He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1199 Cracked Seat vs. Double Deoxys!

Chapter 1199 Cracked Seat vs. Double Deoxys!

The day after the end of the battle tower.

Larousse City, in a research institute somewhere.

Dr. Rondo looked at the petri dish quilt, Deoxys, who had recovered 100% of his body, and finally smiled.

"I finally got you back."

With a relaxed smile, he casually pressed the button outside the petri dish.


The liquid in the vessel was drained and the glass door was fully opened.

Among them, only Deoxys with a green crystal source heart slowly opened his eyes.


It lowered its head and looked at its arm curiously.

The tentacle arms that were intertwined with blue-blue and orange-red have fully recovered at this moment, and can be changed and twisted at will.


This also caused the Deoxys to make a cheerful high-pitched sound, and its body levitated, flying back and forth around Dr. Rondo.

Although his face was still expressionless, it looked very cold.

Deoxys was born paralyzed and unsaved.

Beep! !
It's just that Dr. Rondo hasn't interacted with him yet, and the surrounding electronic equipment suddenly started to operate out of thin air, sending out a malfunction-like high-frequency sound.

It seemed like it was about to explode at any moment.

"This is.?!"

Dr. Rondo hurriedly looked at one of the screens monitoring the panorama of Larousse.

Through the picture, he could see another Deoxys standing on the height of a building in the city.

The crystalline core of the chest is purple, standing there straight, but the tentacles and arms on both sides are like long snakes, constantly twisting and waving.

At this moment, over the entire city of Larousse, there is a peculiar aurora that can only be seen in the polar ice sheet!
"Is this a call to a companion?"

Dr. Rondo reacted quickly.

An elf like Deoxys can transmit information by affecting electronic signals, and in the process, it will produce aurora phenomena that are extremely rare in nature.

"Go and find your companion."

Dr. Rondo smiled freely, reaching out and rubbing the head of Deoxys in front of him.

Although somewhat reluctant.
But in the past three years, he has also obtained rich research results through the restoration experiment on this Deoxys, and there is no need to force it at this moment.

Don't let it go. It seems that the purple Deoxys doesn't know what to do.


The green core Deoxys let out a low voice and nodded gratefully towards Dr. Rondo.

Although they evolved from the simplest cosmic viruses.

However, when the contemporary Ochisis completed the evolution of the species, at the same time, he obtained the power and wisdom not lost to the legendary Pokémon, and was able to understand human emotions.

Without further delay, Deoxys tightened his tentacles, his body turned into a streamlined aircraft, and flew towards the outside at high speed.
the other side.

Standing at the highest point in Larousse City, Deoxys kept releasing his ability to call his companions.

It was very urgent. Because it felt that a dangerous existence was approaching step by step.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!"

Before welcoming his companion, a long roar of dragon roar suddenly came from high in the sky, like a thunderbolt from the blue, deafening!
The roar was filled with great anger!
The next moment, a green flying dragon broke through the clouds and appeared above Larousse City.

Crack the empty seat!
This also made the situation instantly tense.


The purple core Deoxys raised his head with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

Three years ago, it was this guy who smashed his body into slag, leaving only one core.

It is not until now, three years later, that I have recovered my body.

Now this guy is here again! ?
Isn't it just smuggling once, did I dig up your ancestral grave? !

And for this local Cracked Seat, there is naturally only one idea in his mind.

"Alien monkey, die!!"

Raising the huge dragon mouth, the seven-colored dragon energy pulses that spit out, turned into a huge dragon-shaped shock wave, breaking through the sky!

Dragon Wave!

Even disregarding the bottom, the urban area is full of human habitation.

In addition, the night before yesterday, I was inexplicably beaten by a white human-shaped Pokémon. Now Rikongza doesn't have the slightest affection for humans.


The move is ferocious, this purple Deoxys instantly switches to speed mode, and naturally it has to be avoided.


However, the next moment, the second Deoxys suddenly appeared in the position where it disappeared.

In the face of the oncoming waves of the mighty dragon, it quickly propped up a spherical barrier in front of it.

Boom boom boom! !
The wave of the dragon bombarded the barrier head-on, and instantly pushed it down dozens of meters, hitting the waist of a tall building heavily.

But this dangerous move was also successfully resisted.

It was the green core Deoxys who had just recovered.

The strength to hold, it is not a big problem to make it under this blow, it will not be killed on the spot, and it will soon fly out of the floor.


Seeing that his partner was intact, the purple Deoxys went back and forth, and hurriedly flew to the former's side.

Although there is no expression, the flying body that moves up and down is obviously very happy.


This green Deoxys hurriedly told the truth that it was the humans below who saved him.

No matter what, it must protect the city.

"Aw hoo hoo hoo!!!"

In mid-air, I saw a second alien monkey coming out, and the split sky seat entered a state of frenzy. The dragon head was raised high, and the orange dangerous energy quickly condensed in the mouth.

Kill the two together today! !


But the words of his partner also made the eyes of this purple Deoxys, who raised the intention of retreat, become dangerous.

Then he turned his head and finally looked directly at the green flying dragon in front of him.

There is only one of him, and he is indeed not the opponent of Rig Kongza.
But now, they have two!
He has long wanted to kill this arrogant and domineering dragon!
Boom boom! !

Orange destroys the death light, pierces through everything, and falls diagonally down from the air!

The green Deoxys immediately flew up, and the originally well-proportioned body instantly stiffened, and the entwined tentacles also jumped straight and overlapped.

The whole body seems to have turned into a steel gate.

Defensive Form!
Deoxys is a Pokémon that can transform freely.

The surface of the body supports the barrier of mind power, and it is abruptly placed on the shooting trajectory that destroys the dead light.

Bang Bang Bang! !
Deoxys, whose defense has been greatly improved, actually completely endured the blow, and his body only retreated a dozen meters.

On the other hand, the purple-core Deoxys has become smaller. The originally cylindrical arms have become sharp slender spikes this time, and the whole body is also very aggressive.

Attack form!
(End of this chapter)

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