He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1239 Advancement, finals!

Chapter 1239 Advancement, finals!
"This is.?!"

Looking at the sudden appearance of Miaomiao, Xiaozhi looked at the "Miaomiao" who was shot down by the steel tail.

The latter had now turned into a pool of melted white ooze.

"Is it a substitute trick? It's really ruthless."

Only then did Xiaozhi realize it, and expended a lot of physical strength to create a double cover, just to hit this blow.

"Not tough enough, I can't beat you."

Tetsuya has already put on the look of breaking the boat, and his eyes are very firm.

The moves that Miaomiao has mastered at this moment, except for the last move, all other moves have been used.

Then this trick can also be used.

"Let's decide, meow meow, use the treasure!!"

"Meow Li!!"

Miaomiao let out a sharp growl, and then rushed towards Pikachu.

The whole body burst into a burst of rich colorful light and arrogance in an instant, and the momentum climbed to the peak!
Treasure is a big trick with general attributes, the power is close to the ultimate impact, and it doesn't even have any side effects.

But you must use all your moves in advance before you can perform this last treasured move.

Coupled with the blessing of Meow Meow's attributes
"This strength is no less than that of Xiao Mao's Ibrahimovic collection."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but blurt out.

But now that Ibrahimovic has evolved into a Moon Ibrahimovic.

"Since the other party wants to fight, we naturally have to go all out Pikachu and use high-voltage electric shocks!!"


Immediately, Pikachu stepped on the ground with his forelegs and rushed out, covering his entire body with dazzling golden arcs.

Crackling! !
Sparks and lightning flashed along the way, flashing shock waves of lightning, and even completely covered the internal Pikachu figure.

Boom boom boom! !

In the end, the two big tricks collided together!
Not only the collision of energy arrogance, but at the center, the figures of Meow and Pikachu also collided head-on.



One cat and one mouse are all exerting all their strength, raising their own strength to the highest level, trying to overwhelm the opponent.


However, after less than half a minute of stalemate, the terrifying electric light source on Pikachu's body continued to emerge.

Under the blessing of electricity, the scale of the lightning shock wave continued to expand, completely overshadowing the colorful arrogance of the treasured trick.

On the other end of the Miaomiao, the figure has begun to keep going backwards in the stalemate.

Boom boom boom! !

In the end, the move completely broke out! !
Miaomiao, who was wearing boots, was the first to be knocked out by the shock wave and fell heavily on the field!


And Pikachu is still castrated, not only completely smashed the colorful energy in front of him, but also continued to sprint forward with a high-voltage electric shock, dragging a huge gully trace on the ground.

Boom! !
As the lightning spread around, causing a violent explosion, Pikachu stopped.

There was an arc of anti-injury on the surface of the body, but it made Pikachu grin a little in pain.

But Miaomiao on the opposite side had completely lost consciousness under this blow and fell to the ground.

"Is there such a big gap in strength?"

This also made Tetsuya lowered his head sadly.

Even his ace Miaomiao did not achieve any suppression at all.

In front of Pikachu, even the king of the alliance can't resist it, right?

The four kings of the alliance in the stands were all under this blow, with grim expressions.

What kind of ghost electric rat is this, how can there be such a strong electricity!

Even the league champion Mikoli didn't dare to be careless, and his expression was tense.

This young man is much stronger than he imagined.!
"Miaomiao lost the ability to fight, and Pikachu won. So in this semi-final, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town will win and advance!!"

As the referee's voice fell, Zhe Ye stepped forward and hugged Miaomiao, his movements seemed a little stiff and heavy.

Like Pikachu, his Meow doesn't like getting into the Poké Ball.

"You are really strong, Xiaozhi!"

Looking at the young man walking in front of him, he is obviously a few years younger than him, but once he enters the battle, it can give him such a strong sense of oppression.
This time at the Caiyou Conference, he was right.

To meet such a master!

"Tetsuya, you are also very strong."

Ash stepped forward and shook hands in a friendly way.

It's not that the opponent is too weak, I can only say that my current self seems to be really strong!

"Unfortunately, it's not about one point high or low in the final."

Tetsuya sighed, if this is the pinnacle of the battle, then even if you lose, there is nothing to complain about.

Still one step away.

"Then Xiaozhi, let's keep going like this."

Tetsuya didn't say much words of encouragement. With the latter's strength, there should be no problem in winning the championship this time.

"Lend your auspicious words."

Xiaozhi raised his arm slightly, and Pikachu below jumped up skillfully, and quickly lay down on the former's shoulder again.

Hiss, the cat gave it a paw and now the old waist is starting to hurt!
clap clap clap! !
The entire arena, under the handshake of the two, raised a huge cheer.

All the way to the finals of the Caiyou Conference, Xiao Zhi felt that there were no waves, and the process was smooth.

"As expected of Xiaozhi, it's amazing!!"

Shota praised from the side, making no secret of his admiration.

He knew that Xiao Zhi and the Electric God Pillar and the Dragon God Pillar didn't play!

"I don't know when I can reach this level?"

Shota is worried about her future journey.

After all, he can't follow Xiao Zhi all the time. When this conference is over, he has to set off alone for his own trip.

"It's okay Shota, you will be as good as me!"

Xiaozhi opened his mouth and said, that is, I don't know if this sentence is an encouragement or a boast.

At this moment, everyone is sitting in the seats, and off the field, it is the final of the second half.

The protagonists are naturally Yushu and Xiaoyao.

"I didn't expect my sister to be so powerful, and she could directly enter the top 4 just after going out!!"

Also in the viewing seat, Xiaoyao's younger brother, Xiaosheng, was breathing heavily and looked down nervously.

This look, as if he was fighting.

At this moment, Xiaoyao's parents and younger brothers came to the arena to cheer him on.

"Xiaoyao. It's really incredible to have made such a big progress."

The owner of the Chenghua Taoist Hall, Qianli, clasped his chest coldly, but sighed the same in his mouth.

He has watched Xiaoyao's previous battles, even if he looks at it with his old-fashioned eyes, it can still be said to be impeccable.

Moreover, the fighting style is also very similar to his own, which is an indomitable and fierce attack!
My mongoose cut is just for the latter's self-defense. I guess Xiaoyao can control it completely now, right?

"Don't a tiger father have a dog girl~?"

The mother Mitsuko next to her said with a smile, Xiaoyao did give her a strange feeling as if her husband was fighting below.

(End of this chapter)

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