He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1206 It's not a bad thing to be a beast man

Chapter 1206 It's not a bad thing to be a beast man

Xiaozhi: "???"

This made Xiao Zhi even more curious, and hurriedly asked to elaborate.

Chao Meng's explanation made him suddenly realize.

It turned out that he only wanted a token of God with the breath of Deoxys.

As a result, their brain circuits were obviously different from the creatures on this planet, and they ended up abruptly.
A new Deoxys was created directly!

Viruses reproduce by self-replication.

The same principle applies to Deoxys, and it is impossible to do anything about the sexes.

But they can reproduce themselves and give birth to new life.

However, this will consume a lot of their essence. Generally, this kind of reproduction ceremony is only performed when the body is about to die.

But if you make one out of three, the lost energy is okay, and it is estimated that it will recover in a few years.

"Wait a minute, Brother Chaomeng, do you mean I can have a Deoxys too?!"

Xiao Zhi reacted with a surprised expression.

It's really an egg!
He had this kind of elf egg feeling just now.

He had seen the power of the latter. If it weren't for the incomparably powerful Dragon God standing there, it would be almost impossible to defeat.

Exposed to cosmic radiation all year round, Deoxys' body has a strong ability to survive.

This made Xiao Zhi's heart burst into flames.

"I think too much, now it's just a dead thing."

Seeing that Xiao Zhi was so happy, Chao Meng immediately poured a bucket of cold water down.

After all, the body crystal core of Deoxys is about the size of a football, but this one.
Only the size of a table tennis ball.

Far from it.

It needs a super-strong mental power, and it needs to be cultivated for a long period of time before it can truly be reborn and complete the evolution of a brand-new individual of Deoxys.

Of course, for him, it is simply to carry it with him.


In this way, Xiao Zhi is naturally happy to see it happen.

Unexpectedly, the super dream brother today is willing to take the initiative to be a male mother.

Isn't that what it means to hatch an egg?


Perceiving Xiao Zhi's emotions, Chao Meng's face darkened.

Suddenly, he didn't really want to take it.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi quickly changed the subject.

"In other words, if Deoxys can split itself, then can you split yourself, too, and create a baby Mewtwo? After all, you are all super powers."

Before he could speak, Ash's throat was strangled by Chao Meng, and he couldn't say a word again.

The whole face was so blue that it was difficult to even cough.

It seems that he hasn't shown his power for too long, and this little devil has begun to ignore himself!


Latias below let out a whimper, reminding him not to kill Ash.

The explosion of the engine vibrated, and Latias turned into a red lightning bolt and disappeared over the city of Larousse.

Target, Green Ridge City!

At this moment, the black cracking seat is impossible to count on, so the road to go home is the last one left!

the other side.

The city of Larousse below.

The gods receded, the catastrophic terrible battle stopped, and the whole city became quiet for a moment.

It's just a devastated street, several high-rise buildings have collapsed, and the battle marks are very horrifying.

However, there are not many human beings on the surface of the entire city now.

This is a high-tech city, and naturally it has prepared a solid underground shelter. At this moment, most humans and Pokémon are hiding underground.

Only a few courageous trainers did not go down and stayed on the surface to help rescue.

For example, the local Ash.

He took the previous battle completely into his eyes from beginning to end, and was greatly shocked.


Even Pikachu on his shoulders was speechless in shock.

"Why does Dakdo have the same face as mine?"

The face of Xiao Zhi, a local, was full of surprise.

The previous Xiaozhi, who did not wear Chaomeng's psychic glasses, naturally revealed his original appearance.

The local Ash rubbed his eyes vigorously.

I, see flowers?
Or did he subconsciously bring himself into the other party's world because he wanted to be a being like Dakdo?

The local Xiaozhi shook his head, and many scenes suddenly flowed through his mind.

It's easy to command the legendary Pokémon to fight, stepping directly on the head of the terrifying black Korakuza, and even releasing a dragon head statue of a fire-breathing dragon to fight Korakuza head-on.

The local man, Ash, couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This person is completely a powerful and suffocating divine beast man!
"Maybe it's not a bad thing to be a beast man?"

Standing in this city full of rubble and ruins, a strange idea suddenly appeared in the mind of the local man, Ash.

He was also a trainer who was eager to conquer a large number of powerful elves.

I just don't know when, it seems that something has changed.

When encountering powerful and rare Pokémon, I seem to subconsciously forget to subdue them and watch them leave
Even legendary Pokémon!

"I seem to be able to become a beast man too?!"

The local Xiao Zhi closed his eyes and recalled that he had encountered many legendary Pokémon in the past.

Especially at this moment, right in front of you!
In the completely cracked street, and in the ruins of a huge crater, a green dragon was fainting.

The slender body fell meanderingly. Although it was full of scars, the black and golden cracks on the surface still contained a majestic and mighty aura.

The dragon head with closed eyes, although not conscious, still exudes a terrifying, trembling pressure.

Local · Split Space!
The heart of the local Xiao Zhi suddenly began to beat wildly, and his breathing became a lot hotter.

A bold idea suddenly popped into his mind.


Subconsciously, he directly took out a Poké Ball in his hand.

"Otherwise, are you subdued?"

He swallowed and couldn't help muttering to himself.

It was absolutely impossible for him to do this before.

But when he saw "Dakdo" sitting on many mythical beasts, his face turned out to be the same as himself.

It seems that there is no problem with being a beast man.

"It doesn't matter, just be willful this time!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi, a local, hurriedly threw his Poké Ball in the direction of the ruined dragon!

Dare to be a dad!
Although there is a risk of being disobedient, it will be good to communicate well in the future!


The red light flashed, and the incomparably huge figure of the cracking seat turned into a ray of red light in an instant, and was completely included in the elf ball.

The Poké Ball then fell to the ground, shaking and shaking again and again, as if it had endured a shape it should not have endured, and it would burst at any time.

As for whether it stopped in the end
It doesn't matter anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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