He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1233 Gaioka's... shark fin?

Chapter 1233 Gaioka's shark fin?

Just like the solemnity on the eve of an ancient duel, the entire arena became extremely quiet for a while, leaving only the movement of the arena where the wind was blowing grass.

It's just that now they have ended this duel.

"Ai Lu.!"

At this time, Elluiduo's face suddenly changed greatly, he clutched his chest, and a strong pain suddenly rushed into his heart.

It couldn't support it any longer, and its slender body fell on the lawn so weakly.

On the other side, the Lizard King just slowly dissipated the leaf blade, folded a branch, and held it by his mouth.

Victory and defeat.

"how is this possible?!"

His face was full of horror, this was obviously a five-to-five situation, how could he suddenly lose.

"Because, my Lizard King made a critical attack."

Xiao Zhi's voice raised his head with a look of astonishment.

While the two were constantly slashing and colliding, Elluedo was looking for flaws in the Lizard King's movements, trying to attack the opponent.

Although the Lizard King is also looking for loopholes.

What I'm looking for is not a flaw in action, but a flaw in Elleido's body!

In this way, the next leaf blade slash will definitely hit the key point and seal the throat with a knife!

As for how to hit the opponent.

When the opponent slashes over, he can naturally slash the opponent, so he doesn't need to see the flaws in the latter's movements.

After listening to Xiao Zhi's review, Manchung lowered his head with a lonely face.

Simply put, how can it be so easy to implement! !

"Thank you for your hard work, Elleido"

In the end, he could only take back his original Pokémon and announced that his Caiyou Conference was over.

"Eluroredo lost his ability to fight, and the Lizard King won. So in this quarter-final match, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town will advance!!"

As the referee's voice fell, the arena burst into applause.

Xiao Zhi stepped forward and patted the Lizard King on the shoulder, but his eyes were looking in one direction of the spectator seats.

A tall, elite trainer-like man was staring at himself with a solemn expression.

"Tetsuya, it's your turn next."

After the battle, he was full of loneliness and walked back to the center of the elf quite lonely.

Compared to Xiao Zhi's several partners, he was more like a lone wolf.

Frail and sick from childhood, full of friends and no friends.

Later, he challenged the gym and collected badges. Trying to become stronger has consumed all his energy, and he was simply unable to make new friends.

"Full, you've done a great job!"

"What an amazing trainer~!"

What was unexpected was that two familiar figures were already waiting for him at the exit.

One is a bald middle-aged man who looks very kind.

The other is a woman with short green hair, about twenty years old, who looks very sweet and gentle.

It is Manchong's uncle and cousin Aman.

"Uncle, cousin, I'm sorry, I lost"

Seeing his relatives, he lowered his head in shame.

The two were naturally a consolation. Half a year ago, they could not have imagined that their nephew (cousin), who was so weak that he could barely hear his voice, could show such audacity on the field.

"Then this is a gift for you~!"

At this time, the full uncle handed over something.

When Manchu was put into his hand, he found that it was a small beaded glass ball with a strange long ribbon inlaid inside.

"This is.?"

"This is Elurado's mega stone. If it is you, you will definitely be able to go further with Elurado!"

Uncle Manchu said with a smile.

This stone is also a treasure that he has collected for a long time.

"Uncle, I, but I like to see what I look like when it's full of battle~!"

"woo woo uncle"

Seeing the uncle and nephew hugging each other, Aman next to him was moved and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Don't cry, if the beautiful lady has to cry, then Xiaosheng's shoulder will always belong to you~!"

I don't know when, Xiaogang also came over and gently wiped the tears from the corners of Aman's eyes.

As for his best friend Ash
It's only the quarter-finals, isn't Xiao Zhi enough to have a hand? There's really nothing to pay attention to.

On the other hand, when Xiao Zhi exited the stage, he met an unexpected person.

He was wearing an old robe with gray hair, and his clothes were quite exotic, just like an adventurer.
"Sigana? Why are you here?"

Xiao Zhi was shocked, it was the people of Meteor who were doing things all over the place before.

But after the two parted at the Pillar of the Sky, he didn't know where Sijana went.


However, at this moment, Sigana has lost the arrogance and arrogance of Zeng Jin, and her aggressive hostility has completely disappeared. Her dark face has some obvious apologies.

"Well, I seem to have done a lot of wrong things and always feel that I have to say sorry."

After speaking, Sigana suddenly bowed to Ash.

This made Xiao Zhi stunned. That arrogant Sigana would still make such a move?

"Then let's review it first, what did you do wrong?"


Sigana gave him a question mark look.

That day, Ash rode a black rift seat and flew towards the falling catastrophe meteorite.

Seeing that the meteorite completely disappeared over the Fangyuan area, Sijana also knew that she had completely lost to Ash.

Dragon God messenger exists.
And she was not that person.

Provoked the desire for war between the Lava Team and the Ocean Team, and even released two ancient gods, Groudon and Kyogre, which almost caused another catastrophe.

Fortunately, in the end, the two ancient gods also put away their fighting spirit and both disappeared.

"My vision is too narrow, I can only see what is in front of me"

Sigana looked up at the sky and said with a bit of emotion.

"That's right, and your brain is too paranoid and easy to be enchanted."

Xiao Zhi nodded and said, adding something serious.

Sigana: "."

Why does it feel different from the apology scene she imagined?
"Anyway, I'm going to go to other regions next, to see what the whole world is like."

Finally, return to the Meteor, and truly protect this area as a citizen of the Meteor.

Then, under Ash's unsure eyes, Sigana bowed again.

This is the respectful etiquette that the Meteor Citizens will only do when they face the envoy of the Dragon God.

Then he threw a brown cloth bag at Ash.


With a puzzled look on his face, Xiao Zhi grabbed the small cloth bag and weighed it a little, not knowing it.

When I poured it out, I saw two pieces of white hard armor about a finger long.

Although the appearances are somewhat similar and seem unremarkable, the vast aura from above made Xiao Zhi tremble.

"Is this something of an ancient god?"

"Well, these are Groudon's nails and Kyogre's fins that I collected are meaningless now, so I'll give them to you."

Sigana showed a wry smile.

Hearing Xiaozhi's eyes were surprised.

Meaning it's Groudon's nails, and Kyogre's.
Shark fins?

(End of this chapter)

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