He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1234 Semifinals, vs Tetsuya! !

Chapter 1234 Semifinals, vs Tetsuya! !
After handing over the body remnants of Groudon and Kyogre to Ash, Sigana put on a cloak and left here in a hurry.

Next, she plans to go to Yanmo City in the Chengdu area to see the Holy Land of Dragons there.

It wasn't until the person walked away that Xiao Zhi looked at the two objects in his hand.

Then he took out a black dragon scale from his pocket and placed it in his palm.

He has gathered all the tokens of the gods of the three gods of Fangyuan.

Of course, the aura of God on Groudon and Kyogre's hard armor seems to be very weak. It is estimated that the lava team used the scarlet orb to establish contact with Groudon and helped to trim their nails.
This is completely different from the dragon scales that the black fissure seat voluntarily gave and injected a rich, unique breath into it.

"Speaking of which, I have almost collected all the gods in the Fangyuan area."

Xiao Zhi thought about it, Fangyuan Sanshen.
Latias is considered to be a mythical beast in half of the Fangyuan area, and it can be uprooted and feathered at that time.
Deoxys also has a spiritual compression crystal, and Jirachi can also find her and throw something at that time.

"It's just the three sacred pillars of Mr. Koujiro."

When the Alliance Conference is over, head to the Battle Frontier area, just to collect all of them.

Then he can be considered to have collected the tokens of the gods in the three regions.

"Outrageous, only three?"

Ash always feels like he's been through a long period of time, only to finish the three regions.
There seem to be many regions in this world.

However, since they were all going to collect the top materials from the beginning, there is no reason not to continue to move in this direction.

Xiaozhi intends to create the most perfect god's body for Chi!
"Don't thank me, Brother Chi."

Xiao Zhi said in his heart.


He predicted that Xiao Zhi would definitely say no thanks, so he didn't express his gratitude.

But for Ash, as long as I think you're thankful, that's thanks, and I can say "no thanks".


What spiritual victory tactics?
As for the other two quarterfinals of the Caiyou Conference, they were scheduled for the second day.

There was also no suspense in the second half of the competition, Yuuki and Xiaoyao each faced their opponents.

Due to the disparity in strength, the 6v6 battle was completely one-sided, and the ending was extremely neat.

Then the situation becomes clear.

"The semi-final in the first half is Ash vs. Tetsuya. The semi-final in the second half is Yuki vs. Xiaoyao."

Xiaogang said quite seriously, these four people are not simple.


Xiaozhi expressed regret for this, and he also wanted to fight Xiaoyao and see the power of the latter.

Soon, the day of the semi-finals came.

Since the level of the contestants in this session has improved a lot compared to previous sessions, it has attracted more spectators to come and watch.

Not only that, but the Four Heavenly Kings of the Fangyuan Alliance Conference and the Alliance Champion Michaeli all appeared in the semi-finals and sat in the spectator seats to watch the game.

Of course, most of the eyes are focused on one end of the field below.
At both ends of the arena covered with solid ice, Satoshi and Tetsuya were ready, and their fighting spirit was high.

The semi-final is an ice arena. The cold temperature, slippery ice surface, and rising icicles are all environments that trainers need to pay attention to, or can take advantage of.

"Then this is my first Pokémon!!"

Tetsuya looked solemn, and dispatched the first Pokémon.

The red light flashed, and a gray-blue steel crab appeared on the ice.

The angular steel mountain body, the flat body, is surrounded by four hard arms like iron dumbbells.

Giant gold monster!
Tetsuya started off as the quasi-god of the signature, and he was still in his final form, and he ignited the entire arena in an instant!

"Is there a giant gold monster?"

Xiao Zhi was a little surprised. He had never seen the latter use it in the previous quarterfinals and [-] rounds. It seemed that he regarded it as a hole card.
"The giant gold monster with super power attributes. Since that's the case, then it's decided to be you!!"

With a flip of his palm, Ash also threw a Poké Ball.

The red light dissipated, but a brown-gray stone pier was smashed to the ground heavily, with a gap like a crack above it.

Everyone was still wondering, thinking it was a rock-type Pokémon.

However, I saw a purple mist suddenly rise from the crack, gradually solidifying, turning into a continuously rotating purple vortex mist.

In the flat and wide vortex, a pair of mutilated eyes and cracks bent like lightning could barely be seen.

Around it are spinning green bubbles of different sizes. This is the soul that is constantly swimming in its body!

Flower Rock Monster! !

It's the Pokémon that Ash caught on the abandoned platform of Viola!

The flower rock monsters with evil attributes and ghost attributes can almost be said to be the most perfect combination of attributes.

Not only can it be completely immune to the three attributes, but all the remaining attributes, except the fairy attribute can cause outstanding effects, there is no other powerful attribute!

Moreover, at this moment, the evil and ghost attributes can both deal a good blow to the giant gold monster in front of him!
"What Pokemon is this?!"

Not to mention most of the audience, even Zhe was frightened by the Pokémon in front of him, like a ghost potted plant flying out of a stone, really infiltrating people.

"Please, Huayan Monster, defeat that guy!"

Listening to Xiao Zhi's voice behind, the Huayan Monster still kept a dangerous and miserable smile, but he also listened.

"Jie Jie~!"

After all, the latter defeated and subdued himself head-on, and he didn't complain about anything.

And the environment of the Damu Research Institute is much better than the abandoned sea platform.
Just as if he stayed for a long time, the old human man might also lose a few years of his life?

It doesn't matter, just one more soul died, and your body is the best cemetery!

The battle begins! !

"Flower rock monster, use shadow sneak attack!"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's command, the Huayan Monster wanted to sneak into his shadow immediately.

"Don't give it a chance, use Bullet Punch!!"


However, I only heard a muffled metal sound, and a figure turned into a streamer and rushed towards it, and then a powerful fist smashed the flower rock monster directly!
The bullet fist that took the lead, stopped the latter's shadow sneak attack.

"Since that's the case, use the immobilization technique!!"

Xiao Zhi quickly changed his strategy.

I saw the vortex of the ghostly shadow of the flower rock monster spinning, and strange energy appeared.
This time, the giant gold monster can no longer use bullet fist.

Xiaozhi also has a metal monster himself, and he knows that bullet fisting is a very difficult move, so let's block it first!
"Tsk, it really is a ghost elf, so disgusting from the beginning"

The bullet fist was sealed, and Tetsuya naturally showed his true skills.

"The giant gold monster, use the comet punch!!"

(End of this chapter)

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