He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1237 Lizard King vs Flame Chicken! !

Chapter 1237 Lizard King vs Flame Chicken! !


Seeing that the flame chicken appeared, he was full of fighting spirit, and Xiao Zhi laughed behind him.

Wouldn't anyone think he'd use the Lizard King against the Lizard King?
"Flaming Chicken, this time you can shoot with all your strength. When I say full power shot, I mean that the opponent can't fight, not kill the opponent."

Halfway through, Xiao Zhi felt that he still had to remind him.


The Lizard King on the opposite side was stunned. Why did this big turkey have such a vicious expression that he wanted to kill himself?

Do we have a grudge?
However, the fiery flames that erupted from the latter's body made the lizard king faintly have bad thoughts.

The battle begins!
"Lizard King, use the leaf blade!!"

"Flame chicken, use flame kick!!"

At the beginning, both of them used their own signature tricks.

The bright green sickle flashed out and slashed towards the target.

The flaming chicken, on the other hand, sprinted a few times, and then jumped high, sweeping out the flaming kick.

Boom! !
The collision of moves, stalemate for a moment in the air.

After all, the flame kick occupied the advantage in attributes, and it quickly kicked the Lizard King upside down, and it stabilized after several consecutive somersaults.

"Keep using the flame kick!!"

The flaming chicken leaped to the target, and the flames on its legs had not yet dissipated.

"Lizard King, use shadow clone!!"

However, Tetsuya's Lizard King split into countless clones in an instant, and the green figure covered every corner of the ice.

Xiao Zhi immediately commanded:
"In that case, use the flame vortex!!"

The flaming chicken opened its beak, and the fiery flame breathed out, turning into a flame tornado soaring into the sky.

Chi Chi Chi.!

Not only was the shadow of the Lizard King burning in the audience, but even the ice surface under his feet was burning wildly, and a white mist rose up.
"Right now, use the Leaf Slash!!"

The rising white fog also made the Lizard King seize the opportunity, waved the green light sickle again, and flew out!

The water mist was too heavy to see where the opponent would attack, so Chi simply said directly:

"Use Bodybuilding!!"

The flaming chicken understood, put on a bodybuilding posture in place, and the muscles of the body swelled visibly.

This also increases its defense by one level.

Whoosh! !
The next moment, the cunning Leaf Blade chopped right on the back of the Flaming Chicken, making a long mark.

It hurt a little, but this blow also made the flaming chicken completely angry.


The flaming chicken reflexively is a violent flame kick back, both in power and speed, and the latter has no time to react, and there is a burning sensation on his face.

Boom! !
The Lizard King was kicked and flew out.

The effect is outstanding! !
With one hit, the powerful kick even dissipated the surrounding fog.

"Puxia, Pixia!!"

It's just that the whole body of the flaming chicken was ignited with flames, and it looked extremely angry and shouted again and again.


He couldn't understand what happened to the flaming chicken.

Lizard King: "?"

It got up from the ground, although it understood Pokémon language, but it did not understand what the latter wanted to express.

What does it mean when you keep shouting, "A slash like yours is far worse than that guy, you're insulting the Lizard King"?
Swish! !
The flame chicken jumped directly into the air ten meters, and the jumping power was amazing.

"Right now, use Brave Bird Attack!!"

Xiao Zhi naturally cooperated at the first time.

The falling flaming chicken was instantly covered with dazzling red light, and then turned into a faint blue flame in the process of falling rapidly.
"Lizard King, we use crazy plants!!"

On the other hand, Zhe also made a big move directly!


I saw the Lizard King's palms slammed to the ground in front of him.

Wow wow wow.! !
The entire ice surface burst open in an instant, and among them, several extremely thick thorn roots were extended, intertwined, and rushed towards the fierce attack of the brave birds!

Boom boom.! !
The collision of moves caused a violent explosion in the air, and the broken wood and energy heat waves rolled.



The Lizard King fell into a state of rigidity from a mad plant, and the Flaming Chicken was a little bit uncontrollable in mid-air because of the back injury.
"Flame Kick!!"

But after all, it was only a back injury, not a complete rigidity. The flaming chicken was the first to come back to his senses, ignited the flames, and kicked again!
It wasn't until the flame kick came to him that the Lizard King had his eyes fixed.

"It's right now, use it and see it!!"

Under the extreme circumstances, the Lizard King's eyes flickered, and his figure was slightly skewed, and he avoided the flame kick in a very thrilling manner.

"Next is Leaf Slash!!"

Familiar tactics, let the muscle memory of the Lizard King condense the leaf-blade sickle and chop up!
Whoosh! !
The leaf blade cut directly on the chest of the flame chicken!
It's just that the edge of the knife seems to be rusty and dull, and it is difficult to pull it out after cutting it in half.

In front of him was a turkey warrior with an unusually sharp expression.

"Hold it and use Bounce!!"

The flaming chicken's strong claws stuck out, nails embedded in the flesh and blood, and firmly grasped the body of the Lizard King.

His lower limbs stomped on the ground, and he took the Lizard King directly to a height of ten meters.


The sudden change made the Lizard King subconsciously struggle in the air.

It's just that his body seems to be bound by steel, and he can't move even a little bit.
And Xiaozhi has already shown a dangerous look, and roared loudly:
"End it, just use Flare Charge!!"

Under the action of gravity, the flaming chicken that reached the commanding heights began to fall.

Swish bang bang! !
The whole body is even more madly burning with flames
This is not the same as the previous brave bird's onslaught, which is all red flames, but the latter is just pure flight attribute energy.

At this moment, the fiery flame of the flashing charge completely burned the Lizard King in the arms of the flaming chicken.

The state of complete weightlessness also made him not know how to break free for a while.

The next moment, the flame burned to the extreme, and the speed of the fall also reached its peak.
The flaming chicken hugged the Lizard King, carrying a fiery flame, and slammed into the ice surface below!

Of course, the Lizard King's head was down there, before it hit the ground.

Boom boom boom.!!

The terrifying impact instantly knocked this piece of ground out of a huge pothole, and layers of cracks spread around.

And the fiery flames swept the audience, completely melting the ice surface that had been melted to half.

The white mist evaporated again, covering the entire arena
As the mist dissipated.

The Ice Arena has now become the Rock Arena again.

Tetsuya's Lizard King also fell in the ruins, unable to move.

"Puxia, Pixia!!"

The flaming chicken at the other end was constantly spewing flames towards the sky, venting his anger.

Although it is really comfortable to beat the Lizard King
But this "fake" was not as strong as that one Lizard King, which made the Flaming Chicken very embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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