He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1205 Approval of the Dragon God!

Chapter 1205 Approval of the Dragon God!
The cracked visitor event is the next paragraph.

Watching the three Deoxys have completely left.

Surrounding, there is only himself and the peerless black dragon in the sky.

"Then next, I should prepare to go back to my own world."

Xiao Zhi was about to make up his mind and hit Kizakuza.

"Please, Boss Dragon God, take me back to the original world!"

Ash opened his hands and shouted like a wish.

The enemy has disappeared, and the black cracking seat has also dissipated its mega evolution posture, turning into a simple and unpretentious black dragon god.

After repeated battles, the mega energy in the emperor's organs in his body was about to drop by 90%.
Finding new sources of energy is important.

However, in the face of Ash's request.

"Hmph, why should I go back?"

The tone of the cracked empty seat changed back to the ancient words of Zeng Jin, filled with the vicissitudes of life.

That is Ash's world, not his world. And there is no energy supply there.

He was also attracted by the energy meteorite before, so he deliberately flew over.

Now that the meteorites have been blown up, what else did he do in the past.

"No! Boss Dragon God, I have to go home to see our strong bond, why don't you give me a ride?"

Ash tries to play the family card.

"Hmph, that's your business."

However, Kaikongza didn't pay attention to Xiaozhi at all, and his face was cold.

Even circling the dragon's body, it seems that it is about to go away.

Now, he can't actually go back to that world.

Like Super Dream, although he can still tear out a space-time channel.

It's just that without the traction of the colorful energy meteorite, he also doesn't know what the right path is.

But as arrogant as him, it is naturally impossible to say "I can't" in front of Xiao Zhi.

Whoosh whoosh.!
The slender black body swung up and danced high in the air.

As if stepping on the clouds, the cracking seat gradually rose, and the figure gradually became distant.

The meteorite energy in this world seems to be pretty good, and it robbed the site of the local rift seat below!

Watching the figure of the split empty seat gradually disappear into the sky, Xiaozhi's smiling face was closed, and he couldn't help sighing.

Still somewhat disappointed.

From the looks of it, he and this incomparably powerful Dragon God Splitting Seat seemed to have just met by chance.


At this time, a shining star in the sky caught Ash's attention.

It fell slowly like rain, but it seemed to have some kind of traction, and it fell into Xiao Zhi's hands lightly.

When I looked closely, I saw that it was a black scale of 7 cm, about the size of half a palm.

Such as the shape of the ignited black flame, which contains the incomparably majestic dragon energy.

"This is.?!"

Ash's eyes flickered, it seemed.
The black dragon scales of Rift Seat? !
You must know that as an ancient god, the things on the body will not fall casually. Like the wind king who seems to drop a feather unintentionally, it is definitely not because of hair loss.

Especially in this black dragon scale, there is also an extremely powerful breath, obviously intentionally injecting energy in advance.

Looking at it carefully, it seems that there is a peerless black dragon with fangs and claws, roaring and roaring, and is about to rush out from the inside, turning into an arrow-like laser-like finishing touch.
This is the black fissure seat, the coordinates left on Xiaozhi.

In the future, Xiaozhi, as long as he enters his thoughts in it, the latter can naturally lock the direction, tear the space, and travel through thousands of universes.
"Boss Dragon God, I will take it well!"

The previous sad face suddenly disappeared, Xiao Zhi smiled again, and clenched the dragon scale.

It seemed that he finally got the approval of this ancient dragon god!
Da da da.!
The god exited the stage, and seeing that someone in Larousse City had already approached, Xiao Zhi hurriedly boarded Latias and prepared to run away.

After all, it is not a person from this world, there is no need to involve too much
Just leave a legend.

Latias's jet engine has only just started, but Ash always feels like he's forgotten something.

"Wait a minute, there is also the Dragon God Pillar!"

Almost forgot about this one.

Wouldn't it be blown up by the boss of the Dragon God?


Latias understood, and immediately turned around and flew towards the broken high-rise building.

He didn't go up the stairs either. In the middle of the high-rise building, a large hole was punched through, and Latias flew in directly from the middle.

At the end of the ruins, there is a gray-black dragon head statue in the shape of a fire-breathing dragon.

"Uh, were you knocked out?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but stepped forward and knocked on the faucet, making a "dong dong dong" sound.

no response.

The Dragon God Pillar and the Electric God Pillar are somewhat similar.

When in sleep or in a coma, the electric god column is the energy current that dissipates the limbs, leaving only the yellow crystal column of the body, which is inserted on the ground.

The Dragon God Pillar closed its jaws again and completely concealed the body of the red sphere, like an ordinary statue.

"Shouldn't be beaten up, right?"

Xiao Zhi secretly worried.

The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and the Dragon God Pillar after awakening has extremely powerful strength, and even leveled the split empty seat in a short period of time.

Then it was blown up on the spot.

Self-esteem should be a big deal.

"Anyway, come back first."

Xiao Zhi could only take out the special Dragon God Ball from Meteor Falls and temporarily put the Dragon God Pillar back.

Wait for the Electric God Pillar to enlighten your friends.

When one thing stops, another thing starts again.


Ash, who was about to step on Latias' back and leave, suddenly began to vibrate in his pocket.

When I took it out, I saw that it was the Dragon Scale of the Splitting Seat, touching the psychic crystals of Deoxys, and suddenly there was a movement that no one could accept, and it shook again and again.


Xiao Zhi suddenly felt a pain in his head.

The main body is born to recoil, and even the things that fall from them want to fight, right?

He quickly separated the two and put them in different pockets before the movement stopped.

But what made him curious was that at this moment, the surface of Deoxys' spiritual crystal was glowing with blue light, as if he was looking for something.


Xiao Zhi was still inexplicable, but heard a flashing sound, and the crystal ball disappeared.

The next moment, a voice appeared in my mind.

"I'll keep it for you first."

This is the voice of the super dream brother, and the tone is like the tone of Hanako to Ash when the New Year is usually celebrated.

Xiaozhi: "???"

Although the super dream brother is his own, but he took off again with Latias, he still couldn't help but ask questions.

"Well, the brains of these three alien monkeys are not normal."

Mewtwo's words appear extremely violent.

(End of this chapter)

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