years!

"As expected of Mr. Adam"

On the stage, Xiao Zhi also showed a surprised look.

Unexpectedly, it was him who fell into a disadvantage first.

In particular, the cooperation between Difang Sea Lion and Minas is very clever and smooth.

In terms of doubles, it is true that his level is weaker. But he also does not rely on doubles to make a living.

"Then be a little more serious!"

Xiao Zhi's words seemed very awkward.

Boom boom boom.!!
The ground covered by the stone avalanche suddenly made a violent riot.

I saw a high-speed rotating body, forcibly rushed out from under the avalanche, and appeared alive again in everyone's sight.

Electric God Pillar!
And Emperor Yan also looked solemn, with a somewhat sullen expression on his face.

Obviously, doing this trick again is somewhat humiliating.

"Diya Sea Lion, use it again!!"

Adam doesn't care about this, it seems that he intends to let Diya Sea Lion completely lock up with Yandi one-on-one.

The force that bound and forcibly acted again, making Emperor Yan instinctively want to trample the ground.
"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!"

However, in the next moment, Emperor Yan suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared, sending out a strong thunderous lion roar, a powerful force that shook the backs of countless people!
After a roar, Emperor Yan was finally able to move freely.

One more move, fail!

Yandi's characteristic is mental power. This characteristic is not only able to help him avoid a state of coercion after a high-five surprise attack. Forcibly restricted moves such as one more time, the unshakable mental power can also be forcibly broken!
"In that case, Minas, use hypnotism!!"

Adam immediately changed his strategy.

Minas' graceful body curled up, his eyes suddenly spread out a circle of strange fluctuations, causing people to fall asleep.

But at the speed of the Electric God Pillar, it was only easy to dodge in an instant.

Raised arm, the current burst out again!

One hundred thousand volts! !
"Minas, use the mirror launch!!"

Adam snorted lowly, and it seemed that he wanted to exchange injuries again.


Under the colorful energy film, he forcibly endured the next terrifying current. With a loud cry from Minas, one hundred thousand volts suddenly reflected back in the form of energy lasers.

Xiao Zhi was not at all cowardly, and commanded loudly:
"Block it, Electric God Pillar, this time use Thunder!!"

This time, the whole body of the Electric God Pillar burst out with golden lightning, and with the addition of characteristic transistors, it turned into an incomparably thick current pulse.

Boom! !

Immediately, it collided with the reflected [-] volts.

It's just that the electricity of the Electric God Pillar is like an endless tide, and the power is also rising one by one.

In the end, it was actually launched against the mirror surface, [-] volts, and pushed back abruptly!

The terrifying electricity was completely exploded on Minas' body! !

Boom boom boom! !

And the other side.

"Difang Sea Lion, use Rockfall!!"

The Difang Sea Lion waved his palm, and countless rocks flew down from the sky, and fell down in unison.

Da da.!
However, Emperor Yan's movements were vigorous, and he kept walking between the arenas. He actually shuttled through the gap between the rock avalanches, but he himself did not suffer the slightest damage.

When approaching, there was a mass of flaming characters in the mouth, and it burst at the waist of the Difang Sea Lion at almost zero distance!

Boom boom boom! !

Two violent explosions at the same time rose at both ends of the arena!

The smoke dissipated, and Minas was already a candle in the wind, with a numb current all over his body, and he was shaking.

If it weren't for its super high durability, it would have fallen by now.

The Difang Sea Lion's condition is better. With thick fat, it has a very good resistance to flame attacks.

But this fight also made Adam sweat profusely on his forehead.

When the fight really started, he felt the extreme pressure brought by the two gods in front of him.

There is also this mysterious trainer in front of him, a calm battle commander
This is no less than the pressure when he fought with his disciple Mikri.

"It's rare to come to this world once, let them experience the real power."

Xiao Zhi never wanted to keep his hand, and his expression suddenly became frenzied.

"Electric God Pillar, use Divine Speed!!"

The ghostly figure of the Electric God Pillar turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

Whoosh! !
Before Minas could react, he was directly knocked out, losing his last stamina, and his slender figure fell to the ground.

Divine speed is a magical skill to harvest the residual candles in the wind, but there are no other bells and whistles.

On the side of Emperor Yan.

"Emperor Yan, use holy flame!!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly shouted.

This move is not only the Nanny Flame, but also has an extremely domineering and tyrannical power in battle!

Emperor Yan nodded, took a deep breath, and concentrated all the energy in his mouth with the will of destruction.
But in the end, the strength of 7 layers was dissipated, and only a medium-sized flame was sprayed out.


The golden-white flame flew out lightly, as if it had no power.

The Difang Sea Lion didn't know how serious it was, and planned to take this move forcibly to force a blister.

When the flames came to the front, the feeling that throbbed the soul made it feel afraid.
It's just that it's too late to resist at this time.

Boom puff.!!
As soon as the golden-white flame touched the Diya Sea Lion, it turned into an inextinguishable golden-white arrogance, burning continuously, completely igniting the huge body of the Diya Sea Lion.

Boom! !
In the end, it turned into a violent explosion of flames!

This time, everyone felt one of them, as if it could destroy and burn everything, making people shudder.

This is a move that brings the ultimate power of the ancient gods. It has nothing to do with the power of the move, and is fundamentally different from ordinary moves.

At one end of the arena, the figures of Minas and the Difang Sea Lion collapsed at the same time, completely losing their ability to fight.

On the other side, the Yan Emperor and the Electric God Pillar showed everyone that the will of the divine beast was inviolable! !
This exhibition match officially came to an end amid the huge applause and cheers that followed!
"I didn't expect to lose so thoroughly."

In this scene, Adam is somewhat suspicious of life.

His state of mind was like a roller coaster, and the peaks were all lows for a long time, but the result was still the first scene.

If you win one, you will win!


In the end, Adam could only laugh bitterly and put away his two Pokémon.

He stepped forward and handed his badge consisting of three water droplets to Xiao Zhi.

(End of this chapter)

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