He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1238 vs Meow in Boots!

Chapter 1238 vs Meow in Boots!

The semi-finals of the first half continue
"Come back, Iron Hand Warrior."

But at this moment, with the fall of the Iron Hand Warrior in front of him, Tetsuya only had the last Pokémon left.


Before Zheya's command, he had been standing beside him, and Miaomiao, who was cold and hugging her chest, had already taken the initiative to jump on the field.

Wearing boots one size larger, a red scarf around his neck, a cowboy hat on his head, and a fancy feather on the brim of the hat to talk about his appearance, very cool.

Coupled with that aggressive aura, the cat's claws were exposed, and he hooked Chao Xiaozhi provocatively.

It seems that the situation at the moment is the great superiority of Tetsuya.

Although Tetsu didn't want that, the words still came to his mind.

"If you win one today, you will win."

Before the battle, he didn't know that the gap between him and Xiaozhi was so big, but at this moment it was his Meowmeow debut, and Zhe was very confident.


Before Ash could command, Pikachu on his shoulders had already jumped into the arena one step ahead.

It has long wanted to slam this arrogant meow.

Only it Pikachu can be so arrogant!

The originally heated battle, now at the final match point, suddenly turned into a duel between two little guys.
This made the whole venue completely boil!
The cuter you look, the more powerful you are when you fight!
The battle begins! !

"Pikachu, use [-] volts!!"

Xiaozhi naturally chose this most classic starting style.

It's just that Pikachu has just arched his back, ready to exert his strength.

"Meow, use the high five surprise attack!!"

The speed of Miaomiao wearing boots was not disturbed in the slightest, and she stepped out in an instant and slapped Pikachu in front of her.

The crisp slap made Pikachu's movements stiff.

"Meow, we use [-] volts!!"

This time, Tetsuya took the initiative to attack.

Miaomiao arched her body, and a strong current burst out, and then fell completely on Pikachu.


However, in the electric light, Pikachu just showed a scraping look, indicating that the electricity was not enough to tickle him.

"Do you want to compare electricity. We also use [-] volts!!"

"Pika, Chuu!!"

The corners of Pikachu's mouth raised a dangerous arc, the cheek electric airbags burst, and the dazzling electric light broke out of Pikachu's body in an instant, and instantly overwhelmed the latter's electric shock.

Boom boom boom! !

Then it completely landed on Miaomiao.

Extremely strong electricity, when Miaomiao was about to explode backwards, long traces were drawn on the ground by her lower limbs.

This is not a level of electricity at all!
"Meow, quickly use the steel tail and insert it into the ground!!"

Hearing Tetsuya's command, Miaomiao came back to her senses. She tried to raise her tail in the electric light, covered it with cold metal light, and then stuck it to the ground.


In an instant, a powerful current flowed completely into the ground using the iron tail as a conductor.


Even so, Miaomiao was still breathing heavily, and her body was full of blue smoke.

"There are a lot of skills to master"

This scene surprised Xiao Zhi.

In other words, this seems to be a normal Meow Meow, a Pokémon with ordinary attributes, and Team Rocket's Meow Meow, which can master many attributes, is a strange species.

"Meow meow, lightning flashes!"

"Pikachu, we also use Lightning Flash!!"

The moves of the two are very similar, and this time they competed for speed.

On the field, two white lights were beating rapidly.

Bang Bang!

Bang Bang! !
They collided with each other in the gap between the beatings, making a powerful explosion sound, white light splashing everywhere, and no one was able to overwhelm anyone for a while.

"In that case, let it see the real speed Pikachu, use the speed!!"

Pikachu understood, and the speed instantly stepped into another dimension, and even the white light on his body dissipated, leaving only a faint blurry blue light.


This time, Miaomiao was completely dumbfounded. Even if it was fast enough, it still couldn't catch the tracks of the thief and mouse.

I haven't even reacted yet, I just feel a blue light flashing from the corner of my eye.

Boom! !
Then, as if hit by a heavy hammer in the chest, Meow Meow flew out.


Being completely suppressed in speed, Miaomiao got up from the ground quite unwillingly.

Looking at the Electric Rat standing on a stone pillar with his hips on his hips not far away, he was even more annoyed.

But it can't defeat the latter head-on, and can only smash the ground with an angry hammer
"Miaomiao calm down, don't fall for the opponent's provocation!"

At this time, Tetsuya hurriedly spoke.

This electric mouse is scheming and sinister, and even deliberately ridiculed it with a big advantage, trying to provoke Miaomiao and let it leak out.


However, Pikachu only tilted his head slightly.

Don't be embarrassed, it really only has the intention of mocking, and has no other meaning.

"The battle isn't over yet, meow, the waves of water!!"

Miaomiao understood, and a water bomb condensed in her palm. Then she slammed into the ground in front of her.

Boom puff..! !
The water mist exploded, creating the effect of a smoke bomb.

When the water mist dissipated, Xiao Zhi found that there was only Pikachu left in Nuoda's arena.

As for the meow, not to the left or right, not in the sky "Pikachu, use the iron tail against the ground!!"

Xiaozhi said decisively, it seems that he used the trick of digging a hole under the cover of the wave of water, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

"Pika Chupi!"

Pikachu jumped high, and hit the steel tail heavily and fell to the ground.


The seismic waves spread out layer by layer, and surrounded the underground entity in all directions.

Boom! !
The next moment, a figure suddenly burst out of the ground, and it was actually shaken vertically by the seismic wave!

"Right now, use Iron Tail!!"

Pikachu jumped up at once, and the steel tail swept away vigorously in the air, hitting Miaomiao's stomach.

Bang Bang! !
The unstoppable force almost broke Miaomiao's body, and the latter's body fell to the ground like a cannonball, splashing a puff of smoke.

Just when Xiaozhi had already won the secret road, he saw that the face of Tetsuya was a little strange.


Xiao Zhi secretly screamed badly.

Still in mid-air, behind Pikachu, who had finished finishing work, a figure appeared strangely.

But I saw Miaomiao jumping up as if nothing happened, and the raised cat's paw was covered with a layer of sinister and dark energy.

Whoosh! !
Shadow Claw! !

Meow Meow's Shadow Claw was ripping at Pikachu's back with such force that this time it was Pikachu's turn to fall quickly.

"Pickup, pickup!!"

After landing, my back hurt and I wanted to touch the wound. But because my arms were too short, I couldn't touch the center of my back at all, and I was extremely annoyed.

(There is only one update today.)
(End of this chapter)

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